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India Upgrades Military to Match China

Interesting how 1 member said India sucks and everyone gets on defensive.

While another says Lets hope for peace and not one member thanks him/her.:angel:

On topic, a country can have any type of system it wants. Unless it knows how to best utilize it the system isn't a force multiplier.
Let the indians work themselves into a frenzy of self-delusion, arrogance and aggression. China has a new leadership now. Our weak former leader Hu Jintao has been pushed aside and a new hawkish supreme leader has taken the dragon throne. This is the perfect time for a 1962 rematch.

Watch the indians convince themselves that their time to avenge their 1962 humiliation is here. Watch them start probing China's defenses for weaknesses to attack. We'll lure them into committing their forces into an offensive, and then we can finally unleash some our 3000 nuclear warheads! If you don't use those things, they expire and are wasted.

Once New Delhi is leveled with a few nukes, the rest of india will all break away and then Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Burma can grab their share of territory to become Greater Pakistan, Greater Bangladesh, Greater Sri Lanka and Greater Burma.

Double post.
If it were a Chinese sub that did the same, it'd be called "low quality copy".

So I think Akula is a low quality rushed face project for Russian generals to make money off Indians with.

Akula 2 low quality :rofl: this compared to your subs good joke!

---------- Post added at 12:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 AM ----------

On 10 November, a Russian Navy statement blamed the disaster on an "unsanctioned operation" of the fire suppression system aboard the Nerpa.[4] Three days later, naval investigators announced that a crewman, named unofficially as Dmitry Grobov, had turned on the system "without permission or any particular grounds"

Chinese IQ at the best do not even understand what accident means
Hate to say it but there is one thing I agree on with hong wu the troll thats Hu Jintao and Grandpa Wen jiabao being weak both are Liberals within the CPC however I do respect them, When Xi Jinping Comes he a strongman Conservative Iron man he is a very strong supporter of the PLA. PLA will see new heights including budget increase and faster modernization.

---------- Post added at 08:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 AM ----------

What makes 5000 km range Agni-5 missile deadlier - Rediff.com India News

Wait for Agni V now will be tested very soon which can hit all major Chinese Cities

Rankings of world thermonuclear powers by megatons of firepower:

1. Russia - 1,273 megatons

2. United States - 570 megatons

3. China - 294 megatons (China has over half the nuclear firepower of the United States)

4. France - 55 megatons

5. Britain - 16 megatons

You can hit chinese cities but can't fully destroy on the other hand we can hit any indian cities and destroy them over and over.
Hate to say it but there is one thing I agree on with hong wu the troll thats Hu Jintao and Grandpa Wen jiabao being weak both are Liberals within the CPC however I do respect them, When Xi Jinping Comes he a strongman Conservative Iron man he is a very strong supporter of the PLA. PLA will see new heights including budget increase and faster modernization.

---------- Post added at 08:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 AM ----------

Rankings of world thermonuclear powers by megatons of firepower:

1. Russia - 1,273 megatons

2. United States - 570 megatons

3. China - 294 megatons (China has over half the nuclear firepower of the United States)

4. France - 55 megatons

5. Britain - 16 megatons

You can hit chinese cities but can't fully destroy on the other hand we can hit any indian cities and destroy them over and over.

So you claim but we are working on missile defence :) and not to mention the US-Indo nuke deal will result in our domestic supply going for our military nuclear defence program
So you claim but we are working on missile defence :) and not to mention the US-Indo nuke deal will result in our domestic supply going for our military nuclear defence program

The US-India Missile deal does not concern us you can hit our cities however can't destroy we have more nuclear firepower then you ever do including Our Hidden stocks buried within our underground great wall. we makes you think we aren't working on a missile defense :rolleyes:.
Hate to say it but there is one thing I agree on with hong wu the troll thats Hu Jintao and Grandpa Wen jiabao being weak both are Liberals within the CPC however I do respect them, When Xi Jinping Comes he a strongman Conservative Iron man he is a very strong supporter of the PLA. PLA will see new heights including budget increase and faster modernization.

Rankings of world thermonuclear powers by megatons of firepower:

1. Russia - 1,273 megatons

2. United States - 570 megatons

3. China - 294 megatons (China has over half the nuclear firepower of the United States)

4. France - 55 megatons

5. Britain - 16 megatons

You can hit chinese cities but can't fully destroy on the other hand we can hit any indian cities and destroy them over and over.

lmao Xi Jinping ironman conservative

he sent his daughter to Harvard, has a trophy singer wife and got to his current position with a begging bowl. he was so unpopular that when he tried to go to the Central Commitee in 1997 he got voted down.

if he's ironman, lmao, everyone else is titanium. caviar, yacht, big spender, trophy wife, this is ironman?

he's a soft weak corrupt princeling that got to his position by begging and kissing alot of ***.

Wang Yang, Hu Chunhua and Zhou Qiang are the ones I'm looking at. They came up from nothing.

hope Xi is a 1 term president.
Operating India’s eight unsafeguarded PHWRs in such a [conservative] regime would bequeath New Delhi with some 12,135–13,370 kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium, which is sufficient to produce between 2,023–2,228 nuclear weapons over and above those already existing in the Indian arsenal. Although no Indian analyst, let alone a policy maker, has ever advocated any nuclear inventory that even remotely approximates such numbers, this heuristic exercise confirms that New Delhi has the capability to produce a gigantic nuclear arsenal while subsisting well within the lowest estimates of its known uranium reserves.

Enough to destroy all of mainland Chinese cities and spare a few for the big dams :agree:
lmao Xi Jinping ironman conservative

he sent his daughter to Harvard, has a trophy singer wife and got to his current position with a begging bowl. he was so unpopular that when he tried to go to the Central Commitee in 1997 he got voted down.

he's a soft weak corrupt princeling that got to his position by begging and kissing alot of ***.

Wang Yang, Hu Chunhua and Zhou Qiang are the ones I'm looking at. They came up from nothing.

hope Xi is a 1 term president.

Don't know about that bro he wants fair relations with the USA however he a very strong supporter of the PLA, I likely see an increase in Military budget and faster modernization.
The US-India Missile deal does not concern us you can hit our cities however can't destroy we have more nuclear firepower then you ever do including Our Hidden stocks buried within our underground great wall. we makes you think we aren't working on a missile defense :rolleyes:.

It should concern you it will result in more weapons grade plutonium we can use as now we can import supplies for our Civilian program.
It should concern you it will result in more weapons grade plutonium we can use as now we can import supplies for our Civilian program.

No not really we can also even more to our current stock. you won't win a nuclear war with us.

---------- Post added at 08:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 AM ----------

Operating India’s eight unsafeguarded PHWRs in such a [conservative] regime would bequeath New Delhi with some 12,135–13,370 kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium, which is sufficient to produce between 2,023–2,228 nuclear weapons over and above those already existing in the Indian arsenal. Although no Indian analyst, let alone a policy maker, has ever advocated any nuclear inventory that even remotely approximates such numbers, this heuristic exercise confirms that New Delhi has the capability to produce a gigantic nuclear arsenal while subsisting well within the lowest estimates of its known uranium reserves.

Enough to destroy all of mainland Chinese cities and spare a few for the big dams :agree:

Our arsenal ranges from the 1000-3500, including more we can produce, Not if we destroy Indian cities first :rolleyes: anyway babbling about Nuclear War Indian wet dreams.
No not really we can also even more to our current stock. you won't win a nuclear war with us.

Nobody wins in Nuclear war thats why its called deterrence but now we can use all our domestic supply if we wanted to on our military program creating 2,023–2,228 nuclear weapons thats enough to make sure China will never see the Sun again
So you claim but we are working on missile defence :) and not to mention the US-Indo nuke deal will result in our domestic supply going for our military nuclear defence program

Claim? Thats what the rest of the world deduces from data collected over decades. India has never been recorded to have a thermonuke and thats fact. AS for missile defense India has a very basic capability with terminal interception that is not even deployed. This would not even deter missiles from even a minor nuclear country like North Korea.

China has terminal interception with the HQ 9 with thousands deployed across the country with successful mid course interception technology demonstrated a while back. While it may not be enough against countries like the US or Russia it certainly threatenss Indias dozens of deployed IRBMs.

BTW no matter how much nuclear material you have you still do not have a modern warhead that is capable thermonuclear detonation making it less powerful than nukes China has had since the 60"s
No not really we can also even more to our current stock. you won't win a nuclear war with us.

---------- Post added at 08:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 AM ----------

Our arsenal ranges from the 1000-3500, including more we can produce, Not if we destroy Indian cities first :rolleyes: anyway babbling about Nuclear War Indian wet dreams.

Stupid comment our Agni missiles have a CEP of less than your missiles known fact! and Agni 5 is 5000 km
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