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India top seller of Beef

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The fat (marbling) actually helps the beef taste very rich.

Thats right but Consuming too many fats, no matter what kind, can lead to obesity. Fats contain more than twice as many calories per gram as carbohydrates and protein. The surgeon general lists diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, cancer, arthritis and several other diseases as health risks associated with obesity. Eating too many saturated fats leads to high levels of LDL -- "bad" cholesterol -- and total cholesterol, which increases your risk for cardiovascular disease.

Read more: Advantages & Disadvantages Of Fats | LIVESTRONG.COM
You do need a bit of fat in your diet and that is the taste the juice in the meat, the real problem is the butter we use! the ghee etc that and our love for sweet things is why asians tend to have higher rate of diabities.
Thats right but Consuming too many fats, no matter what kind, can lead to obesity. Fats contain more than twice as many calories per gram as carbohydrates and protein. The surgeon general lists diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, cancer, arthritis and several other diseases as health risks associated with obesity. Eating too many saturated fats leads to high levels of LDL -- "bad" cholesterol -- and total cholesterol, which increases your risk for cardiovascular disease.

Read more: Advantages & Disadvantages Of Fats | LIVESTRONG.COM

Thanks ill sure think of your post next time I bite into a delicious beef burger. Lol also you do need some amount of fat in diet, and not all fat is necessarily bad for you in x quantities.

Don't worry about my health bro I'm doing just fine. Eat beef get strong.:tup:
Yeah I bet the most of the meat sold in India is substandard and below western standards and quality; so no wonder you guys are suffering from so much food related problems.

As I said, it is a poor man's meat. So poor people and communities mainly eat it to supplement their animal protein needs. Most of the middle and upper class would eat fish, and mutton, and chicken, which cannot be afforded by poor people. Btw, @A1Kaid, 99% of beef from India is buffalo and not cow. Did you know that?
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Yeah I bet the most of the meat sold in India is substandard and below western standards and quality; so no wonder you guys are suffering from so much food related problems.

This is why I do not eat meat while I am in India unless it was in a hotel like the Taj it is best avoided but eating fresh fish curry caught straight out of the sea is okay I feel.
As I said, it is a poor man's meat. So poor people and communities mainly eat it to supplement their animal protein needs. Most of the middle and upper class would eat fish, and mutton, and chicken, which cannot be afforded by poor people.

Yeah it's poor mans meat in India because the quality of meat is so poor and cows are everywhere in India many of them just roaming the streets, cows in India are like stray dogs in other developing countries. So if your in India best to get beef from outside countries, much healthier and cleaner beef.

This is why I do not eat meat while I am in India unless it was in a hotel like the Taj it is best avoided but eating fresh fish curry caught straight out of the sea is okay I feel.

Yeah I prefer to eat at proper restaurant when visiting Pakistan, avoid eating at the small open shops or street vendors or whatever (depends which city your in) but if your like me living overseas you cannot easily eat the "common" food there if not properly cleaned. Eat at proper clean modern restaurant and you should be fine.
Yeah it's poor mans meat in India because the quality of meat is so poor and cows are everywhere in India many of them just roaming the streets, cows in India are like stray dogs in other developing countries. So if your in India best to get beef from outside countries, much healthier and cleaner beef.

5 star Hotels do not serve street cow meat buddy lol they will buy premium quality, I had a beef dish in Goa at the Taj Hotel and it was cooked to perfection the quality was on par with anything I had in the west.
5 star Hotels do not serve street cow meat buddy lol they will buy premium quality, I had a beef dish in Goa at the Taj Hotel and it was cooked to perfection the quality was on par with anything I had in the west.

I know that's why I said eat at proper restaurants they have higher quality food of course. As for Kobe beef burger I do recommend you try it if you eat beef, its pricey but its not like you are eating it all the time it's a special treat.
Cow slaughter is banned in India by supreme court, let alone export it. It is ox meat that is exported.
Cow slaughter is banned in India by supreme court, let alone export it. It is ox meat that is exported.

Cow slaughter is banned in 6 states, allowed under specefic restrictions in 14 states and unrestricted in 4 states.
India tops beef export NOT beef consumption

Yeah but it's mostly buffalo meat now cow meat, other countries export mostly beef cow meat. Personally I think buffalo meat should not be called beef it should be categorized separately to avoid confusion.
I know that's why I said eat at proper restaurants they have higher quality food of course. As for Kobe beef burger I do recommend you try it if you eat beef, its pricey but its not like you are eating it all the time it's a special treat.

$200 for a single burger? **** me im not made of money I would try it once in my life time like when I get my inheritance lol or a juicy bonus from work until then I can only imagine how good it taste.

How about a Kobe burger with some Shiitake mushrooms laced with a nice plum/chilli sauce that would be sublime!
Thanks ill sure think of your post next time I bite into a delicious beef burger. Lol also you do need some amount of fat in diet, and not all fat is necessarily bad for you in x quantities.

Don't worry about my health bro I'm doing just fine. Eat beef get strong.:tup:

When it comes to taste beef is the best we have it at home once a week specially on friday's My Mom prepares a delicious beef Sukha . :enjoy:
Yeah but it's mostly buffalo meat now cow meat, other countries export mostly beef cow meat. Personally I think buffalo meat should not be called beef it should be categorized separately to avoid confusion.

Could be but the Cow meat has a big share in Indian export
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