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India: Turkey's offensive in Syria deeply concerning, will affect regional stability

That 10-15% isn't involved into insurgency.
And why in the world would Turkey support insurgency in Kashmir???

They have been morally supporting it at the UN. True, 10-15% aren't involved in insurgency, but they aren't too patriotic either, most of them would like freedom if they could. Same is the case with 8 million Kashmiris. Only like 10,000-20,000 or so come out for demonstrations, stone pelting etc and even a smaller amount - 500 are actively involved in insurgency. 99% of them are quietly going about their lives.
We have no such constraints.
Ineptitude is a constraint.

10-15% of the population against you is no joke.
No. You're the joke for assuming ALL those Kurds wish to fight against Turkey. I guess you're assuming all Kurds hate Turkey, like all Kashmiris hate India (apart from anupam kher).

99% of them are quietly going about their lives.
Yeah it's usually quiet when you're under a military curfew.
Not me personally, but India could if Turkey provides monetary or weapons support to Kashmiri militants. As long as they just keep talking and giving moral support at the UN, nothing is going to change. But anything more than that and it would result in a spanking. 10-15% of the population against you is no joke.

You should focus on the funding you give to the Baloch terror groups first before expanding your programme further!
Ineptitude is a constraint.
Ineptitude is a constraint.

No. You're the joke for assuming ALL those Kurds wish to fight against Turkey. I guess you're assuming all Kurds hate Turkey, like all Kashmiris hate India (apart from anupam kher).

Obviously they hate Turkey, you are the real joke here. There have been 3-4 huge Kurdish massacres committed by Turks in the 20th century. Their language is banned in public life. Even the word "Kurd" is banned. The current situation is that the Turks have the kurds under control, nothing more, much like Assad has most of the Syrians under control(although they hate him). Since the beginning of the modern Kurdish-Turkish conflict (1970s), 4000 Kurdish villages have been destroyed and around 40,000 Kurds killed. That's almost as many as Kashmiris killed in the militancy. Just because they have pacified the kurds doesn't mean kurds like them. One of the things that works for Turkey is that they are relatively well off, so not many jobless or hungry. If that were to change, you would literally see rocket fire in their cities. Unemployment and poverty is one of the key factors that drives people to militancy. If Kashmir was a rich state, you wouldn't see a single protest, regardless of how muslim they are.
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Not me personally, but India could if Turkey provides monetary or weapons support to Kashmiri militants. As long as they just keep talking and giving moral support at the UN, nothing is going to change. But anything more than that and it would result in a spanking. 10-15% of the population against you is no joke.
India arming Kurds... I would like to see the logistics of this. :rofl:
Hahahahah only in bollywood important country thinks that their statements matter
Kashmiris = 8 million out of 1.3 billion (around 0.5% of the population)
Kurds = 10-15% of Turkey's population. (As high as 20% by some figures)

Kurdistan will be free long before Kashmir. With 10-15% of the population against you, it is almost a piece of cake. We have a good experience creating new countries with those sort of figures on our side. The only thing that has prevented them from giving you a hard spanking is a lack of financial and military support. They don't have a single ally. Iran hates them, Syria hates them(Thus Russia won't arm them either). Israel likes them but doesn't want to ruin relations with Turkey either. We have no such constraints.

Tone it down.

They made a statement against us, we made a statement against them. Tit for tat. Over. No need of thinking of arming anyone.
They have been morally supporting it at the UN. True, 10-15% aren't involved in insurgency, but they aren't too patriotic either, most of them would like freedom if they could. Same is the case with 8 million Kashmiris. Only like 10,000-20,000 or so come out for demonstrations, stone pelting etc and even a smaller amount - 500 are actively involved in insurgency. 99% of them are quietly going about their lives.

Care about million of Indian people living under the poverty lines instead of dreaming to fund a terrorist organization against Turkey. US keep sending tons of arms to make them stronger but What happened ? Turkey is wiping them from the floor at present so How do you plan to change the destiny of terrorists While you are not able to find a cure to your own problems ?
Again...It is my personal opinion...
Turkey is nor a friend not such an enemy of India just because their leader made statements in UN... If someone is a friend of Pakistan that does not translate it to an enemy of us..

Indian media should play the game for the long shot rather than reacting to some minor geopolitics of who is saying what in UN...If statement of leaders about Kashmir in UN is a benchmark of friendly ties with India, then India should switch off its ties with Iran too...Because Iranian leaders has mentioned about Kashmir issue multiple times..
At the end of the day ..it is just economy that matters...Rest of these things are just useless rants every one makes for their internal audiences...
If India is getting a business deal from Turkey that is cheaper than other nations..then we should continue with the deal unless someone makes counter offer to have a better deal than Turkey..

Rather than reactive to Turkey..we should wait for an opportunity to win the game..
Care about million of Indian people living under the poverty lines instead of dreaming to fund a terrorist organization against Turkey. US keep sending tons of arms to make them stronger but What happened ? Turkey is wiping them from the floor at present so How do you plan to change the destiny of terrorists While you are not able to find a cure to your own problems ?

Turkey isn't particularly a rich country either. You have your own economic problems. USD to Lira has increased by almost 400% in the last 10 years, those are pretty much banana republic figures. Millions of refugees, wars in neighboring states and and most importantly, a freedom struggle that as much as 15% of your population identify with. In such circumstances, you should be keeping your trap shut at the UN and concentrating on your own problems. Crying about Kashmir(0.5% of India's population) and raising cries about ethnic cleaning and what not sounds cute, especially when you have several genocides to your name. There is only one place in the world where ethnic cleansing is currently going on and that is northeastern Syria. More Kurds will die in the next week than the number of Kashmiris in 10 years.
Care about million of Indian people living under the poverty lines instead of dreaming to fund a terrorist organization against Turkey. US keep sending tons of arms to make them stronger but What happened ? Turkey is wiping them from the floor at present so How do you plan to change the destiny of terrorists While you are not able to find a cure to your own problems ?

Good for you...And i hope Turkey will be successful in your effort to make your neighorhood peaceful...So did you guys ever think about humanitarian issue while you are initiating a war in your Kurd region?? Because in every war ..: there ll be loss of life from both sides...India is never bothered to think what is Turkey is doing to protect yourself from others...it is quite natual to expect from you to stay away from our issues too....
So Turkey which is neither a rich country like Arabs nor like Western countries, feel like commenting on our issues the you can expect an reciprocal statement from other side too...
At the end of the day, if statement about Kashmir could have resolved the issue, then Kashmir could have been with Pakistan since long time..::I beleive that Indian gov is giving undue importance to silly issue like who told what about us in UN rather we should maintain relation with countries that gives benifit to us economically even if they rant a lot about Kashmir..
Turkey isn't particularly a rich country either. You have your own economic problems. USD to Lira has increased by almost 400% in the last 10 years, those are pretty much banana republic figures. Millions of refugees, wars in neighboring states and and most importantly, a freedom struggle that as much as 15% of your population identify with. In such circumstances, you should be keeping your trap shut at the UN and concentrating on your own problems. Crying about Kashmir(0.5% of India's population) and raising cries about ethnic cleaning and what not sounds cute, especially when you have several genocides to your name. There is only one place in the world where ethnic cleansing is currently going on and that is northeastern Syria. More Kurds will die in the next week than the number of Kashmiris in 10 years.

After I realized your desperate logic such as arming PKK terrorists against Turkey, I am not actually surprized to the level of your following ignorant behaviors in above post. Do you suppose The Kurds of Turkiye support a seperation idea or They see PKk/YPG as their army to liberate lands from Turkey? Which freedom struggle you are talking about ? How many times have you seen a mass street protest from Turkish ciitizen in streets? Current leading party gave a peace chance to PKK a few years ago (which was a big fault) and they used it as opportunity to state inside a few cities. Atthe end of the day, Turkish Army crushed their heads. Have you ever heard about 70,000 Kurd village volunteers of Turkiye who are actively fighting against PKk terrorists side by side with Turkish Army personal? If you are interested in the affairs related with Turkiye, It is a big fiasco not to see any mass protest of Kurd Turkish citizen walking on streets to protest PKK terrorist organization while holding the flag of their country. Kurds in Turkiye become PM, Minister, Commander and so. All surveys done among Turkish citizens points out around %96-97 who love their country but According to you, Turkey is struggling with %15 of own population. How can a state fighting against %15 of its population can survive ? Take a look examples from Syria, Libya, Iraq...etc Sorry but Your ignorance bounds no limit. You are just mixing our citizens with terrorists. PKK/YPG don’t reflect anything about our citizenship comprehension. They are just a tool which is used by our hidden enemies against Turkey when they want to hold the lines in their hands and Turkiye is just taking this opportunity from their hands. That is the reason Some states are crying like you with humanism cards when we started to wipe them from the floor.

Secondly, Ethnic cleansing have been done by US/YPG terrorists with invading 1/3 of Syria where only %5-8 of YPG controlled territory houses the mixed Kurd-Arab or sole Kurd population. What Turkey does is to clean the terrorists from Arabian lands to deliver the lands to real owners who fled to Turkey (~4,5 million Arab and Kurd of Syria). With this way, Ethnic cleansing will be prevented. Try to reach the facts instead of voicing the things you have memorized from a few biased sources.

Thirdly, If you are serious to look for a banana republic, You should check the social wealth, social statrum and personnal cleaning issues of people in this century. I think You don’t have any difficulty to find a street from a banana republic at first minutes of this conversation when you walk outside from your home to street. A person whose culture, dignity have been crushed under the boots of Britain for a long time, can not give a lecture to a country like Turkiye who accept its freedom and social/industrial advancements as a matter of honour issue. You know Turks have many empire background in history rulled India for a long time and we are known with a wild freedom spirit by taking initiative to fight against anybody who wants to draw limits to our nation so do not fall into surprise when you see some brave statements aiming to protect the benefits of brothers as well. Besides, India with 1,4 billion population (~18x compared to Turkiye) is indeed a big candidate to be a very cheap labour of the World and That will increase your total GDP figures to compete with the states having similar popjlation volume indeed but It doesn’t mean you will be wealthier than the countries having lower GDP than you since you have to feed 1,4 billion population (you can’t) compared to Turkey (80 million). In terms of purchasing power parity of states (It is a perfect indicator worldwide to compare the income levels in different countries), Turkey is almost 4x wealthier than India. India with 1,4 billion population have 2,5 trillion $ GDP volume but Turkey with 80million population have a volume of ~900 billion $ GDP volume and It is expected to exceed 1 trillion $ until 2023. You used economical figures to describe the meaning of babana republic and I just enlighten you to find the real banana republic with some painful facts by using your own arguments. Anyway, Turkish Republic will side with brothers in all conditions and Kashmir issue is also one of them. No matter What/How some Indians whose feelings have been hurt, is “crying” by seeking an opportunity to unconsciously attack on Turkiye with very poor logics and arguments.
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