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India top seller of Beef

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Nonetheless i love T bone .

Nothing comes remotely close to delicious pork chops, barbecued with the skin and fat intact.

Man my mouth is watering now just looking at this fresh pink cut. I can just feel the juice and blood dripping from it.

I like them done just rare but not too chewy.


Just look at the texture on this cut yaar. Jannat!

Yeah it all depends on how the cow was treated and fed, Argentina, Japan, etc beef farmers feed their cows high nutrient diet and they treat their cows very well and produce some of the worlds best beef. People pay top dollar at restaurant for beef from those countries.

I never tried Kobe beef as it is rather expensive and not many places stock it but people have told me it is bloody good!

That is true for any type of meat products, people will pay a premium for the finest chops of the meat as well as where it comes from like for example New Zealand Lamb is known the world over for it's quality.

LOL it's hard to find even chicken in gujarat. I was interning in valsad and me and my friend had to bike 20 kms every 2-3 days to a muslim eatery shop to satify ze meat cravings.

I seen chilli style eggs on the street stands in Guj they are tasty
Is Indian beef of any good quality? I know American, Japanese (Kobe), Argentina, European beef are world famous for their taste. I think Indian beef must be sub quality because if you look at many of the Indian cows those cows look disease ridden, skinny, and are free roaming the streets eating god knows what. Unless India has proper beef farms where the production of beef is managed with care then I wouldn't bother with Indian beef, in fact India should be careful and make sure its beef is quality otherwise countries will ban beef from India.
If you had sense you would know that you get what you pay for.

The farm bred cows in India specially for beef will command a premium price from the buyer and the typical run of the mill cow will command a lesser price. Both of these categories are widely present.
The entire country will not have the same price as is with all products.

Please use some common sense next time.
Is Indian beef of any good quality? I know American, Japanese (Kobe), Argentina, European beef are world famous for their taste. I think Indian beef must be sub quality because if you look at many of the Indian cows those cows look disease ridden, skinny, and are free roaming the streets eating god knows what. Unless India has proper beef farms where the production of beef is managed with care then I wouldn't bother with Indian beef, in fact India should be careful and make sure its beef is quality otherwise countries will ban beef from India.

If a Mango Man from Middle East , Bangladesh , Pakistan and Far East can afford Kobe or 'murican or dem European brands then Indian Beef would not have this much export . But "Sub standard" beef for people who are "Sub Standard" Economically is the norm .

Brahman and Nellore are most popular beef cattle from India .




Yeah it all depends on how the cow was treated and fed, Argentina, Japan, etc beef farmers feed their cows high nutrient diet and they treat their cows very well and produce some of the worlds best beef. People pay top dollar at restaurant for beef from those countries. A Kobe Japan beef burger can cost you ~$200.

Indian beef doesn't come with high fat unlike the argentine once.
Is Indian beef of any good quality? I know American, Japanese (Kobe), Argentina, European beef are world famous for their taste. I think Indian beef must be sub quality because if you look at many of the Indian cows those cows look disease ridden, skinny, and are free roaming the streets eating god knows what. Unless India has proper beef farms where the production of beef is managed with care then I wouldn't bother with Indian beef, in fact India should be careful and make sure its beef is quality otherwise countries will ban beef from India.

You must either completely naive of or dumb if you think that we dont export beef from large farms.... Anyways, the numbers speak for themself..........
If you had sense you would know that you get what you pay for.

The farm bred cows in India specially for beef will command a premium price from the buyer and the typical run of the mill cow will command a lesser price. Both of these categories are widely present.
The entire country will not have the same price as is with all products.

Please use some common sense next time.

Not much is known about Indian beef industry, in fact didn't even know India was a "top seller of beef" nor have I ever encountered beef from India here, so not sure which countries you are exporting to. So little is known about the beef production standards ad quality in India.

The entire country will not have the same price as is with all products

True, but that still doesn't mean your farm cows make for quality beef (they made taste better than run of the mill cow) but in comparison to US, Japan, Argentina, European countries is Indian beef any good? That's the point.
I was reading that famous cow breeds of the Americas, including the iconic Texas Longhorn, have descended from Indian ancestors

If the cow has been fed a proper diet and looked after with plenty of fresh air etc there is no reason at all it would not taste as good as anything the west has to offer.
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