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India unilaterally calls off talks with Pakistan

Gentlemen -

Most of Kashmirs are Shias in Sringar 97.3%

In Pakistan Shias are being Butchered daily.......

Will the Kashmiri Shias be protected in Pakistan....

You are a fucking retard but then you are an Indian so that is not such a shock. Most Kashmiris are Sunni but I find it funny you think them being Shias helps you in the long run. While Sunni-Shia dislike one another we both dislike pagans a whole lot more.
@DESERT FIGHTER is the boss. Keep it up :D

Then calculate what happends to you guys afterwards...

India will give Pakistan no other choice then to fight India with full force and all weapons in its arsenal. No purpose with Pakistan if India tries to turn it into a dessert.

I am sure Pak army will once for all be serious about ending the illigal occupation of J&K. No Pak politician can after this give arguments against war. By the way if India stops the water flowing into Pakistan world oppinion will turn against India,and Pakistan will get a legitim reason to fight India and world oppinion against India. I am sure all pakistanies will join Pak army in this war. Then there will be no 700.000-900.000 soliders fighting, but 200 mill Pakistani with all nukes in its arsenal, uranium & plotonium based atomic weapons & hydrogen bomb..

It will surly be the last war between India & Pakistan. Dont under estimate the will on the pakistani side to fight India. Assi pehle larne waste tyar bethe heghe. Ghossa pehle inteha te he.

IWT has been always been honored by India - some poster raised an interesting question that suppose we change places and it's pakistan that has to honor IWT for India then what will be the scenario? I would highly doubt that pakistan would honor it even for one year and would have used it to blackmail us. However that much being true - because pakistan isn't exactly reputed with standing steadfast with any commitment till date, what I would assure is that we aren't so lowly and stand to our word of sharing water even if it is unfavorable to us, and we have done that till date. This being only a bilateral agreement - I doubt that the world would bother - especially if it is about pakistan.

AS for your 200 million - the population of UP and Bihar is enough to match them man to man. :D
the major question here is this:

Do Pakistanis rather have a better relationship with India or do they want a kashmir - in the long run - which one is benfecial to pakistan? You have tried Kashmir for the last 70 years or so.. maybe its time to try choosing India for some time and see if it helps?

We will choose Kashmir over India 11/10.
effin' 3000 likes.

I haven't seen so many likes on a pdf thread, looks like Indian's like no talks with pakistan.
IWT has been always been honored by India - some poster raised an interesting question that suppose we change places and it's pakistan that has to honor IWT for India then what will be the scenario? I would highly doubt that pakistan would honor it even for one year and would have used it to blackmail us. However that much being true - because pakistan isn't exactly reputed with standing steadfast with any commitment till date, what I would assure is that we aren't so lowly and stand to our word of sharing water even if it is unfavorable to us, and we have done that till date. This being only a bilateral agreement - I doubt that the world would bother - especially if it is about pakistan.

AS for your 200 million - the population of UP and Bihar is enough to match them man to man. :D

To Illusion8:
Listen, if India turns pak rivers away from Pakistan, and try to drought Pakistan. Pakistan will have no other choice, it is a do or dy situation. Then Pakistan would have no other alternative then to use every bomb on India.

In my oppinion Pakistan have every reason to start a war in this situation. Belive me Pakistanis arent afraid of Indian army, in this situation you give Pak no other choice, infact a good reason to fight. Pak soldiers will have no reason to go back/retreat without a win against India. Its a do or die situation.

Indian emerging economy will be be completely destroyed my friend. You industry, infrastructure, civilization, everything, literally everything. If Pakistan lose it does not matter, Pakistanis lose regardless of whether they are losing the war against or India rods rivers to Pakistan.

So in my oppinion its a win-win situation for Pakistan , and a loss-loss situation for India to try to turn the rivers away.

When it comes to existential threat i have no doubt that Pakistan will use all theri nukes. When else is Pakistan going to use its nukes, on shabraat ?
Time for a cricket match series. :fans:
What is this, India calls for talks and they go and meet separatists? Who is amateur here?

Actually,, it is for Pakistan to decide what kind of relationship it wants.. There is nothing India will offer you unless there is something Pakistan can bring to the table.. Seeing as it is there isn't much Pakistan can offerIndia. It's not we who keep giving moral and diplomatic support to Kashmiris and neither are we who keep passing worthless resolutions in our assembly..

So yeah, Modi has sent the right message... If your serious then show some seriousness and not this silly behaviour.
Pakistan has sent a message at various point - starting with by accepting & then visiting India for the Oath Taking Ceremony of PM of Modi - we started a round of Talks - your strayed solider was allowed to walk back - what kind of signals do you need???
dare I ask????
We have nothing to offer to India , infact if you look with a holstic view and an open mind then you will see that it is Pakistan that needs India - to have trade, we can import cheap automobile parts - and medicines - but, what do accept, we come down to our knees begging??
My apologies dear , but that is not happening

To Illusion8:
Listen, if India turns pak rivers away from Pakistan, and try to drought Pakistan. Pakistan will have no other choice, it is a do or dy situation. Then Pakistan would have no other alternative then to use every bomb on India.

In my oppinion Pakistan have every reason to start a war in this situation. Belive me Pakistanis arent afraid of Indian army, in this situation you give Pak no other choice, infact a good reason to fight. Pak soldiers will have no reason to go back/retreat without a win against India. Its a do or die situation.

Indian emerging economy will be be completely destroyed my friend. You industry, infrastructure, civilization, everything, literally everything. If Pakistan lose it does not matter, Pakistanis lose regardless of whether they are losing the war against or India rods rivers to Pakistan.

So in my oppinion its a win-win situation for Pakistan , and a loss-loss situation for India to try to turn the rivers away.

When it comes to existential threat i have no doubt that Pakistan will use all theri nukes. When else is Pakistan going to use its nukes, on shabraat ?

What I don't get is why do pakistani's mostly display only suicidal tendencies?, I doubt anybody's buying into your gun to your own head routine anymore, so my advice is it's a wasteful tactics because no one cares about pakistan anymore to intervene on its behalf or negotiate a stand back agreement.

As I said in my post to you, I doubt India is as lowly as the rest to not honor an agreement. I am sure we will stand by it even if it is with a useless entity as we have done it all along.

As for the rest of your balderdash, war isn't fought in cities, it is mostly restricted to borders and between armed forces, so if you wish, you can very well bring in your civilians to fight for you, also chew on the fact that even a 100 billion dollars worth or more of warfare will not faze us while it will decimate pakistan completely, simply because you do not have the resources to match us, and I doubt pakistani army has enough soldiers to reach any Indian major city, and a war between India and pakistan will be a war of attrition and we very well know who has the better chance of running through to the final flagpost on the back of its sheer strength, reach and resources. But in the circumstances that pakistan decides to threaten any major city then the retaliation will be severe and pakistan has just a handful of cities and all of them close to our border and well within reach.

So, I doubt pakistan poses a threat to India's economy, infrastructure or our civilization , literally not much. Nukes are pakistan's safety umbrella and the moment they decide to use it will be an end to its safety.
Pakistan has sent a message at various point - starting with by accepting & then visiting India for the Oath Taking Ceremony of PM of Modi - we started a round of Talks - your strayed solider was allowed to walk back - what kind of signals do you need???
dare I ask????
We have nothing to offer to India , infact if you look with a holstic view and an open mind then you will see that it is Pakistan that needs India - to have trade, we can import cheap automobile parts - and medicines - but, what do accept, we come down to our knees begging??
My apologies dear , but that is not happening
oh come on, the ceasefire violations right after an agreement to initiate talks was a signal enough. India did initiate by iviting Sharif...

We do not want anyone to beg but expect that they should show respect for the authority on this side.

they go on meeting anyone they wish, and being in india, shows how genuine thier intentions are. an envoy is supposed to respect the host - either your envoy does not understand Indian politics or was brazen enough to not care of their actions in a host country. In both the cases, they seem to lack seriousness.
how would pakistan react if Indian envy met BLA reps in Pakistan's soil?
What I don't get is why do pakistani's mostly display only suicidal tendencies?, I doubt anybody's buying into your gun to your own head routine anymore, so my advice is it's a wasteful tactics because no one cares about pakistan anymore to intervene on its behalf or negotiate a stand back agreement.

As I said in my post to you, I doubt India is as lowly as the rest to not honor an agreement. I am sure we will stand by it even if it is with a useless entity as we have done it all along.

As for the rest of your balderdash, war isn't fought in cities, it is mostly restricted to borders and between armed forces, so if you wish, you can very well bring in your civilians to fight for you, also chew on the fact that even a 100 billion dollars worth or more of warfare will not faze us while it will decimate pakistan completely, simply because you do not have the resources to match us, and I doubt pakistani army has enough soldiers to reach any Indian major city, and a war between India and pakistan will be a war of attrition and we very well know who has the better chance of running through to the final flagpost on the back of its sheer strength, reach and resources. But in the circumstances that pakistan decides to threaten any major city then the retaliation will be severe and pakistan has just a handful of cities and all of them close to our border and well within reach.

So, I doubt pakistan poses a threat to India's economy, infrastructure or our civilization , literally not much. Nukes are pakistan's safety umbrella and the moment they decide to use it will be an end to its safety.

No no , you are rougly miscalculating Pak response to India if you stops Pak Indus rivers. You dont understand in that situation Pakistan will have nothing to loose on a full fledged nuclear war with India. What shall we do with a dry pakistani punjab ?

Pakistan isnt dependent on any foreign help or sympathy , But you dont need to be a rocket scientist to understand that the world oppinion will turn against India if you thirst people to death. Belive me.

If this war turns into nuclear war due to Indian closure of Indus rivers, Pakistan haven nothing to loose turning this into nuclear war. For Pakistan its over anyway, due to clousure of Indus rivers. India with its emerging economy will loose more if 120 - 150 Pakistani nukes lands in your country. Plz understand the situatikon, in this situation its a win-win situation for Pakistan, and a loose -loose situation for India, belive me. You kill Pakistan either you nuke Pakistan or stop Indus rivers, so its your country who should stay away from touching Indus water threaty.
Nawaz is a pipsqueak in front of their army, it is clearly a waste of time talking to him. Why do you think that there are repeated incursions and cease fire violations? The army is trying to derail the talks and the MFN dialogue. Why do we have to entertain Nawaz when we know that he accounts for jack in pakistan? and resulting in the deaths of some of our soldiers pakistan's cross border firings.? One IA soldiers life is more important than a 1000 Nawaz's.

I agree with the decision and am surprised by it. Why entertain these jokers?.
Because there is zero point in talking with the PA. They need us to maintain their cancerous grip on Pakistan. Without us(and now America, PA has been diversifying its bets) Pakistan Army looses everything - and becomes - just a regular army.

So they ensure that talks with politicians fail and there is no recourse for anyone but to talk to them...and they will again hunt with the hound and run with the hare.

The only way to break this deadlock is to make sure that their politicians succeed in capturing power - not just official - from the army. Which is why we have to support nawaz/shawaz/abdul/muhammad/usman/falana/dhimkana politician. Anyone who has formed the government in Pakistan.

Now since Nawaz is the principal antagonist for the PA - someone who is trying very hard to make sure that GoP does not bend in front of PA, we have a long term interest in supporting that character even at short term cost to us.

You are a fucking retard but then you are an Indian so that is not such a shock. Most Kashmiris are Sunni but I find it funny you think them being Shias helps you in the long run. While Sunni-Shia dislike one another we both dislike pagans a whole lot more.
Dislaimer: I have not followed your conversation with the other person.

However as a fact you can take this:

Shias in Kashmir have literally taken the bullet to make sure that Indian Army - and thereby India - has a sustainable presence in Kashmir. They are the principal agents and bedrock of IA counter-insurgency intelligence network in kashmir.

I dont know what kool-aid you are drinking, but the shias of kashmir utterly and completely detest the idea that they will have to live under sunni suzerainty. You are free to tell them about their dislike of pagans and martians which they seem to have forgotten. Meanwhile they have cast their lot and are helping us killing the baddies.
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