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India Upgrades Military to Match China

Europeans often claim they are superior based on "their" inventions. But as this Discovery Channel documentary shows, Europeans merely copied many inventions that originated in China.

(E.g Missile, Rocket, Cannon, Gun)

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Dude you already posted these in a thread titled same...how much do they pay you for every post...???

It also says korean technology....may be you copied from them :D

Now if i say all computers and calculations wouldn't be possible without zero given by india...would you be posting your BS arguments(repetitive) on internet and boasting about your missles, aircrafts etc...

P.S. Kindly change your flags or are you so ashamed of your country to do so? :D
All the western world copied weapons that originated in China, including GUNPOWDER, Missile, Rocket, Cannon, Gun


Indian should say THANKS to Chinese :lol::lol:
its utterly foolish to match india and china militarily

a deterrance is good enough for india...

china has a much larger coastline than india = obv it has to maintain a larger navy
much larger borderline = obv it has to maintain much larger army (not counting the personnel needed to suppress internal conflicts and humanitarian and search and rescue operations across china)

much larger airspace = much larger airforce needed

india trying to match that level = foolishness like pakistan did to match india's level for no need and now look at its condition

and wat the hell...

the world is moving towards peace and some useless ppl hea talking about war...nowadays defence industry across the world is more of like R&D industry dats all

both india and china have weapons enough to kill and destroy each other...and u think if india and china go on a full scale war the world will keep quiet??....rofl lmao
Ancient China did not conquer the world, because they believed in peaceful correlation

something which modern china doesnt believe in....
In Military Hardware India can't catchup China...........India is buying mostly hardwares from other countries mainly Russia....wherease China is developing herself.
For 26 yrs, India overlooks squatter China

The Chinese army occupied a strategically important slice of Indian territory in Arunachal Pradesh in 1986 and has remained entrenched in the area since then as successive governments in Delhi have denied the army permission to evict the intruders for what are being quoted as “pragmatic” reasons.

In late 1986, the Chinese army crossed the McMahon Line — the de facto boundary between India and China — and occupied a strategically critical 28 sq km area in the Wangdung region of Sumdorong Chu Valley, 68 km northeast of Tawang town, a senior army officer told HT on condition of anonymity as he is not authorised to speak to the media.

The Indian Army used to vacate the area during the harsh winter and return every summer.

This occupied territory, though small, is strategically important as it can, in the event of hostilities, provide the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) a launch pad for a thrust into Tawang and the Brahmaputra valley beyond. Beijing claims Tawang is a part of China.

“We could have easily ejected the Chinese soldiers, but were restrained by the government from doing so,” the officer said, adding: “This stance is demoralising the army.”

A senior official at army headquarters in Delhi confirmed that the PLA is, indeed, in illegal occupation of Indian territory but added that it didn’t matter as “the Indian Army holds the heights around the area”.

He added: “We’re being pragmatic as we don't want to escalate tensions.”

In an operation that bears startling similarities with Pakistan’s Kargil misadventure 12 years later, the PLA occupied the post and the surrounding area during winter of 1986, when it was unoccupied.

The PLA refused to leave when Special Services Bureau personnel, who manned the post, returned the following summer.

The PLA has, meanwhile, fortified the area and even built a helipad to fly in supplies.

Arunachal West MP Takam Sanjoy recently said the Chinese had penetrated deeper into Indian territory in the Tawang sector, but HT could not independently confirm this.

“We had met the Prime Minister and defence minister to apprise them of the fresh incursions a few weeks ago,” he said.

For 26 yrs, India overlooks squatter China
What makes 5000 km range Agni-5 missile deadlier - Rediff.com India News

Wait for Agni V now will be tested very soon which can hit all major Chinese Cities
LOL........ india doesn't even have Agni-1, forget about Agni-5. All your Agni missiles so far are just technology demonstrators. None of them were ever mass produced. Your tests were all "launch and hope it doesn't explode immediately" rather than "testing the accuracy of the missiles by striking fixed targets."

The only indian missile that can be used as MRBM against China is Agni-4 and that one won't be in service for at least 5 years! india can barely launch rockets without launchpad explosions. :lol:
Perhaps because India is not good at copying and piracy such as China...

that's right. Copying effectively needs a photocopier. China built the photocopier from scratch, while no one will ever sell a photocopier to India. Indeed, India doesn't know a photocopier exists.
LOL........ india doesn't even have Agni-1, forget about Agni-5. All your Agni missiles so far are just technology demonstrators. None of them were ever mass produced. Your tests were all "launch and hope it doesn't explode immediately" rather than "testing the accuracy of the missiles by striking fixed targets."

The only indian missile that can be used as MRBM against China is Agni-4 and that one won't be in service for at least 5 years! india can barely launch rockets without launchpad explosions. :lol:

guys look at the similarity of this post with one of davidson new thread which says we dont even have the agni 1. :rofl:
looks like they are one and the same guy .:rofl:
guys look at the similarity of this post with one of davidson new thread which says we dont even have the agni 1. :rofl:
looks like they are one and the same guy .:rofl:
He posts a thread with one news, then he also paste the same news in different sections....its his livelihood yaar...try to understand ;)
that's right. Copying effectively needs a photocopier. China built the photocopier from scratch, while no one will ever sell a photocopier to India. Indeed, India doesn't know a photocopier exists.

We know, China is the Master of Copying the originals. Not surprised about your Photocopier.
We know, China is the Master of Copying the originals. Not surprised about your Photocopier.

Yep building a photocopier is a remarkable feat of engineering, much better than not knowing a photocopier exists and claiming to have higher morals for that :lol:
Yep building a photocopier is a remarkable feat of engineering, much better than not knowing a photocopier exists and claiming to have higher morals for that :lol:

Nothing special was your achievement........... You made it for your requirement of copying others achievements;).

But Copying does not guarantee Same Quality.
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