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India: Turkey's offensive in Syria deeply concerning, will affect regional stability

India 2030 croaked like its the 6th member of UNSC. For those who didnt get the 2030 reference please see he video below.

Since i have enlightened you about the Turkic World; Will you please answer the question?

  • Why does the ruling party in Turkey and some Turk membes here do 7/24 insult and make enemy of India while no mutual support from Pakistan is not available?

- We have a huge trade deficit with India
- India supports Nicos Anastasiades in Cyprus conflict
- India criticises Turkey's military action in Syria against PKK/YPG
- They want to recognize the alleged genocide of Armenia

I do not see any benefits for Turkey.
China has also expressed concern about it and so have many countries,india too have done the same but it plays on the narrative of downturn of bilateral relationship especially after support ship deal cancelled & it has created a pro pak image of turkey in indian citizens who doesn't care much about geopolitics or foreign relations but as media has been covering erdogan's UNGA speech,it surely doesn't bode well for india turkey relationship after 2017 visit of erdogan to india just after his constitution change when most of the west was criticizing him and india hosted for a summit,the downturn will continue until it hits rock bottom ,there also rumours of India recognizing Armenian genocide in parliament and india actively working with Cyprus on many issues.
I have not seen it the wise way that India is humiliated and enemified in front of the whole world for the sake of third country that does not do the same for you as ''Ummah, Muslim Brothers'', While India react Turkey in the way you listed right after you seeking the interests of a foreign country Pakistan.

This "third country" has always been with Turkey, when we were alone. We thank the Pakistani people.
When the Ottoman empire was invaded during the World War I, they sent us 675,494 Turkish Lira and 156,00 British Pound, which was kept in the Ottoman Bank, and that helped to finance "Buyuk Taarruz".

Btw, What is the trade deficit with China, and why Erdoğan is still silent about East Turkestan unlike Kashmir?

Because our old enemy Millenarist is awoke in India. China has not decided yet.

P.S.: No interest for the country and nation but a politician, his refuted ''Ummah'' agenda, and the interests of foreign country. Sad for Turkey and India.

Pakistan is the key for a strong muslim world. We only need to open the doors.

I could say that because after the erdogan speech the meeting in UN happened with Greece,Armenia & cyprus

In short, Turkey is targeted by India becuase Erdoğan nowadays seeks the interests of Pakistan instead of Turkey's own interests. Meantime, the same ''Islamic'' republic of Pakistan and the ''Ummah, Muslim Brothers'' do not seek the interests of Turkey in the same way Erdoğan does.

The simple question... On what purpose Erdoğan keeps hurting the interests of Turkey, if that is not worth it?

This "third country" has always been with Turkey, when we were alone. We thank the Pakistani people.
When the Ottoman empire was invaded during the World War I, they sent us 675,494 Turkish Lira and 156,00 British Pound, which was kept in the Ottoman Bank, and that helped to finance "Buyuk Taarruz".

Because our old enemy Millenarist is awoke in India. China has not decided yet.

Pakistan is the key for a strong muslim world. We only need to open the doors.


You live in the history; otherwise, you should have now asked the same from Pakistan and Pakistanis; namely, follow the footsteps of their ancestors and show the direct,open and official supports to Turkey, the president of which has recently done it for Pakistan in front of the whole world.

You are actually cooking my point from the very beginning, but still typing, ironic.
You live in the history; otherwise, you should have now asked the same from Pakistan and Pakistanis; namely, follow the footsteps of their ancestors and show the direct,open and official supports to Turkey, the president of which has recently done it for Pakistan in front of the whole world.

You are actually cooking my point from the very beginning, but still typing, ironic.

I entirely understand your point. That's not how strategic relationship works. It's not open politics.
Decisions happens behind closed doors. We shall debate this in positive way when the time comes.
We just have to hang in till then..
Do you think the bolded in quote is the direct result of the open, direct and official remarks of Erdoğan for seeking the interests of Pakistan against India?


But that's just diplomatic tit for tat. A much bigger reaction is the potential cancellation of the Indian Navy shipbuilding contract.

So back in July, Anadolu Shipyard won a tender to supply the Indian Navy. And now, that massive $2.3 billion contract may get killed 'coz RTE's stand on Kashmir.
Communist atheist that they are, pkk/ypg are not muslims. You can find out what they think about religion specially about Islam.

Just like BLF rats in our Balochistan

Good work Turkey. Smoke them :tup:

Do you think the bolded in quote is the direct result of the open, direct and official remarks of Erdoğan for seeking the interests of Pakistan against India?

1 Pakistan has no diplomatic relations with Armenia even though it has no direct conflict with Armenia
2 Pakistan supports Turkey openly and completely in its issues with Greece and Cyprus
3 Pakistan indirectly supports Turkey in its Syrian operations

And here you are whining that why Pakistani government doesn't issue open and direct statements in support of you

If you really love India that much then you are open to backtrack your statement on Kashmir and go have brotherly relations with curry munchers of India

We would still continue doing the above 3 that I mentioned.

We refused to accept Armenia even when you didn't give that statement on Kashmir. We would continue with same policy in future too
Indian folks probably don’t understand the Turkish folks!! Here are some quotes to help them:

The nation which voluntarily gives away its freedom deserves to be treated as slaves - Gazi Mustafa Kemal Pasha

We are born at our homes, and we die at the battlefields - a Turkish saying

Multiple Indians news channels reporting that if Turkey continues to maintain an anti-India stance on Kashmir, Indian Parliament will pass a resolution titled 'India recognizes Armenian Genocide' becoming the first South Asian country to do so.

Who cares what India says. Their own record across Kashmir, Assam and other states is shameful.
I think you have still overlooked the point i try to make.

Why does the ruling party in Turkey and some Turk membes here do 7/24 insult and make enemy of India while no mutual support from Pakistan is not available?

After all, this thread is direct result of the people's actions mentioned in the question above.

Many Armenians and Cypriots ask Pakistanis the same question.. hey whats our beef?
You have unrealistic expectations dear...
Even Erdogan lately didnt really express support for Pakistan all the way like many are told here.. but we dont make that an issue.
On February 27th when we shot down two intruding Indian jets he didnt say Turkey is against Indian aggression on Pakistan , he just said he wanted things between India/pakistan to cool down.period. However the Pakistanis were being told by their media that Erdogan supports Pakistans position...We didnt really bother when Erdogan was in India trying to make arms deals. Turkey before 2003 was a different country for Pakistan however it didnt matter to us.
There is something called optics.. Turkey and Pakistan Foreign Office find their way around with statements that dont go against their longstanding ties..and thats an incredible feat to achieve in todays complex geo-political realities.. You are complaining over nitty gritties that have no importance in bigger canvas.
I think there is clearly an Israeli hand in this, Indian govt. is following the orders of their new best friend. Otherwise, India is completely inconsequential to anything in this region. Just another smearing tactic to alienate Turkey and eventually push it out of NATO.
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