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India 'too late' in artillery modernisation: Army chief

With all respect please share the source please.....:coffee:
Or this is just another magical number that comes in ur mind.....
around 180 M-46 has been up-graded by Soltam into 155/45cal.
and yes around half of Bofors Gun can't work due to space part.
Just saying LOL wont change the truth..Indian T-90 are wayyyy more better than your tanks and yes of 3000 tanks 20% that is 600 tanks are night capable atleast...more than enough....and MI-35 is also operated by Indian army...google it yourself.Mi-35 are one of the most admired and feared weapons platform.it has awesome armament which cobra viper cannot carryand now we have LCH as well to accompany the HIND.... be scared ...very scared

:rofl::rofl::rofl: lol yeah right....ak is better then t-90 on paper...though both tanks have never bee tested....also how many currently do u have?300 plus?rest r 145 arjunk?and few upgraded t 72?
:rofl::rofl::rofl: they sure are better then 500 aks
al zarrars
345 t-89ud?
t 85 upgradeds?etc etc?

LOL LCA isnt ready yet since 4 decades?when will u induct lch?:woot:
hind lol which armament cant viper carry?foolish arguement?
about LCH by the time we will be having
18 euro tigers on order
super cobras around 2014-15
Several fennecs in service
54 plus viper already in service
and a new gen attack heli probably T 129:cheers:
around 180 M-46 has been up-graded by Soltam into 155/45cal.
and yes around half of Bofors Gun can't work due to space part.

so that means our one million strong army need to fight with out getting proper RT support...:tdown:

what heck the MOD doing for all these years.....:angry:
Indian Army to Execute $4 Billion Artillery Projects

The total no.of artillery to be induct is roughly 2814
India is all set to initiate the long-awaited $4 billion artillery modernisation programme and will shortly float a global tender for the acquisition of 814 motorised howitzers.

The Artillery modernisation programme aims to induct roughly 2,814 guns of different types.

Defence Ministry sources said that the project has been granted approval by the Defence Acquisitions Council which is chaired by Defence Minister A K Antony and the Request for Proposal will be issued.

The artillery modernization includes off-the-shelf purchase of 200 155mm/52-calibre mounted gun systems from overseas, which will be followed by indigenous manufacture of another 614 such howitzers under transfer of technology.

The 17-tonne motorized howitzers will arm 40 regiments.

Another major project includes the purchase of 100 155mm/52-calibre self-propelled tracked guns for five artillery regiments and its field trials are slated for May-June 2010.

India is also looking to finalize the Rs 8,000 crore project to buy 400 155mm/52-calibre towed artillery guns, which is to be followed by indigenous manufacture of another 1,180 howitzers.

The contenders are BAE Systems, ST Kinetics of Singapore and Israeli Soltam.

Another project was to acquire 140 air-mobile ultra-light howitzers (ULHs) for Rs 2,900 crore. This is being eagerly awaited since the Indian Army needs ULHs to ensure artillery can be deployed in remote inaccessible areas.

India’s artillery modernization has been plagued with scandals and delays for decades.

No new artillery gun has been inducted ever since the infamous Rs 1,437 crore Bofors contract for 410 field howitzers became a major scandal in 1986.

1-155mm/52-calibre self-propelled artllery--100 +(indigenous manufacturing by TOT !!)
2-155mm/52-calibre towed artillery--400+1180(indigenous manufacturing by TOT)
3-155mm/52-calibre ultra-light howitzers--140
4-155mm/52-calibre motorized mounted gun systems-200+614(indigenous manufacturing by TOT

TOTAL-2814 artillery of various types....:taz::taz:

Indian Army to Execute $4 Billion Artillery Projects

The total no.of artillery to be induct is roughly 2814
India is all set to initiate the long-awaited $4 billion artillery modernisation programme and will shortly float a global tender for the acquisition of 814 motorised howitzers.

The Artillery modernisation programme aims to induct roughly 2,814 guns of different types.

Defence Ministry sources said that the project has been granted approval by the Defence Acquisitions Council which is chaired by Defence Minister A K Antony and the Request for Proposal will be issued.

The artillery modernization includes off-the-shelf purchase of 200 155mm/52-calibre mounted gun systems from overseas, which will be followed by indigenous manufacture of another 614 such howitzers under transfer of technology.

The 17-tonne motorized howitzers will arm 40 regiments.

Another major project includes the purchase of 100 155mm/52-calibre self-propelled tracked guns for five artillery regiments and its field trials are slated for May-June 2010.

India is also looking to finalize the Rs 8,000 crore project to buy 400 155mm/52-calibre towed artillery guns, which is to be followed by indigenous manufacture of another 1,180 howitzers.

The contenders are BAE Systems, ST Kinetics of Singapore and Israeli Soltam.

Another project was to acquire 140 air-mobile ultra-light howitzers (ULHs) for Rs 2,900 crore. This is being eagerly awaited since the Indian Army needs ULHs to ensure artillery can be deployed in remote inaccessible areas.

India’s artillery modernization has been plagued with scandals and delays for decades.

No new artillery gun has been inducted ever since the infamous Rs 1,437 crore Bofors contract for 410 field howitzers became a major scandal in 1986.

1-155mm/52-calibre self-propelled artllery--100 +(indigenous manufacturing by TOT !!)
2-155mm/52-calibre towed artillery--400+1180(indigenous manufacturing by TOT)
3-155mm/52-calibre ultra-light howitzers--140
4-155mm/52-calibre motorized mounted gun systems-200+614(indigenous manufacturing by TOT

TOTAL-2814 artillery of various types....:taz::taz:

source:Indian Army to Execute $4 Billion Artillery Projects | India Defence Online
this all looks very good but only in mind and paper
so that means our one million strong army need to fight with out getting proper RT support...:tdown:

what heck the MOD doing for all these years.....:angry:
please accept the fact that you lack to much as compare to us in the field of artillery
:rofl::rofl::rofl: lol yeah right....ak is better then t-90 on paper...though both tanks have never bee tested....also how many currently do u have?300 plus?rest r 145 arjunk?and few upgraded t 72?
:rofl::rofl::rofl: they sure are better then 500 aks
al zarrars
345 t-89ud?
t 85 upgradeds?etc etc?

LOL LCA isnt ready yet since 4 decades?when will u induct lch?:woot:
hind lol which armament cant viper carry?foolish arguement?
about LCH by the time we will be having
18 euro tigers on order
super cobras around 2014-15
Several fennecs in service
54 plus viper already in service
and a new gen attack heli probably T 129:cheers:

I'll just quote this so someone else can rip these statements apart.
Also note that India bought 145 light weight M777 howitzer which was recently inducted into the USMC, US army and Canadian army.

well its humorous to see some members claiming that indian artillery division is very weak..i guess time is ripe to try their luck once again..:rofl:
ak is better then t-90 on paper...though both tanks have never bee tested....also how many currently do u have?300 plus?rest r 145 arjunk?and few upgraded t 72?
:rofl::rofl::rofl: they sure are better then 500 aks
al zarrars
345 t-89ud?
t 85 upgradeds?etc etc?

LOL LCA isnt ready yet since 4 decades?when will u induct lch?:woot:
hind lol which armament cant viper carry?foolish arguement?
about LCH by the time we will be having
18 euro tigers on order
super cobras around 2014-15
Several fennecs in service
54 plus viper already in service
and a new gen attack heli probably T 129:cheers:

T-129? Super cobra? Eurocopter tiger? lol dream on. None of them are being ordered. Don't put your wish lists here with 'probably', 'to be' etc. And don't compare T-90S with AK, T-90S is way better than AK.

You had dream that India doesn't have any SPG, you don't know any differences between mortar and artillery. :rofl:
Super cobra will replace our old by 2015,
france said we will provide eurocopter to pakistan..dealis nt signed yet..
t-129 for sure in future..and if we want in greater number then TOT too..
Turkey is our good friend
Super cobra will replace our old by 2015,
france said we will provide eurocopter to pakistan..dealis nt signed yet..
t-129 for sure in future..and if we want in greater number then TOT too..
Turkey is our good friend

France said???
Since when we started believing on rumours.Rumours has it that India will also get F-35 if we buy the F-16.and anyways,LCH is already having test runs so very soon we will supplement our heli fleet..and yeah we also have a tender for 22 attack helis in which we will get apache 3rd tranche.....so yes...grapevine is pretty thick
Super cobra will replace our old by 2015,
Pakistan 'likely to seek' replacement of cobra with super cobra. so there is not even talk started yet.

france said we will provide eurocopter to pakistan..dealis nt signed yet..
France said doesn't mean that you have it. If evolution doesn't mean you got it. JF-17 deal with France was in final stage as far as I know but what happened to it?
t-129 for sure in future..and if we want in greater number then TOT too..
Turkey is our good friend
Turkey is everyone's friend. Don't talk about possibilities... Turkey developed something and Pakistan will get that. :no:
T-129? Super cobra? Eurocopter tiger? lol dream on. None of them are being ordered. Don't put your wish lists here with 'probably', 'to be' etc. And don't compare T-90S with AK, T-90S is way better than AK.

You had dream that India doesn't have any SPG, you don't know any differences between mortar and artillery. :rofl:
LOL u seem frustrated?
I hope u know 18 euro tigers are already under procurement?2009 deal?:rofl::
Super cobra?hope u know army asked for it?USA will supply them in 2014-2015?:woot:
Wish list:
:rofl::rofl: wow...go to threads ALKHALID VS T9 to get ur tiny ego ravaged or torn to pieces...:rofl::rofl:
300 t90s,145 ajunks and few T-72s wow wat a fleet? compairing with 500 AK,I,AL ZARRARS,T-85,T-80UD(WITH ALL FEATURES OF T-84 UD)LOL REST BEING UPGRADED?(MOST HAVE ATLEAST NIGHT VISIONS..LOL
Get urself mentality checked,,,,
lol 103mm arty on a bmp:rofl:
WOW .... Thts such a powerful anti tank motar cum spg.......LOL makes me wanna laugh?
R u compairing it with M109A5? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA or 122MM ARTY GUN on a M109A5 chasis?or SH1?OR our other systems?
also u only have 40 or so old hinds assualt cum transport helicopter(not even a ture attack helicopter)

About ur 100 plus M 777 lol dude we got 150 plus M109A5s
Makes u wanna kill urself?doesnt it?
Pakistan 'likely to seek' replacement of cobra with super cobra. so there is not even talk started yet.

Nothing is replacing nothing we jujst got 14 upgraded vipers.....
Super cobras were asked by PA....And according to statements we will recieve it till 2014 or 15..

France said doesn't mean that you have it. If evolution doesn't mean you got it. JF-17 deal with France was in final stage as far as I know but what happened to it?

Its on a hold.....not cancelled.:rofl:...even then we have the possiability of italian...and british radars ...

Turkey is everyone's friend. Don't talk about possibilities... Turkey developed something and Pakistan will get that. :no:

Yup not just ur friend :rofl::rofl: they denied Naval guns to india several times????y know why??:azn:
Nothing is replacing nothing we jujst got 14 upgraded vipers.....
Super cobras were asked by PA....And according to statements we will recieve it till 2014 or 15..

Its on a hold.....not cancelled.:rofl:...even then we have the possiability of italian...and british radars ...

Yup not just ur friend they denied Naval guns to india several times????y know why??

You always post BS but could never bring front a source. :rofl:

Give us a source that Pakistan sign deal for Super cobra. I know you can't. It say Pakistan 'likely to seek', just like akistan seeking 'drone technology'. :argh:

Again post a link that Pakistan signed a deal for EC tiger. That as far as I know only evaluated. India also evaluating super cobra, AH-64D apache, Ka, Mi iger etc but that doesn't mean India have the all. :yahoo:

If Pakistan get T-129 than India is getting F-22. Stay in your dream. Turkey is atleast three decades behind India in terms of defence technologies. There is nopoint of taking any guns from Turkey. :rofl:

You always come with lies but never able post a source to back your claim!
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