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India votes against Iran in IAEA

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India votes against Iran in IAEA
AP 27 November 2009, 07:01pm IST

VIENNA: The UN nuclear agency's board censured Iran on Friday, with 25 nations including India backing a resolution that demands Tehran immediately halt construction of its newly revealed nuclear facility and heed UN Security Council resolutions calling on it to stop uranium enrichment.

Iran remained defiant, with its chief representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency declaring that his country would resist "pressure, resolutions, sanction(s) and threat of military attack."

The resolution - and the resulting vote of the IAEA's 35-nation decision-making board - were significant on several counts.

The resolution was endorsed by six world powers - the US, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany - reflecting a rare measure of unity on Iran. Moscow and Beijing have acted as a traditional drag on efforts to punish Iran for its nuclear defiance, either preventing new Security Council sanctions or watering down their potency.

They did not formally endorse the last IAEA resolution in 2006, which referred Iran to the Security Council, starting the process that has resulted in three sets of sanctions on the Islamic Republic. Their backing for the document at the Vienna meeting thus reflected broad international disenchantment with Tehran.

It also appeared to signal possible support for any new Western push for a fourth set of UN sanctions, should Tehran continue shunning international overtures meant to reach agreements that reduce concerns about its nuclear ambitions.

Strong backing for the resolution at the meeting was also notable. Only three nations - Cuba, Venezuela and Malaysia - voted against the document, with five abstentions and one member absent.

That meant even most non-aligned IAEA board members abandoned Tehran, despite their traditional backing of the Islamic Republic. Iran argues that attacks on its nuclear program are an assault on the rights of developing nations to create their own peaceful nuclear energy network. The United States and other nations believe Iran's nuclear program has the goal of creating nuclear weapons.

The IAEA resolution criticized Iran for defying a UN Security Council ban on uranium enrichment - the source of both nuclear fuel and the fissile core of warheads.

It also censured Iran for secretly building a uranium enrichment facility and demanded that it immediately suspend further construction. It noted that IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei cannot confirm that Tehran's nuclear program is exclusively geared toward peaceful uses, and expressed ``serious concern'' that Iranian stonewalling of an IAEA probe means ``the possibility of military dimensions to Iran's nuclear program'' cannot be excluded.

Ali Asghar Soltanieh, Iran's chief delegate to the IAEA, shrugged off the vote.

``Neither resolutions of the board of governors nor those of the United Nations Security Council ... neither sanctions nor the treat of military attacks, can interrupt peaceful nuclear activities in Iran, even a second,'' he told the closed meeting, in remarks made available to reporters.

India votes against Iran in IAEA - Europe - World - The Times of India
India votes against Iran in IAEA
AP 27 November 2009, 07:01pm IST

India votes against Iran in IAEA - Europe - World - The Times of India

What a twisted world view! Its so pathetic! Its very clear that you have an India obsession! Pity!

Anyhow, more importantly you also forgot to mention that most of the other countries in our world (yes there are other countries in the world you live in apart from Pakistan, China, paradise Kashmir and arch nemesis India!) have also voted against Iran! Not to mention your all weather friend "China" who is apparently more closer to the Iranian regime than India.

Here read into this you might get an understanding why Iran is being censured:

UN Nuclear Chief: Negotiations With Iran at 'Dead End'
Mohamed ElBaradei says there has been no movement by Iran for some time on issues of concern about its nuclear program.
The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency says the organization has reached a dead end in a probe into Iran's nuclear program. The IAEA's board is meeting to consider a resolution condemning Iran's nuclear program.

In remarks to the International Atomic Energy Agency's board, IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei expressed frustration over Iran's failure to cooperate with the Vienna-based agency. Mr. ElBaradei leaves office at the end of November, and his remarks have grown sharply more critical of Iran in recent months.

On Thursday, he said he was disappointed that Iran had not agreed on a deal to further enrich its uranium overseas. The deal has the support of the United States, Russia and France and it aims to provide a safeguard that Iran's uranium is not being used to make a nuclear weapon.

"In my view the proposed agreement presents a unique opportunity after many years of animosity and hostility to address a humanitarian need and create a space for negotiation. This opportunity should be seized and it would be highly regrettable if it was missed," he said.

Mr. ElBaradei also criticized Iran for hiding its efforts to build a uranium enrichment site until early September. Iran began building the site two years ago, and he says, plans to make it operational by 2011.

"Iran's late declaration of the new facility reduces confidence in the absence of other nuclear facilities under construction in Iran which have not been declared by the agency," he added.

Mr. ElBaradei's comments come as the IAEA board is considering a draft resolution on Iran. According to press reports, the draft urges Iran to halt construction of the uranium enrichment site and to confirm that it has no other hidden nuclear activities. Diplomats are reportedly confident the measure will be passed. But Iran's ambassador to the IAEA told a German newspaper that Tehran would reduce its cooperation with the IAEA to a minimum if that happens.

Much of the world community fears Iran is trying to build a nuclear weapon. Tehran insists its efforts are for peaceful purposes only.
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India plays double game.....
Iran shld get up now.
What a twisted world view! Its so pathetic! Its very clear that you have an India obsession! Pity!

I have not added a single word here in this news. The News is filed by AP and picked up by Indian media. :) lets not fume over something which is true.

Anyhow, more importantly you also forgot to mention that most of the other countries in our world (yes there are other countries in the world you live in apart from Pakistan, China, paradise Kashmir and arch nemesis India!) have also voted against Iran! Not to mention your all weather friend "China" who is apparently more closer to the Iranian regime than India.

Here read into this you might get an understanding why Iran is being censured:


I posted the news as it is filed by media wires. China had never been as close to Iran as India once was.

The world drives on the basis of interests and there are no perminent friends or foes :) India had joined US club and must be obliged to side with US for own interests, so there is nothing to be annoyed if your country had voted against a country once it was her close friend.
India plays double game.....
Iran shld get up now.

Lol, if you support Iran so much, why did Pakistan not vote for or against the sanctions? Empty coinsack to decide where you want to go?

IAEA Votes To Censure Iran Over Enrichment Facility
Only 3 countries voted against the censure - Venezuela (as usual what with that crazy Hugo there), Cuba (again not a surprise here) and Malaysia (surprising!)

However 6 countries decided to abstain (and that usually largely means that though they don't agree with the resolution, they do not vote against it)...those countries are Afghanistan, Brazil, Egypt, Pakistan, South Africa and Turkey!
Lol, if you support Iran so much, why did Pakistan not vote for or against the sanctions? Empty coinsack to decide where you want to go?

IAEA Votes To Censure Iran Over Enrichment Facility
Only 3 countries voted against the censure - Venezuela (as usual what with that crazy Hugo there), Cuba (again not a surprise here) and Malaysia (surprising!)

However 6 countries decided to abstain (and that usually largely means that though they don't agree with the resolution, they do not vote against it)...those countries are Afghanistan, Brazil, Egypt, Pakistan, South Africa and Turkey!

:) Atleast we remained neutral. Besides Iran was more supportive of Indian policies against Pakistan so the onus is on India.

You have stabbed them once again
:) Atleast we remained neutral. Besides Iran was more supportive of Indian policies against Pakistan so the onus is on India.

You have stabbed them once again

Telling a Friend that he is Wrong is Not Stabbing.
India is Iran's Friend but we will not Support any Nation whose poilicies are against ours this includes Iran,Israel and even US.

Moreover, We had exchanged visits between the two countries.
Iran understands India's position.
:) Atleast we remained neutral. Besides Iran was more supportive of Indian policies against Pakistan so the onus is on India.

You have stabbed them once again

Just like the way Pakistan had stabbed US by not voting with them after getting billions in aid:pop:
I have not added a single word here in this news. The News is filed by AP and picked up by Indian media. :) lets not fume over something which is true.
Of course, you didnt change anything in the topic. You just posted the topic to emphasize the role of the Indians in voting against Iran at the IAEA. You failed to emphasize that Russia and China, who were once strong supporters of Iran's nuclear program have ultimately decided to censure the regime for their non-compliance.

Personally I do believe that Iran has the right to enrich its own uranium. Iran is a signatory to the NPT (unlike India and Pakistan and N. Korea) and under their rules, Iran indeed has the right. However, in the present scenario, considering Iran's posturing and its history of hiding its nuclear program, the world has a very bleak view of Iran's apparent efforts at reconciliation. Its belligerent attitude and refusal to honestly negotiate a middle path even with Russia and China have frustrated efforts to really help the Iranians.
I posted the news as it is filed by media wires. China had never been as close to Iran as India once was.
Iran was banking on China and Russia to help see it through the UNSC, which till now they did. Not anymore.
The world drives on the basis of interests and there are no perminent friends or foes :) India had joined US club and must be obliged to side with US for own interests, so there is nothing to be annoyed if your country had voted against a country once it was her close friend.
India has a very good reason for voting against Iran in the IAEA! India like China does not want another country with nuclear weapons in the neighborhood, which would lead to a nuclear arms race between the Middle Eastern (or West Asian - perspectives!) countries, not to mention Israel deciding to exercise its pre-emptive "defensive" attacks!
Just like the way Pakistan had stabbed US by not voting with them after getting billions in aid:pop:

:) US has stabbed us many times so our case is 50-50

Iran never stabbed India.

Your logic is completly unjustified.

India took such decisions against Iran only after you had started ganging up with US.
Of course, you didnt change anything in the topic. You just posted the topic to emphasize the role of the Indians in voting against Iran at the IAEA. You failed to emphasize that Russia and China, who were once strong supporters of Iran's nuclear program have ultimately decided to censure the regime for their non-compliance

The chinese and Russian case is totally different. They did not vote against Iran under any pressure from US. Whereas India is in a fix after having a parternership with US. There is nothing wrong with safegaurding one's interests.

Personally I do believe that Iran has the right to enrich its own uranium. Iran is a signatory to the NPT (unlike India and Pakistan and N. Korea) and under their rules, Iran indeed has the right. However, in the present scenario, considering Iran's posturing and its history of hiding its nuclear program, the world has a very bleak view of Iran's apparent efforts at reconciliation. Its belligerent attitude and refusal to honestly negotiate a middle path even with Russia and China have frustrated efforts to really help the Iranians.

India and Pakistan also had a history of hiding their nuclear program so lets do not try to be more clean.

India has a very good reason for voting against Iran in the IAEA! India like China does not want another country with nuclear weapons in the neighborhood, which would lead to a nuclear arms race between the Middle Eastern (or West Asian - perspectives!) countries, not to mention Israel deciding to exercise its pre-emptive "defensive" attacks!

:) why not to oppose Isreal on the same pretext of nuclear arm race??

Anyway every country under the sun has the right to have nukes for self defence unless the big fishes destroy all their nukes.
:) US has stabbed us many times so our case is 50-50

Iran never stabbed India.

Your logic is completly unjustified.

India took such decisions against Iran only after you had started ganging up with US.

India never said that it will support Iran's nuclear program. It is not back stabbing.
India has a very good bilateral relations with Iran that does not mean that India will support Iran making a nuclear weapon. :cheers:
Every country had its right to making nuclear weapon but should have the responsibility to safe guard it.
:) US has stabbed us many times so our case is 50-50

Iran never stabbed India.

Your logic is completly unjustified.

India took such decisions against Iran only after you had started ganging up with US.

Logic unjustified? India's romance with the US continues. Hence it's vote. Nothing surprising.

Rather, Pakistan was living in US' aid and amidst fear of repercussions with any "against Iran" vote(considering already tense relations with Iran).
So, it chose to be a cat on the wall, rather than facing the American/Persian music:rolleyes:
No choice really.
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