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India vs Pakistan hockey Asian Champions Trophy match

Close match. Congratulations to the winning side. Our goalkeeper should have been more careful. 2 goals in a minute is not acceptable.
We left few holes in defense, but overall we played awesome. Our player played attacking hockey, India did counter strike with no mistake. Overall both team played attacking hockey. It was just bad luck. Bad 1 minute and we lost .lolzzz
I am hoping good sports spirit on both sides instead of hate slogans.
Yeah,you are right, Pak puts extra effort to win against india, but due to emotions, sometimes we don't play according to plan. Chanting Allah Akbar and running all over place, leaving few defense holes, which allows opponent to take advantage and it becomes almost impossible to stop counter attack.
I hope we strict according to plan , and play well.

By chanting God, if team could have win sports, i think we all South Asian could have Olympic Champion....Pakistan India match is always about maintaining emotions....and honestly, i always see Pakistan always falters they are always high on emotion in either Hockey or playing cricket with India....

Some how, although India players are able to make a balance by putting aside emotion while playing with Pakistan..That is the only differentiate between the two...Otherwise, both nation are full of talented players...
Har cheez ? Punjab de do .....kashmir le lo( not jammu and ladakh )
Ladakh hi tau dekhnay wali cheez hae :D men tau kaee bar khwab m b uder se ho aya bc, videos dekh dekh dimag b Ladakhi hogya hae... I hope kashmir become independent within my life and I be able to visit whole of it one day on bike....
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