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India: Turkey's offensive in Syria deeply concerning, will affect regional stability

You are stupid and a troll.
He has some sort of special dislike towards the Pakistan and Pakistanis, he has a track record of this attitude just one or two days back he termed us as "abuser of religion" even his special remarks about us can be observed in this thread, we are still ignoring and tolerating him just because he is a Turkish member but there is a limit for everything
Literally a misconception plz develop your understanding and knowledge about Pakistan.

This statement is more in line of our foreign policy of respecting and recognizing territorial integrity of all the countries specially Muslim countries and because of this we never get involved in any disputes or wars between two Muslim states.

Its our principal stance throughout the history you can observe the application of his principal during Iran-Iraq war, invasion of Kuwait by Iraq or in recent history of Yemen crisis, but by recognising Turkey as victim of Terrorism and by acknowledging the legitimate security concern of Turkey in our OFFICIAL STATEMENT we have openly supported the Turkish interest in the region.
The Turkish media, close to the government, is reporting it as Pak’s support for Turkey...
Do you seriously equal a social media hashtag to the official remarks of a country?

If so, please tell Erdoğan that he should not make such remarks and make enemy for other countries' interests, instead open a hashtag and save us from official reactions of ''enemified'' countries in the international world... as in the OP.

I honestly expect more from you, i sincerly do.
Seriously whats wrong with this guy @xenon54 ?
Wow. China and India on the same side for once. Both criticizing Turkey on Syria. Strange bedfellows indeed.

Chinese government didn't criticize Turkey by name but call for respecting sovereignty of Syria
You are actually exposing the contradicting selectiveness in the policies of ''Islamic'' republic of Pakistan.

What is the contradicting selectiveness in the policies of ''Islamic'' republic of Pakistan between Armania/S.Cyprus and Peace Sring Operation of Turkey in Syria?

When you try to answer you will see, no consistency, religion/Ummah, morality etc. but money in the end.

NO, what India does is diplomatic responds for the interests of your country and nation which is hurt by a presiden of a country for the sake of another country. In other words, India kindly reminds Erdoğan of the actual interests of the country that He is supposedly seeking the interests.

Can some Turk members here tell the same for the speech of Erdoğan in front of the whole world?

Here is an open and direct support with words of ''Kashmir'':

Here is the statment of Pakistani spokesman about Turkey:

Will you please show me the direct and open words of The Peace Spring operation just like in the speech of Erdoğan?

P.S: Do you seriously ''threaten'' me for seeking the interests of Turkey instead of Pakistan, seriously?

Hi there,

I haven't interacted with you before but I'm sure we can have a healthy discussion.

It is unwise to take everything at face value, you seem like a bright fellow so I'm sure you taken back channels into account? The real secret sauce is right there. What the public usually gets are scraps or droplets of the actual situation.

Turkey is more advanced than Pakistan in terms of conventional strength, infrastructure and trade. Turkey's economy is also much better. Pakistan is unfortunately, compromised. The past decade has been a dark period for Pakistan, we had two blood sucking parties that have killed it for the common man. You are speaking to us as if we stand on equal footing, unfortunately we do not. Our reserves are dangerously low and that puts us in a very dangerous position. Corruption was running rampart and curbing that will take a while, taxation laws are be enforced that were previously just figure head descriptions.

The only thing really going on for us is.. nuclear weapons. Otherwise India would have tried to do us in back in 2008, maybe even in 1999.

Now let's talk about perceptions, India thought we were down on our knees due to poor economy, USA warming up to India instead of Pakistan, our Major NON-Nato ally status possibly revoked etc etc.. So they got a little excited and thought we should test the waters now as it seems pretty safe (26th Feb '19). They thought Pakistan is now too compromised and won't retaliate as their projected impression had the backing of both USA & Russia. The only thing of concern in their minds were two things:

1. Our Nuclear weapons
2. China

Due to their surprise, they got humiliated on the 27th Feb 2019. America got stunned that India is no where near the chest beating they do and they can't take on China at all.
@Islamic faith&Secularism warning issued for offtopic posts. Pakistan and Turkey are two brother states that always support each other in all conditions. Your biassed agenda or whatever you feed for Pakistan (Although All Pakistani members underline their support to Turkey in PeaceSpring operation) will not change anything. Just try to end the discussion If you disagree with what is being said by members instead of drailling the thread to make it serve your personal agenda or perception operation. Thread-ban issued temporaly to keep thread ontopic as well.
@Islamic faith&Secularism warning issued for offtopic posts. Pakistan and Turkey are two brother states that always support each other in all conditions. Your biassed agenda or whatever you feed for Pakistan (Although All Pakistani members underline their support to Turkey in PeaceSpring operation) will not change anything. Just try to end the discussion If you disagree with what is being said by members instead of drailling the thread to make it serve your personal agenda or perception operation. Thread-ban issued temporaly to keep thread ontopic as well.


In case of no change in behaviour in respect of overall posting on the forum, I will be considering further action. In fact, we do have all the posting history and can tolerate such behaviour for a time so that member can realize and correct himself. Once, it's taken for granted then there is no use of soft approach at all.
Free Kashmir already from Indian occupation.

Kashmiris = 8 million out of 1.3 billion (around 0.5% of the population)
Kurds = 10-15% of Turkey's population. (As high as 20% by some figures)

Kurdistan will be free long before Kashmir. With 10-15% of the population against you, it is almost a piece of cake. We have a good experience creating new countries with those sort of figures on our side. The only thing that has prevented them from giving you a hard spanking is a lack of financial and military support. They don't have a single ally. Iran hates them, Syria hates them(Thus Russia won't arm them either). Israel likes them but doesn't want to ruin relations with Turkey either. We have no such constraints.
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If Kashmiris have a right to self determination, so do the Kurds.
So ask Syrians
I think you have still overlooked the point i try to make.

Why does the ruling party in Turkey and some Turk membes here do
Kashmiris = 8 million out of 1.3 billion (around 0.5% of the population)
Kurds = 10-15% of Turkey's population. (As high as 20% by some figures)

Kurdistan will be free long before Kashmir. With 10-15% of the population against you, it is almost a piece of cake. We have a good experience creating new countries with those sort of figures on our side. The only thing that has prevented them from giving you a hard spanking is lack of support. They don't have a single ally. Iran hates them, Syria hates them and Israel likes them but doesn't want to ruin relations with Turkey either. We have no such constraints. Could easily turn your country into a warzone.
Are you talking about arming Kurds???
So ask Syrians

Are you talking about arming Kurds???

Not me personally, but India could if Turkey provides monetary or weapons support to Kashmiri militants. As long as they just keep talking and giving moral support at the UN, nothing is going to change. But anything more than that and it would result in a spanking. 10-15% of the population against you is no joke.
Not me personally, but India could if Turkey provides monetary support to Kashmiri militants. As long as they just keep talking and giving moral support at the UN, nothing is going to change. But anything more than that and it would result in a spanking. 10-15% of the population against you is no joke.
That 10-15% isn't involved into insurgency.
And why in the world would Turkey support insurgency in Kashmir???
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