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India Tops World's Racism Charts

Its really funny that Pakistanis want to claim Aryan history by denying t hat Indians(North Indians) are not decedents of Aryans.

You guys just want to be in denial that most of North Indians and Pakistani Punjabi's share same bloodlines...

:lol: we dont want to claim it. And your choice of words NORTH Indian already proved that there is difference between aryan and dravidian. whereas majority of Indians recenty tried to prove that entire India is aryan ;)

anyway come back to the topic
we had already debated aryan dravidan thing to death in other threads already :) the outcome was Indians claimed only 25% are dravidian adn 75% of India is aryan :)

How could a race be so pure? For to understand it better people might have to study their own family tree and also more scientific research is needed. If a person is Aryan doesn't mean he is more intelligent or a dumb or having two more hands. The huge force of Aryans were able to push the Dravidians to the South, and the Aryan Dravidian claim may be based on language.
Over 250 million people are victims of caste-based discrimination and segregation in India. They live miserable lives, shunned by much of society because of their ranks as untouchables or Dalits at the bottom of a rigid caste system in Hindu India. Dalits are discriminated against, denied access to land, forced to work in slave-like conditions, and routinely abused, even killed, at the hands of the police and of higher-caste groups that enjoy the state's protection, according to Human Rights Watch.

In what has been called Asia's hidden apartheid, entire villages in many Indian states remain completely segregated by caste. Caste-based abuse is also found in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Japan, and several African states.

In support of its assertions of Dalit abuse in India, the Human Rights Watch has documented the following abuses:

* Over 100,000 cases of rape, murder, arson, and other atrocities against Dalits are reported in India each year. Given that Dalits are both reluctant and unable (for lack of police cooperation) to report crimes against themselves, the actual number of abuses is presumably much higher.

* India's own agencies have reported that these cases are typically related to attempts by Dalits to defy the social order, or demand minimum wages and their basic human rights. Many of the atrocities are committed by the police. Even perpetrators of large-scale massacres have escaped prosecution.

* An estimated forty million people in India, among them fifteen million children, are bonded laborers, working in slave-like conditions in order to pay off a debt. A majority of them are Dalits.

* According to government statistics, an estimated one million Dalits are manual scavengers who clear feces from public and private latrines and dispose of dead animals; unofficial estimates are much higher.

* The sexual slavery of Dalit girls and women continues to receive religious sanction. Under the devadasi system, thousands of Dalit girls in India's southern states are ceremoniously dedicated or married to a deity or to a temple. Once dedicated, they are unable to marry, forced to become prostitutes for upper-caste community members, and eventually auctioned into an urban brothel.

Although there are laws in India to deal with caste-related problems of bonded labor, manual scavenging, devadasi, and other atrocities against Dalit community members, the reality is that such laws are widely ignored by the law-enforcement agencies and the perpetrators.

Source: World Values Survey and Washington Post

The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) now includes discrimination based on caste. Dating back to 1969, the ICERD convention has been ratified by 173 countries, including India. Despite this, and despite the United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights reiterating that discrimination based on work and descent is a form of racial discrimination, the Indian government's stand on this issue has remained the same: caste is not race.

Ms. Navi Pillay, the South African judge who became the United Nations high commissioner for human rights last year, recently told Barbara Crossette of the Nation a story about a group of women who came to her in Geneva recently with a brick from a latrine they had torn down in protest against being forced to carry away human excrement in their bare hands. They wanted to make the point that despite India's frequent assertions that untouchables," who call themselves Dalits ("broken people"), were no longer condemned by birth to do this job, there were still tens of thousands of such latrines in the country, and the ******, soul-destroying work continues.

Judge Pillay, a South African citizen of Indian descent, now wants to force the issue of caste the UN. "This is the year 2009, and people have been talking about caste oppression for more than a hundred years," Pillay says. "It's time to move on this issue."

Caste is now on notice: the UN has failed, she said, to educate people and change mindsets to combat the taint of caste. "How long is the cycle going to go on where those who can do something about it say, We can't, because it's the people, it's their tradition; we have to go slowly.

"Slavery and apartheid could be removed, so now [caste] can be removed through an international expression of outrage."

Haq's Musings: Dalit Victims of Apartheid in India

The author is highly ignorant of the ground realities in India and forms his opinions on the basis of classroom books. If the author had some intellectual sanity, he would have mentioned the recent changes in the system and the leeway given to the backward castes in India. The benefits enjoyed by the backward caste and not to mention the great many privileges offered by the government. But no, that cannot be the case in mud slinging business. So, the article is nothing more than a sad perversion of a deluded mind on a vengeance trip.
Here's TOI report on UK's decision to recognize caste-ism as racism:

British parliament's decision to recognize the existence of caste alongside race as a form of discrimination could hurt India's long-held argument that the two sources of bias could not be equated.

Worse, it may give a strong push to portray caste as a global phenomenon like race, undercutting India's claim that caste prejudice was indigenous to Indian society and it could not be a subject of policy at international fora like the United Nations.

As the law in the UK became a reality earlier this week, experts said it would trigger lobbying for similar legal protection in the United States, Canada, South Africa and Australia - countries that are more sensitive to human rights issues and have a strong presence of Indian diaspora, but have little awareness of caste.

The presence of Hindu/Indian diaspora and a good chunk of dalits is the pre-requisite for such laws to come into effect. Officials and the civil society said a reluctant House of Commons could be persuaded because of the presence of around four lakh SCs in the UK.

While the development has led to glee among civil rights groups, the government is worried. Senior government sources said the UK law would pile pressure on India aided by noises from international bodies and greater scrutiny.

A laxity by Indian states in dealing with caste issues, as are routinely reported, could find mention in reports of Western countries and institutions. In the long-term, it could render India vulnerable as child labour and gender bias did earlier.

India has till now rebuffed pressure by arguing that caste was an Indian problem that stood proscribed by law with legal mechanisms to address it, including the affirmative action to help dalits. The official Indian stance on caste was unveiled at the 2000 Durban conference on racism.

Vivek Kumar, a sociologist with the Jawaharlal Nehru University, said, "The studies on diaspora will have to acknowledge that caste exists outside India. The new law in the UK has strengthened claims of academics that caste is not a local problem, but is part of diaspora."

According to Anand Kumar Bolimera, country director of Christian Aid, "India should take the leadership position to deal with caste globally. India need not be defensive about it. Indian constitution barred caste discrimination half a century ago and it has the best laws to deal with the issue."

Globalization has been sending Indians across the world, but in future, experts say, their movement would be seen as not just of biological entities but also of a cultural baggage that includes decadent practices.

Casteism equal to racism? UK law holds key - Times Of India
How could a race be so pure? For to understand it better people might have to study their own family tree and also more scientific research is needed. If a person is Aryan doesn't mean he is more intelligent or a dumb or having two more hands. The huge force of Aryans were able to push the Dravidians to the South, and the Aryan Dravidian claim may be based on language.

that is another debate and NO its not based on language. race is a race a bloodline NOT language. everyone speaks english that doesnt make us english.
Well , " the Economist ask "
A) Do they want India in the neighbour , Pakistan said Yes,

If you ask any Poor people so they like their shanti/slum / house (Pakistan Bangaladesh) beside /in front of 5 Star house (India) , they (Pakistani) will always say " YES"

B) Do you want PAK /Bangladesh as a Neighbour , Indian say " NO"

If you ask 5 Star house owner (India) if they want Shanti , Slum beside their house (Pakistani) , they will always say "NO"

Therefore No people become intolerant and Yes people become tolerant. )

But the fact is how you frame the Question and how/whom to answer. Any house owner want its equal status /type neighbour hood.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/social...tolerant-countries-world-4.html#ixzz2TWug9qFp
:lol: we dont want to claim it. And your choice of words NORTH Indian already proved that there is difference between aryan and dravidian. whereas majority of Indians recenty tried to prove that entire India is aryan ;)

anyway come back to the topic

Who ever claims entire India is aryan..is a fool.... India is a multiracial...multicultural country....We have aryan decedents, Mugal decedents... in the north... and Dravidian race mostly around South of India with a sprinkle of Mughal race.... Eastern India has an influence of from china...Mayanmar and Bandladesh...

there must be many such racial mixes across India ...and that's the beauty of my county....Unity in Diversity.
according to the thread, India is supposed to be the most racist country but looking at the posts here, I could only find Pakistanis talking about the "race"
what can we say but the survey put a question to common people in all countries would they like to have people with different race as their neighbour and 43% Indians said they wont like to have .

:) racisim and religious sentiments are two different things .anyway surely if that survey was done we will debate that viz a viz India and Pakistan. But for the time being its racisim question

Both are bases for equally virulent intolerance.
Well , " the Economist ask "
A) Do they want India in the neighbour , Pakistan said Yes,

If you ask any Poor people so they like their shanti/slum / house (Pakistan Bangaladesh) beside /in front of 5 Star house (India) , they (Pakistani) will always say " YES"

B) Do you want PAK /Bangladesh as a Neighbour , Indian say " NO"

If you ask 5 Star house owner (India) if they want Shanti , Slum beside their house (Pakistani) , they will always say "NO"

Therefore No people become intolerant and Yes people become tolerant. )

But the fact is how you frame the Question and how/whom to answer. Any house owner want its equal status /type neighbour hood.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/social...tolerant-countries-world-4.html#ixzz2TWug9qFp

:lol: what and idiot you are. They asked Indians within India if they would like another Indian with a different race as their neighbour well over 43% Indains said NO.

duffer its not that they asked Pakistan/BD if they would like to have India as their neighbour.

anyway 71% Bangladeshis said they wont like a neighbour with a different race.
Africans complain of discrimination in Mumbai, India


Sheeba Rani has been ostracised by many friends and relatives for marrying Nigerian Sambo Davis

Africans staying in and around India's commercial capital, Mumbai (Bombay), complain of indiscriminate racism and constant police harassment, reports the BBC's Zubair Ahmed.

Nigerian Sambo Davis is married to an Indian woman and lives in Mumbai.

All his documents are valid, but he was arrested by the police recently on suspicion of being a drug dealer.

He and 30 other black Africans were detained for hours before they were let off with an apology.

But the following day, Mr Davis said that he was shocked to read in local newspapers that they were "arrested for drug peddling".

"The police treat us Africans like dogs," he says.

Mr Davis claims he often faces discrimination when he goes to restaurants or when he tries to rent an apartment in gated middle-class communities.

If Africans don't have papers, then deport them, don't put them in jail”

But he is nevertheless one of the lucky ones. He found a decent flat to rent, thanks to his Indian wife.

But his fellow countrymen, he says, still face discrimination: "When they go to rent flats in a normal building they are told - 'you are a black man, you are Nigerian, and you are not wanted'. This is racism."

'Hide and seek'

There is no official data on how many Africans live in Mumbai, but since India's economic progress gathered momentum in recent years, many have come to work in and around the city. Unofficial estimates put their numbers at more than 5,000.

Most of them are engaged in exporting garments to Nigeria and other African countries.

Many others are students, enrolled in the region's prestigious educational institutions.

But there are also hundreds of Africans, mostly Nigerians, who live as illegal immigrants in India. They have either "lost" their passports or their visas have "expired".

Every day, these people play hide-and-seek with the police - if they are caught, they are sent to jail.

Ikeorah Junior from Lagos runs a cafe for Africans in a crowded market on Mumbai's Mohammed Ali Road.

"I don't understand why they [police] have to go from house to house to arrest the people who don't have their papers. If they don't have papers, then deport them, don't put them in jail," he says.

Ahmed Javed, who is in charge of maintaining law and order in the state of Maharashtra, says it is not that simple: "In most cases they have no passports. So, unless their nationalities are determined, they cannot be deported."

Dozens of Africans have taken up residence on Mira Road, a dusty, nondescript town just outside Mumbai.

One "illegal immigrant" there asked me for money, claiming he had not eaten for two days.

He looked worried and told me that he had been approached by drug dealers to work for them.

Many Africans face discrimination when they try to rent apartments
"I have been here for three years - my visa expired a long time ago. I want to go back home. Please help me, brother," he tells me.

In this neighbourhood, Negro or kaalia (black in Hindi) are the two words indiscriminately used to describe all black people.

"We call them Negro because they are black. They look frightening," says one woman.

"They don't find homes to rent in Mumbai, they only stay in Mira Road. Why? Because of the way they behave. They sell drugs and indulge in other illegal activities. They cannot be trusted," a local man commented, seemingly unaware of the offensive nature of his words.

'Embarrassed and ashamed'

Against such a backdrop of pronounced prejudice, Sheeba Rani married Sambo Davis four years ago and the couple have two children.

Mrs Davis says her parents are enlightened Christians and they blessed them because they thought the marriage was God's wish.

But, she says, she has been ostracised by many friends, relatives and society since her marriage.

Mrs Davis is "embarrassed and ashamed" by the behaviour of the Indian people towards black Africans.

Sheeba Rani's parents blessed the couple saying the marriage was God's wish
"When I used to go to a mall or if I walked with him, I always wanted him to hold my hand. But when people saw me with him, they thought I was from a bad family or even a prostitute."

Earlier, she did not understand why black people were being looked down upon, but now she says she does.

"Because our society is obsessed with white skin. If I had married a white man, I would have gained more friends and society's approval too."

Mr Davis believes that the discrimination is solely "because I am a black man".

"It's because I am from Africa, I am a Nigerian. I think Indians see us as inferior."

Yet despite the discrimination they face, nearly all Africans the BBC interviewed said they had a soft spot for their adopted country.

They say the relations between India and Africa are "rock solid". Many argued that Indians and Africans are brothers.

"We look after Indians in our countries. They have become rich there. All we want here is for Indians to understand we are not drug dealers. We are not violent. We are just like them."

according to the thread, India is supposed to be the most racist country but looking at the posts here, I could only find Pakistanis talking about the "race"

that came as a refernce to the debate :) i would like to have dravidian martian anyone as my neighbour that doesnt matter at all

Both are bases for equally virulent intolerance.

Indeed but one has been done and proven the other has YET to take palce so dont mix up
Mr Haq has built this whole thread out of a lie...

Truth is :

The data from the survey by Niclas Berggren and Therese Nilsson was then mapped by Max Fisher of the Washington Post.

Hong Kong topped the list, with 71.8% of the population saying they would refuse to live next to someone of a different race.

Bangladesh followed closely behind Hong Kong at 71.7%, followed by Jordan on 51.4%, India with 43.5% and Saudi Arabia at 37.7%, Fisher reported.

Survey exposes 'most racist' countries - One News | TVNZ
Yes thats why India is the country with the largest Hindu population, the 3rd largest Muslim population, the largest Sikh population, the largest Christian population in Asia etc etc with people from all ethnic groups and religions being present at the highest government levels.

Tell me which other country has been under a stable democratic rule for + 6 decades and has such a great diversity?
Riaz uncle is back with his deception. From the original article

Is 43.5 higher than 51.4, 71.8, 71.7? Trust Riaz Haq to be intellectually dishonest. What's new?

Typical obsession and identity crisis of the OP.

Let me repeat from another post.

The idea of racial purity is central to Hindu nationalists in India who have a long history of admiration for the Nazi leader, including his "Final Solution".

In his book "We" (1939), Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar, the leader of the Hindu Nationalist RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) wrote, "To keep up the purity of the Race and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of the Semitic races -- the Jews. Race pride at its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well-nigh impossible it is for races and cultures, having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindusthan to learn and profit by."

Haq's Musings: Hindu Nationalists Admire Nazis and Israel in India?

There is only one country ic South Asia that killed 3 million of its own people because of the pathetic notions of racial superiority.

Having seen only grotesque caricatures of history, it is impossible for Pakistan’s youth to understand 1971. But how can I blame them? Those of us who grew up in the 1950s and 1960s knew in our hearts that East and West Pakistan were one country but not one nation. Young people today cannot imagine the rampant anti-Bengali racism among West Pakistanis then. With great shame, I must admit that, as a thoughtless young boy, I, too, felt embarrassed about small and dark people being among my compatriots. Victims of a delusion, we thought that good Muslims and Pakistanis were tall, fair and spoke chaste Urdu. Some schoolmates would laugh at the strange sounding Bengali news broadcasts from Radio Pakistan.

Shahbag Square

And even now, we can all see the pathetic and false sense of racial superiority among many of you, when you try to be wannabe "pure" Arabs/Turks/Afghans and sundry others.

One irony, of course, is that contrary to their wishful thinking, the vast majority of Muslims in the subcontinent have more Hindu blood in their veins than there is Arab, Afghan, Turkish or Persian blood. Many of the invaders took Hindu wives and concubines. And many Hindus converted to Islam to further their military or civil service careers. As a result of this intermingling, despite proud boasts of pure bloodlines, most Pakistanis have many Hindu ancestors.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Calling the BD people "low lying people of a low lying land" whose rapine and genocide renewed their faith" ("imaan taaza ho gaya" exclaimed a tribal West Pakistani bureaucrat who saw it happening), does that equate to Racial tolerance?

Roedad Khan, that incorrigible Pakistani bureaucrat, glowed at dawn on March 26, 1971. As Bengalis were shot down, he exclaimed: "Yaar, iman taaza ho gya." Pakistan must someday weep for that comment. And then we will forget.

Forget 1971, says Pakistan

The happenings in Karachi?

It is funny to see the denial and pathetic self-congratulation of one of the most intolerant countries in the world.

One that has wiped out it's religious minorities almost entirely and now has turned on the Muslim sects and ethnic minorities!

Ladies and Gentlemen, this was the underlying reason for PARTITION of INDIA in 1947. Muslims of the Sub-Continent wanted to get away from these RACIST PEOPLE and those who could did get away from them. Sadly 250 Million Muslims are still suffering under the yoke of these Terrorist People. They have terrorized the various minorities of India with their bigotry and belligerence.

The worst bigot country in the world that ethnically cleansed its minorities and now has turned on its Islamic sects, they are ones to make such claims!

The ones for whom the fil.th like Gazhanavi, Timur and Babur (all skull pyramids makers) are their national and religious heroes, they are talking of tolerance.

We are glad we are rid of such identity crisis people.

They have created a failed state for themselves, topping in terror.

BTW: The partitioning of our great Dharmic land for the pathetic barbaric invaders is a grave injustice. I hope it will be corrected one day. We are not responsible for the invaders who never became Hindustani and claimed they are a separate nation.

Try saying that in USA and demand a partition there! ;)
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