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India, US ink $1billion deal for six Super Hercules aircraft

mate@KAL-EL is a sensible and reasonable American who always brings something new to the table.please don't confuse him with @faithfulguy,he has never bashed India rather his posts are quite sensible and mature....
yep buddy... i agree @KAL-EL

Your point was about bringing toilets and poverty. Only the british media does that, not the entire western media.
Mate i saw many western posts. i dont have the energy to post them now...
Thank you for just making my point about "painting with a broad brush" As I personally never commented on those topics, let alone brought any of them up. Yet, because others might have, you lumped me in with them? Then you say "You guys are ignorant and jealous." Who are "you guys?" Again, lumping everyone in. Grow up and stop throwing a tantrum. That is all :agree:

he is a troll , you find 1% of them among indians...
I like bharatiya vayu sena written on that plane in hindi. Wow dil se desi ;)
I thought the Indian Government was angry with Murica :undecided:

I was thinking the same but seems Indian anger is for media and public consumption only and other ways which can pull American beard more vigorously are ignored. If India had put condition that next 6 aircrafts will be ordered if ... then situation would've been different.
I was thinking the same but seems Indian anger is for media and public consumption only and other ways which can pull American beard more vigorously are ignored. If India had put condition that next 6 aircrafts will be ordered if ... then situation would've been different.

If we are angry with someone, why would we display that anger by shooting ourselves in the foot? Six planes is not such a big deal for the USA, or for Boeing - they have churned these out in the hundreds, if not thousands. A billion dollars is peanuts for their military-industrial complex. But those six aircrafts in the spec-ops avatar brings unmatched capability to the IAF, that we cannot get from anywhere else. Defanging ourseles may not be the best way to express displeasure, would it?

This deal, like most military deals we have signed so far with the americans, is more important for India than for USA. Cancelling it would hurt India more than it hurts the US. Indians are not that dumb, to show our anger at somebody by punching our own teeth out.
If India had put condition that next 6 aircrafts will be ordered if ... then situation would've been different.
Why would you put a condition on your purchases......not buying anything would be a better strategy.
The next things needed in order of urgency for IAF for a high tempo operation are actually

I wonder when the deals for these two would be signed. MoD needs to fast track these acquisitions.

Exactly, if the deal for such simple transport aircrafts took so long, how long will those far more important procurements of AWACS and Tankers will take then?
And can IAF please stop this nonsense of procuring them in low numbers only, instead of ordering the really required number directly! We still have no follow orders of EMB 145 DRDO AWACS, which is disastrous for our detection capabilities towards China and Pakistan.
Exactly, if the deal for such simple transport aircrafts took so long, how long will those far more important procurements of AWACS and Tankers will take then?
Probably the repeat C-130 deal was signed so fast because of American pressure.
What the IAF desperately needs at the moment - operational requirement in case of war - are MRTT's and AWACS. Id argue these are far more important than any other acquisition for IAF at this point of time.

6 tankers - Russian - with a maintainability of 50%- for a fleet of over 200 high performance aircraft is downright ridiculous. They wont be able to cover 2 fronts.

Secondly, AWACS. God knows why IAF is not pressurizing at the very least 2 more Phalcons in the interim. I get that DRDO AWACS should be supported. By again 3 AWACS - again based on Il platform(though a newer one with PS-90) is beyond low even for one front, let alone two. They need atleast 6 Phalcons supported by DRDO EMB based ones.

And can IAF please stop this nonsense of procuring them in low numbers only, instead of ordering the really required number directly! We still have no follow orders of EMB 145 DRDO AWACS, which is disastrous for our detection capabilities towards China and Pakistan.
I agree. This timidity of thought of MoD is amusing. Piece meal orders not only mess with the induction schedule, they also give increased opportunities for corruption to everyone.
lol why yes of course! Enough bashing to still do a one billion dollar deal with evil America :omghaha: You know, I could lower myself and find reasons to 'bash' India. but then... I pride myself on being much more civilized than that. Not to mention the fact that I've learned it is best not to "paint with a broad brush" about a civilization. but hey, you go on right ahead and keep throwing your anti-American tantrum all over PDF.

Who knows US might have done an inside deal to wrap up the diplomatic row. Last time I heard, US has set up an internal review looking into all lapses by US agencies.
6 tankers - Russian - with a maintainability of 50%- for a fleet of over 200 high performance aircraft is downright ridiculous. They wont be able to cover 2 fronts.

Secondly, AWACS. God knows why IAF is not pressurizing at the very least 2 more Phalcons in the interim. I get that DRDO AWACS should be supported. By again 3 AWACS - again based on Il platform(though a newer one with PS-90) is beyond low even for one front, let alone two. They need atleast 6 Phalcons supported by DRDO EMB based ones.

I agree. This timidity of thought of MoD is amusing. Piece meal orders not only mess with the induction schedule, they also give increased opportunities for corruption to everyone.

I think it has to do with the veto right of DRDO that sometimes is reported (not sure if that is correct). The additional Phalcon AWACS procurement for example was delayed, most likely to evaluate the DRDO AWACS progress and even before the first DRDO AWACS is operational, we heared DRDO claims of developing a new AWACS, based on another platform more comparable to the A50 Phalcon, which shows that they mainly look at their own benefits, rather then the security of India.
america does cavity search on female indian diplomat and then to wash out the smell america gets compensation of 1 billion from india
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