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India Upgrades Military to Match China

LOL.......... look at the indians deluding themselves. Even your high IQ Israeli friends know that Chinese technology brought down the US stealth UAV over Iran:

:rofl:.............. Ya ya....... you guys are really much ahead then world knows. You guys don't even feel ashamed of claiming others success as yours. Pathetic you on High IQ drugs.
LOL.......... look at the indians deluding themselves. Even your high IQ Israeli friends know that Chinese technology brought down the US stealth UAV over Iran:

DEBKAfile, Political Analysis, Espionage, Terrorism, Security

For us, wiping away india is so easy, just like we humiliated you in 1962.

We know you are still in 20th century mindset.. grow up boy and come out of your home and see the world's changes..
Oh God.. to whom I am talking to .. we understand your difficulties due to heavy censorship and controlled education system..
LOL......... is that all you've got? Show me a report saying China's missile exploded upon launch like indian missiles do 50% of the time.

While you're at it, show me just ONE Agni test india has done where the missile hit a fixed land target to test for accuracy. The fact is, everything india has done is simply "launch it and if it doesn't explode right away declare a success, we don't even know where the missile ended up, it's somewhere in the india ocean."

hahaha well said india always a looser when compare to china , in 1962 china millitary and econonmy is alot worse than india and yet we managed to kick their assss big time, today our economy and millitary is ar far far ahead of poor india, today war with india , china will finished india in less than 48 hours.
hahaha well said india always a looser when compare to china , in 1962 china millitary and econonmy is alot worse than india and yet we managed to kick their assss big time, today our economy and millitary is ar far far ahead of poor india, today war with india , china will finished india in less than 48 hours.

Ya ya....... keep dreaming 62. It is good for us. But atleast sometime dream of 45 too.:lol: that will bring back you all to reality.

People On-High drugs.
Ya ya....... keep dreaming 62. It is good for us. But atleast sometime dream of 45 too.:lol: that will bring back you all to reality.

People On-High drugs.

Wrong , the only nation in the world living in a dream is you indians, look at your infra they are sh@t , look at your education they are sh@t and yet your media keep telling you guys india going to overtake this ,cath up with china that , india wil be this india will be that bla bla bla......wake up dude you are no match with china accept it or continue embaress yourself is it your choice.
1."Delhi hanuz door ast". India can never catch up with China who is too far ahead.

2. What is happening is simple to understand, if one wants to understand. WCC is creating a China-phobia hype through the media and the Indian politicos and military brass aligned to WCC. The goal is to make buy and buy and buy from WCC. This is resulting in increase in the numbers of the poor, hardly any betterment in public services or education. All these cause Maoist insurgencies which again pushes India into the poisonous embrace of WCC.
Wrong , the only nation in the world living in a dream is you indians, look at your infra they are sh@t , look at your education they are sh@t and yet your media keep telling you guys india going to overtake this ,cath up with china that , india wil be this india will be that bla bla bla......wake up dude you are no match with china accept it or continue embaress yourself is it your choice.

I cannot blame you ChinaToday. Thinking & Attitude of all of Majority Chinese, just matches with your name.

You guys are just brainwashed people.
the day India acquires Infrastructure to build modern weaponry in a short notice , that day we will match them and overcome them. We need building power, that is it.
China will not sit on there ***** and do nothing you know, You make 1 plane they make 2 equal ones. I think we all can agree that 10 years is never going to happend, A couple decades will do the job of atleast comming close. No offence just my openion :)

Capability wise we don't have any shortage, mate. It just a game of political will. That changes with one regime change. Ours is just around the corner (democratically). In the coming decade, we are going to change massively. There are a whole slew of programs that are in the end of pipelines.

The reason why for Reds it looks so magnanimous is because they hide everything and release everything bit by bit. We on the other hand keep everything open.

In terms of capacity, you're partially right. But 2010 was not the first time we surprised the world with big revelations. The whole idea is to make the Communists think a thousand times before fooling around. Not to challenge and conquer them. Defensive deterrence.

---------- Post added at 09:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 PM ----------

the day India acquires Infrastructure to build modern weaponry in a short notice , that day we will match them and overcome them. We need building power, that is it.

And how long at current juncture do you think we need? Not even 5 years. It is only a matter of removal of this regime and replacement with someone like Modi. That's where the right talented people take the right positions and things start coming into place under one stern and disciplined order.

Trust me, our periods of conflict in the past have drawn out some amazing capabilities that was even surprising by 70s standards in those days. What to talk of today. Just a matter of time before the Italian Mafia are sent packing and we see change.
i dont blame you for being stupid either ,is it in your dna remember the number 81?

My heartiest sympathy for guys like you. On High IQ ppl.

I don't feel offended, but feel pity for guys like you. Your King/ rulers have made you guys mute and totally brainwashed.
Capability wise we don't have any shortage, mate. It just a game of political will. That changes with one regime change. Ours is just around the corner (democratically). In the coming decade, we are going to change massively. There are a whole slew of programs that are in the end of pipelines.

The reason why for Reds it looks so magnanimous is because they hide everything and release everything bit by bit. We on the other hand keep everything open.

In terms of capacity, you're partially right. But 2010 was not the first time we surprised the world with big revelations. The whole idea is to make the Communists think a thousand times before fooling around. Not to challenge and conquer them. Defensive deterrence.

---------- Post added at 09:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:18 PM ----------

And how long at current juncture do you think we need? Not even 5 years. It is only a matter of removal of this regime and replacement with someone like Modi. That's where the right talented people take the right positions and things start coming into place under one stern and disciplined order.

Trust me, our periods of conflict in the past have drawn out some amazing capabilities that was even surprising by 70s standards in those days. What to talk of today. Just a matter of time before the Italian Mafia are sent packing and we see change.

the distance between great powers and medium powers gets bigger by the day.

in 1950, it was possible for a WW1 (50 years behind) level military (China) to beat a contemporary military (US and UN allies) within the same magnitude of losses.

in 1970, it was possible for a WW2 (30 years behind) level military (Vietnam) to beat a contemporary military (US+South Vietnam), but with 10x the losses.

However, by 1990, a 1990's military, the US, would scrub the floor with a 1970's military, Iraq. The difference is just 10-20 years yet look at the disparity
Hey China Today!

You seem like a real good communist.

Its easy to talk big from behind your computer.

Let the indians work themselves into a frenzy of self-delusion, arrogance and aggression. China has a new leadership now. Our weak former leader Hu Jintao has been pushed aside and a new hawkish supreme leader has taken the dragon throne. This is the perfect time for a 1962 rematch.

Watch the indians convince themselves that their time to avenge their 1962 humiliation is here. Watch them start probing China's defenses for weaknesses to attack. We'll lure them into committing their forces into an offensive, and then we can finally unleash some our 3000 nuclear warheads! If you don't use those things, they expire and are wasted.

Once New Delhi is leveled with a few nukes, the rest of india will all break away and then Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Burma can grab their share of territory to become Greater Pakistan, Greater Bangladesh, Greater Sri Lanka and Greater Burma.
troll troll where to run
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