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India votes against Iran in IAEA

Can you prove Iran has one ? or even near completing it. even IAEA is not sure

Where have you been? Not reading the news?

Iran doesnt have any nuclear weapons, but they do have uranium enrichment program which they say is for peaceful purposes. However enriching that very uranium to weapons grade, though difficult, is a very reachable milestone for the Iranians and that is exactly what the world fears.

Now no one wants Iran to have that capability, we all saw how Pakistan behaved after they got one (Kargil '99). All the nuclear powers have a "no first use policy" except for Pakistan, we don't want another country with a "first use policy" around in our neighborhood.

IAEA is working to ensure that the Iranians don't get to this level.
Qatar offers LNG for $2.53 per million BTU.

Can you provide the route through which that GAS would Reach India from QATAR...?
:) Atleast we remained neutral. Besides Iran was more supportive of Indian policies against Pakistan so the onus is on India.

You have stabbed them once again

Supportive is a small word Jana.
Iran has awarded construction contracts of billions to india.
On top of this millions of indian work in iran same as they work in mideast.
where as iranian foreign ministry treat very badly with Pakistan embassy staff.
I would not be illusive of this anti iran, indian vote.... let their be no doubt that iranian mullahs which are product of israel are natural allies of anti Pakistan hindus.
Iran doesnt have any nuclear weapons,

Its an assessment which has huge Risk Factor . Looking upon the Way Iran has issued warning against Israel i think they weren't just Chest Beating . Iraq confronted Israel and look what hapend to them . Iranians are well aware of the Israeli Power .
Where have you been? Not reading the news?

Iran doesnt have any nuclear weapons, but they do have uranium enrichment program which they say is for peaceful purposes. However enriching that very uranium to weapons grade, though difficult, is a very reachable milestone for the Iranians and that is exactly what the world fears.

Now no one wants Iran to have that capability, we all saw how Pakistan behaved after they got one (Kargil '99). All the nuclear powers have a "no first use policy" except for Pakistan, we don't want another country with a "first use policy" around in our neighborhood.

IAEA is working to ensure that the Iranians don't get to this level.

I am reading the news and the changing statements of IAEA too :)

Anyway if some countries can see Israel with nukes then i can see no reason why Iran should not have
Can you provide the route through which that GAS would Reach India from QATAR...?

Ships carrying LNG!

btw heres an interesting link:

India’s defence pact with Qatar
It states in this article-
Qatar, with the third-largest reserves of natural gas in the world, has identified India as a big market for its natural gas. RasGas of Qatar has signed a 25-year deal for shipping 7.5 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas annually to terminals in Dahej in Gujarat and in Kochi. The ex-ship price of $2.53 million British thermal unit (mmBtu) is considered a steal in current times of LNG prices breaching $20 per mmBtu. Earlier, Qatar had rescued India by supplying 1.5 million tons of more LNG on a short-term contract basis to recommence the beleaguered Dabhol power plant in Maharashtra, when other nations sought review of gas price due to increase in prices of crude oil. This favourable gesture of the Qatar government has underpinnned the burgeoning economic and staretgic relationship between New Delhi and Doha.
let their be no doubt that iranian mullahs which are product of israel are natural allies of anti Pakistan hindus.

Valid point but things change dramatically in this Dynamic world .Mutual Interests matter .
I am reading the news and the changing statements of IAEA too :)

Anyway if some countries can see Israel with nukes then i can see no reason why Iran should not have

Israel has nukes? :what: Any credible reports or sources? Iran cannot have nuclear weapons because their present regime is very unreliable. Anyway, we've had enough of nuclear weapon states and some have resorted to even making irresponsible statements. The world doesnt need another irresponsible nuclear power.

Oh btw, what do you mean by changing statements of IAEA?
I am reading the news and the changing statements of IAEA too :)

Anyway if some countries can see Israel with nukes then i can see no reason why Iran should not have

Its not only Israel who is afraid of Iran having nukes but also Arab countries like UAE and Saudi too oppose it..I am not saying that Israel is a responsible country but I feel very insecure about man like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad holding nuclear bomb..
Anyway if some countries can see Israel with nukes then i can see no reason why Iran should not have

If you people care so much about Iran's nuke capabilities, then why did you stay neutral? Why did you lack balls to take Iran's side? IMHO that is even worse than voting against. Na idhar ka na udhar ka..bichka..gay business...:rofl:

BTW I would believe India back-stabbed Iran only if anyone shows me some link which establish that India supported it to have nukes before. We never supported it and hence voting against it now. Also we are not in nuclear proliferation business like some of our neighbors. So no backstabbing.

And plz stop worrying about India-Iran relations. It was very good before and it won't become bad in future. so stop dreaming. Except China and Pakistan we have good relations with almost everyone.
Its not only Israel who is afraid of Iran having nukes but also Arab countries like UAE and Saudi too oppose it..I am not saying that Israel is a responsible country but I feel very insecure about man like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad holding nuclear bomb..

The president doesnt have real powers in Iran. I would be much worried if the Ayatollah and his Supreme Council of Clerics would have their fingers on the red button! They hold the ultimate power in Iran along with their Revolutionary guards (with their own army air force and navy and business interests) and Basij militia (hated by the ordinary Iranians!).
If you people care so much about Iran's nuke capabilities, then why did you people stay neutral? Why did you lack balls to take Iran's side?

Its all about the juice which a country provides . Both US and Iran have given significant aid to Pakistan . More Iran has a degree of homogeneity with Pakistan over some regional issues .
Can I expect the righteous MODs of the forum to close down this thread - especially when they made their position clear by locking up the following thread?


Or will the above thread be thrown open too for further discussions?

I would not be surprised if this thread get closed. There are number of threads where truth about india had been posted but because of indian members created collective chaos rather than controlling indian chaos and derailment of thread, threads were closed.This patteren rather encourage indian members to repeat their chaotic tactics.
As repeatedly commented by India, the reasons concern issues relating to pricing and security.
Buying gas at $8 per million BTU when Qatar offers LNG for $2.53 per million BTU.
Considering risks involved in investing in a highly troubled area.

Even China or any other country will have the high price in mind. After all, business is business.

I have been saying this same point myself. The price for gas being demanded by the Iranians was too high for the pipeline to be worth the risk. One had to be really desperate for energy to agree at that price. India currently isnt, and so is not willing to take the risk of the pipeline through "risky" area. Maybe if the price was anywhere closer to what others are demanding, then maybe India will bite the bait. :azn:

Coming back to the topic, India and China have been friendly towards Iran. But I think both were right in opposing Iran in IAEA. Certains comments coming from the Iranian top leadership in recent years has not put the world at ease about their intentions. Thats what might be justifying the votes.

Pakistan has abstained from voting ... I dont see how voting against Iran or abstaining from voting would help the Iranians cause. This point is especially important when you consider that Pakistan is on its road to placing its energy security in the hands of Iran.
Can you provide the route through which that GAS would Reach India from QATAR...?

I suppose LNG is transported via ships from Qatar to a LNG terminal port in India. Qatar is already supplying LNG to India.

Steel Guru : RasGas to ship additional LNG to India
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