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India trying to getHindus to move back to contested Kashmir

first thing to do is declare Jammu as a separate state and Ladakh as a union territory,then isolate the kashmir valley.

Then we ll scrap article 370.
first thing to do is declare Jammu as a separate state and Ladakh as a union territory,then isolate the kashmir valley.

Then we ll scrap article 370.

Why not a Jammu & Ladakh state ??

Then make kashmir a union territory and scrap article 370.
Add some Bihari and UP bhais into the mix. Will teach those jihadis a good lesson :)
first thing to do is declare Jammu as a separate state and Ladakh as a union territory,then isolate the kashmir valley.

Then we ll scrap article 370.
That would be a serious mistake. Pakistan is already reeling from its internal problems and is lying low in Kashmir now. They will be satisfied with whatever they can get in J&K even if it is just Kashmir valley. They will want to declare some sort of victory, however meaningless it is. It helps a lot in salvaging their national pride and the achievement may act as a cohesive energy for the country. If J&K is divided, it would be easy for them to rile up the mess in the valley.
The best strategy for India with respect to Pakistan is to do what it has been doing for sometime now; just wait it out.
just been to J&k last month.

attended a high profile wedding ,Maulvies and muslim geezers were coming in droves to give blessings.

Had a chat with a few Muslims and was please with the copious amounts of hospitality slathered around like the usual Kashmiri way.

From my talks with most Kashmir wisemen i had the privileged of conversing with , true to form and blunt as usual , i just had to spice it up.
What i got was varying account on how Nehru went back on his word from greater autonomy within the present Indian union, and how he backstabbed SM Abdula when other union states asked fr the same ;and many other accounts how HAri singh gave a shoe garland to Jinnah ..the usual shallow rhetoric..

But the jist of it was the concept of either(shared by both Hindus and Muslims in varying degrees)

1- greater J&k with its own flag (considering a conducive environment is made),currency and special state status (leeching off all neighbors)(shared by all myopic idiots regardless of faith(surprisingly Hindus are on parr with there Muslim counter parts in the lvl of dumbassery))

2- J&K be given greater autonomy and will not be answerable to the center in matter of Policy and law, the flag and economic institutions will be center administered (shared by the older knowledgeable folk).

From initial deduction most prolly they want there muslim way of life to be untouched ,...ie sharia BS

When i talked some reason as to the parties involved and difference in perceptions. they all seem to agree vehemently but still stick to the same tone . Daft . Maybe it will seep in later.

As to the matter of Pakistan(in only the Muslim populace), they avoid it completely , like some embarrassing secret.

THe Hindus(especially my Mamu who works there) well they go on a cussing spree against Pakistan and more so with the themselves and the IA.
On how during the onset of the whole insurgent mess, Indian troops would allow insurgents in , in droved taking merge sums of money and selling out there nation. my mind went straight to the BSf vis a vis Bangladesh.

Not exactly very enlightening but still has some "ground reality" repute.
go populate that place grow in number and overpower those kashmiri separatist
Indians are doing ethnic cleansing on the Kashmiris :angry:

i don't think you are in better position to say so....considering what China is doing in Tibet and Xinjiang provinces..... tackling the issue with huge influx of Han chinese.....you know after 20-30 years majority will be minority.

consider this as India borrowing a page from our friends.
I resent the word ' contested' in the title.

then you resent reality.
But then again, in your mind India is a galactic supa dupa pawa.

Indians are doing ethnic cleansing on the Kashmiris :angry:

it's not just Kashmir
If Hindus had it their way they would ethnically cleanse all of India of Muslims and Christians.
They even have dreams to taking back Pakistan, cleansing it of the Muslims and having their Akhad Bharat which is pure Hindu.
not only Kashmiri Hindus but people from all other states should be invited and supported there..
Why not a Jammu & Ladakh state ??

Then make kashmir a union territory and scrap article 370.

Conggies wont do this ever in life time. Hard proponent of this - BJP , too seems to have gone away from the agenda.

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