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India unsettled as US backs ' smartest choice' Diamer- Basha Dam

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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India unsettled as US backs ‘smartest choice’ Diamer-Bhasha dam – The Express Tribune

NEW DELHI: A recent move by the US to mobilise funds for the 4,500MW Diamer-Bhasha dam, while calling it Pakistan’s “smartest choice” for economic development, has left India unsettled, The Times of India reported.

The comments were made at a fund-raising event in Washington organized by the Obama administration to seek support for the Diamer-Bhasha project.

The gesture by the US has distressed India as the new project is to be launched in Gilgit-Baltistan, which India perceives to be illegally occupied by Islamabad.

The statement also comes amid recent ceasefire violations along the Line of Cotrol (LoC), further upsetting Modi’s government, according to sources. According to official sources, Modi and his government are developing a diplomatic and tactful approach to address the issue with the US.

Delhi is adamant that any infrastructure in that region will be considered illegal, sources added. Further, sources said, Delhi had expressed an objection to the construction of the Diamer-Bhasha dam in Gilgit-Baltistan and the issue has been raised repeatedly with both China and Pakistan.

The World Bank had earlier rejected Pakistani government’s proposal for financing the project following India’s reservations against it.

“Investment in the Diamer Bhasha dam is the smartest choice for Pakistan,” Feldman was quoted in a media report days after the event in Washington.
If we block US China will fund it.
I hope our diplomatic will take a wise decision.
Well America and Pakistan are still allies right. And regardless of how they feel about each other, the truth is that America NEEDS Pakistan for their regional plans, especially Afghanistan.

So why wouldn't they support a Pakistani dam being constructed in GB, even if it means ignoring India's claim and supporting Pakistan's claim.

America knows that India is worried about a two-front war. So India needs America to be at least neutral to them (instead of helping Pakistan). So regardless of what America does to Indian diplomats, India won't complain too much.

China + Pakistan is already too much for India, if America helps Pakistan (their ally), and Russia remains neutral (or even gives vocal support to China), then India really won't have anyone left to turn to. They must keep America neutral.
If we block US China will fund it.
I hope our diplomatic will take a wise decision.

Its only a fund raiser which does not mean that funds are in place.

Next, the amount needed is not small. If China were to step in then its worse for Pak - contracts go back to Chinese companies & rates of interest are killers.

Lastly if needed the Indian dispora is yet to kick in.

On a personal level , I think the dam should be constructed .
There is no way India can prevent Pakistan from doing what it wants in GB.
Just like India can build projects, we too can. If the money doesn't come from USA, it will come from elsewhere. You never know it as a Joint Russian/Chinese/Pakistan JV.

We actually never expected USA to do fund raising and show interest. But guess what, no one really gives a rat's arse about India.
They can raise the funds, but going by past experience, they'll squabble on the dam for another 100 years. Remember Kalabagh?

That was politics. NOT the same thing in case of Diamer-Bhasha. Please, next time do some actual research, rather than pretending that you know something. If you don't know, just ask. Just don't try to be a smart arse.
They can raise the funds, but going by past experience, they'll squabble on the dam for another 100 years. Remember Kalabagh?
you should go visit the construction site then we can have a quick cyber war
There is zero possibility of a two front war. The Indian military uses it to get more funds.

India needs US to stop financing this project. Its okay if China does it. As mentioned above, China has much higher rates of interest and the award goes to Chinese companies. No problems with us there.

If the US wants India to enter its trilateral treaties and defense purchases, it would have to start accommodating Indian concerns more and more - which they have been increasingly doing over the past few years.

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