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India urges China to ensure dams don't harm its interests

Just curious...how does china plan to "screw" the "yindoos" by diverting water without also adversely impacting its south Asian ally - BD?!? And if it is an attempt to coerce India into more "equitable" water sharing arrangements, given that water diversion will also hurt BD severely - doesn't the irony become evident?!?

I dont think that we gonna divert water for the sake of innocent people from downstream, we just use "divert water" for piss contest purpose only. But seriously even if we intent to divert water, we will chose the one that is not affect downstream nations.
india put a gun to the head of china's allies, and now china puts a gun to india's. we will blow up your head if you pull the trigger on your smaller neighbors, but we also understand that if we are to blow up your head you would blow up theirs. so yes, you are right, china cannot directly help the cause of water rights of its allies if it were truly to screw india. but then, china never wants to blow up anyone's head: we just want india to put down its gun and not blow up the heads of our allies either.

of course, if india insists on blowing up the heads of our allies and uses hydropolitics to subdue pakistan and BD into utter submission and vassalage of india, then china will pull the trigger as well and starve the whole subcontinent of water - which will be immoral and inhumane indeed, but the choice between humaneness and inhumanity is india's, not china's. india alone has all the initiative in dissolving the critical situation by simply outlining to china how it is going to guarantee the water rights of its allies in the future. in fact, all chinese, pakistani, and BD members understand this issue perfectly, and indian members only pretend not to see the obvious - and also the fairest and most equitable - solution to get out of this situation.

So if India fu@ks with pak OR bangladesh, China will fu@k India AND Pakistan AND Bangladesh. So you are assuring us that even in the worst case scenario, we would be no worse than our worst enemies?! Hahah...

And where exactly does china draw the line for, as you so eloquently put it, for "blowing up heads"? Your poor allies have been crying hoarse about india disallowing the lower riparian states of their fair share for decades!!
I still think that water should not be used as a weapon,it's just too unethical.even India's using water weapon against its small neighbors can be verified,which I got no clue,it still can't justify using it on our side.that will set a very bad example for the international community and will be detrimental to our reputation as a responsible player in international affairs.
As long as their is no hinderance to flow of water Dam building is not a problem.
And this also apply to Pakistan also, we also have every right to use Kashmit river water...

By they way, why iajj banned......:rolleyes:
dams are created to generate electricity.
to generate electricity water flow is needed.i don't know how it harms india's interests.
brahamputra is shared by four nations china,india,bangladesh and nepal.
brahamputra flood each and every region in which it flows.so iam in favor of building dams on brahamputra.

let's see if chinese will be able to tame this river...............
China no opportunity to use this so called weapon,to maintain our core interests especially to get our be occupied territories back,the weapon and strategy must be real weapon and real strategy used in substantial wars and don't think about there are some tricks for another instance 'the chicken's neck'.
dams are created to generate electricity.
to generate electricity water flow is needed.i don't know how it harms india's interests.
brahamputra is shared by four nations china,india,bangladesh and nepal.
brahamputra flood each and every region in which it flows.so iam in favor of building dams on brahamputra.

let's see if chinese will be able to tame this river...............

i think it is good to reduce flooding of downstream areas
Hope this case don't affect recent steps taken to normalize relations. We need CBMs, not new disputes.
True we need CBM's with everybody...but we should not stop making ICBM's also....
Pakistan and Bangladesh need to be with India and oppose the Chinese plans for water diversion.

Anyhow all three were one country someday and now China is using the divide and rule policy against the sub continent people again!!!. If China is able to divert the rivers successfully and Pakistan and Bangladesh celebrate, then the Chinese would be laughing on the Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.

The ultimate loser will be India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. If India is not able to prevent China from diverting rivers and if India fails can Pakistan and Bangladesh EVER EVER do anything against Chinese if they stop all water to them and divert everything to their deserts??

Remember if India fails against China, China wont need Pakistan and Bangladesh and it will not mind concerting whole sub continent into desert. So Pakistan and Bangladesh stop being traitors to the people of subcontinent and stop supporting China in killing your own people.

Once China has the capacity/infrastructure set up ready to divert all water to its areas and if India is not able to win in war. then what can Pakistan/Bangladesh do to stop China from moving even their share of water to its own citizens?? Did I hear nothing?

Do not be fooled that China is saint. China would give nothing for free to Pakistan and Bangladesh and it will divert as much water as needed for its own deserts in future and will 100% give preference to its own people over your country people for water (even if it means leaving millions in sub continent without water). Only thing is it needs to set up the infrastructure in place (to divert water) + Only India can counter China. But if India is unable then forget Pakistan and Bangladesh can do anything. you yourself know it? isn't it? So stop being delusional and support India and oppose Chinese plans to convert subcontinent into desert of future.
Anyhow even if Pakistan and Bangladesh do not support, India should ensure that China is not able to make sub continent into a desert. India should continue to build its armed forces and focus on making a strong economy. If in future China shows signs of stopping or diverting more then fair share of water, India should simply attack China all out and capture Tibet and if capturing Tibet is not possible then just nuke them. And its much better if it is made absolutely clear to Chinese that either the subcontinent keeps getting its waters or its doom for China and sub continent together, and that China should not even think about such a misadventure.

GOI should ensure that China acts responsibly and shares its plans and also discusses water issues with India, Pakistan, Bangladesh.
Hope India and China clears any doubt. We need to be careful in such issues.

India needs to be careful. Chinese may not implement its plans suddenly but slowly over a period of 1-2 decades. So they could talk and talk and still carry out their plans slowly in the background. This is the Chinese behaviour, they can wait for long times to wait for right time to implement their plans. India needs to be careful of such planning.

Surely hope is China will act responsibly and discuss such matters with India, Pakistan, Banghadesh.
wake up from the dream.:raise:
1 even if China stops every river flowing to the South Asian subcontinent,the area wouldn't become desert,especially when Northeast India and Bangladesh is one of the areas which has the biggest precipitation in the world.

2 watch the map, you will see the dams has nothing to do with Pakistan.:pakistan: maybe their is a possibility to divert water to Pakistan one day.

3 China will not talk with India for it is a domestic issue

4 attack China? either crazy or drunk
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wake up from the dream.:raise:
1 even if China stops every river flowing to the South Asian subcontinent,the area wouldn't become desert,especially when Northeast India and Bangladesh is one of the areas which has the biggest precipitation in the world.

2 watch the map, you will see the dams has nothing to do with Pakistan.:pakistan: maybe their is a possibility to divert water to Pakistan one day.

3 China will not talk with India for it is a domestic issue

4 attack China? either crazy or drunk

1. thats no reason to allow diverting all water. rains are not guaranteed forever. needs discussion? but in short this reason means stopping water to Bangladesh is already justified?

2. Pakistan can do nothing if in future China needs more water and restricts Pakistan supply. Chinese needs and China-Pakistan relations both change with time.

3. It is not a domestic issue. if it is domestic issue it should not impact life of a single person in sub continent? isn't it? it is not domestic issue.

4. why not? if China acts stupid and does plan to or actually stop waters in a way which can threaten the whole way of life of millions in sub continent then why not?

Obviously if China acts responsibly and discusses the matter with all the parties concerned then no issues. But it is not an domestic issue.

and lastly I want India to force China to not stop water to anyone of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh coz it is not time for internal fights. If people of subcontinent anywhere in Pakistan, India or Bangladesh face water crunch due to Chinese actions it impacts all nations in sub continent.
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