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India to vote against Sri Lanka in UNHRC

A 13 yr old kid throwing a rock at you is not a terrorist..
Recently 3 students killed in IOK by Indian occupation army..

you mean to say Kasab was throwing rocks and we hanged him :omghaha:
What would the US resolutions and the successful passage of it throughthe UNHRC entail?

would there be any actions or sanctions brought on Lanka if it goes through? war crimes and genocide are serious offenses how will it affect Lanka?
Not a good situation to be in. Decision made based on emotions & votebank politics. However not in the national interest... vested interests will grab the opportunity to undermine India's standing in the region. Oh well.. let's see how this one plays out in the long run.

No matter what India does SL is already in China's pocket, might as well go and vote against them.
You are completely wrong here, And Tamils won't get such a thing!

The only way to get lasting peace and prosperity in SL is by giving an autonomous state to N&E to some extent. At least Indian type quasi-federal is what we need. And saying tamils would not get that arrogantly would not take this country forward. Please get more education on contemporary Lankan history.

What I see everyday most of Indian Tamils on PDF do not know how we live in SL. They always talk based on the things and systems what they have in India.

Yes most indian tamils do not knw how things are in SL. Well that is expected as they live in a different country.

You will not see any ethnic based or religion base separating features in here. All the 9 provinces and 25 districts in here are same, SL government cannot implement such a special features 1 or 2 provinces, or demand of specific ethnic.

Don’t lie men, Is the northern province same as Southern Province? Is the Eastern province same as Western Province? North has a tamil character, though u dnt want to believe or not. It is the Tamil Sri Lanka. East has tamil flavor along with a combined sinhala and muslim flavor. Arent these areas drastically different from the rest of SL. We need a new structure. That is the way forward and arrongantly holding to your no devolution - every one equal theory wont work.

Tamils in North is something around 5% of whole population, majority Tamils live outside of this province.

Majority Tamils work outside North because there was war for 30 years. Many migrated to southern parts due to war. But I think once normalcy returns with economic growth and a good political solution, many Tamils would go back to North.

I always with any Sri Lankan to protect their rights but I cannot stand with a some group of specific ethnic's extremists demands.

It is not an extremist demand that is specific to Tamils. Be more understanding. Tamils get equal access to education, employment, healthcare but that is as individuals, not as a race. We need to acknowledge the tamil identity of SL.

Don't mention the Indian system, I agree it's an unique system for India otherwise India won't last until now. But it's officially divided based on race and religions etc

The tamil problem in SL is very much similar to what was in india in 60s. So we need to tackle it the same way. In many fronts SL is a mirror image of India, so claiming indian system wont work here is idiotic.

Sri Lanka is one unit, country of all Sri Lankans, provinces and districts are the same!

Lie! Where was Sri Lankans a one unit. Otherwise we wont have a war. We seriously need an introspection, redefining and restructuring. Please think about it. Are u honestly saying Jaffna in northern province is as same as Matara in South? Really?
The game is totally different here, China is using srilanka as a base for its operations, they are building a billion dollar deep sea port in srilanka which is a direct threat to india, US and the rest of the world.

Srilanka is and was in bed with our enemies from a long time, we need to go ahead with supporting the resolution or any unilateral sanctions for this reason and also for the reason that they killed 30000 tamil civilians.

China has never based their operations in SL. Total lie!
How is a commerical port in south of Lanka be a threat to India?
If trading having cooperations is going to bed with china, india's biggest trading partner is china and you have gone to bed much earlier than us.
where is the evidence for killing 30000.

The more recent US and UK sponsored UNHRC resolution will squeeze SL even more. Whether India supports it or not it does not matter. India is a clown in the whole game with no concrete strategic policy - dancing to SL threat of bringing in bogeyman foreign powers(till 1980s it was US base in Trincomalee and since then it has been China and Hambantota and host them in her country to offset Indian influence) or dancing to TN political parties. If SL gets closer to China in the subsequent years, US will only squeeze SL even more as US will be feeling threatened in the Indian Ocean where she is sitting in Diego Garcia.

Until Indian leaders grow some political will, India will be a mere spectator in the whole game unraveling and personally I would want TN political parties and TN people squeeze the GOI even more and the era of coalition politics is only helping the situation.

So u accept america is playing geo politics here and nothing abt HR?
btwen america will leave Tamils as soon as they achieve what they want just like india did in 80s. You tamils in India are helping the Tamils in SL to get lost again. If u are sincere, what u people whould be doing is helping them to integrate to Lanka.
Agreed completely..The problem is most Madrasis cannot see anything beyond thier highly regionalist,often racist prisms..They have been ingrained on this imagined superiority of the Tamil language over others..Hence the avid often violent resistence you can see for integration from TN to SL,Fiji and Malaysia..Having tried thier seperatist idealogies on the mainland and failed because of the strong resistance of the Indian union in the 50's and before..they eventually looked elsewhere for a soft target

And ofcause the latest ruse of using the China bogeyman to prolong thier agenda and gain support through fear from rest of India

read my reply to sky line
and what price are you paying?
Guys, if you think that voting against SL is wrong for INDIA, you don't have to.
If you think that for the sake of Business you can support killers, they India should have not hanged Afsal or Kasab.
Where your humanity has gone, why don't you think of acting for a war free world, rather interested in protecting war cirminals arses.
But remember there are over 7 crore Tamils whoes voice is neglected in INDIA if you are voting in favour of SL, and that will not be tolerated.

and what price are you paying?
Guys, if you think that voting against SL is wrong for INDIA, you don't have to.
If you think that for the sake of Business you can support killers, they India should have not hanged Afsal or Kasab.
Where your humanity has gone, why don't you think of acting for a war free world, rather interested in protecting war cirminals arses.
But remember there are over 7 crore Tamils whoes voice is neglected in INDIA if you are voting in favour of SL, and that will not be tolerated.

Here comes the self professed lover of human rights who said,
1. LTTE are freedom fighters and not terrorists,
2. LTTE has never killed civilians (what a lier)
3. Reject LTTE killing when evidences are given.
4. Always ready to accept Indian army's crimes but not LTTE's which question his allegiance.
5. Says it is ok for LTTE to have child soldiers and to kill infants, kids if the murderer is LTTE.
6. Says it is ok for LTTE to kill disabled LTTE cadres as a tactic.

:rofl: And he cries for humanity
No worries..but unlike certain Indian posters here, Lankans bar one or two i have not seen any of them target a specific group,They have counteracted on defence of thier country not on some specific ethnic group..Where else there has been almost a blanket animosity from those posters presumed to be from TN..Like i said my comments are not unifirm but to those very obvious

And it's a reciprocation not a proaction

I'm not a tamil- i have lived there and loved them. most Indians don't understand the tamil issue. I don;t know what sort of a world you live in but in my country we have ALWAYS, I mean ALWAYS take pride in being inclusive. you disenfranchised the tamils, took away their votes, segregated them from public life and expected what? peace and tranquility. We enfranchised EVERYONE, respected everyone's culture, have dozens of official languages and are stronger than ever. Go figure.
Sri Lanka is too small to play with the big boys, its just a pawn that will be tossed around and get pushed from one camp to the other. Its better if you keep away from everybody because you will just get mauled in the global game and China wants stratagic space in the Indian Ocean which doesn't go down well with your big neighbor. India will try to handle it with kid gloves but if it goes beyond a point then India will have to take some action to avoid this from happening and it will not bode well for you.

The game is too big for you and you will lose in both ways, it would be better to stay away.

yes, exactly the way India take a side in global arena between US and china. we need to learn alot fom our indian bros. :D

That is between we INDIANS to decide on how to take it, threat or care for each other? this question we INDIANS will decide, we don't need you to tell us what it is.

same way it is we Lankans decide with whom we cooperate and have trading partnersships with
a holes will always come up with stupidity to cover their arse. and you are the first of that.
I dont have to remind you that this is a public international forum, its not exclusive for PAKISTANIS or for you SL.

How do cover your arse with stupidity? do u do that in TN? :D
@ Gibbs, I dont think this man got what u said. English is a bit of a problem area for him. He takes defence lessons by watching cartoons and who knows how he takes Language lessons. :D

I mentioned the numbers, because the majority voice needs to heared, that is the concept of Democracy.
You guys will not understand that.

This is exactly what sinhala nationalists say in SL. How awkwardly you two are similar.
China has never based their operations in SL. Total lie!
How is a commerical port in south of Lanka be a threat to India?
If trading having cooperations is going to bed with china, india's biggest trading partner is china and you have gone to bed much earlier than us.
where is the evidence for killing 30000.

I guess you missed the anti India statements coming out of Lanka speakers specially Rajapaksya, and Sri Lanka providing facilities to Pakistan during the 71 war or the inclination towards US during that period, Sri Lanka is one of the pearls in China's string of pearls and all actions emanating out of present SL is pointing towards it. Dont get me wrong here, its not a grudge factor. Your foreign policy is yours and we cannot fault you for it, you have the right to make your own bed.

But you cannot fool us by saying that China has only economic interests in Sri Lanka, its all a pattern, and as you do I guess India has the right to do as it pleases too. As for the proofs of the killings Sri Lanka can definitely ask the UNHRC for it, because the US has quoted that figure.
Read the UNHRC report. Not only were there war crimes like murder/rape, you guys systematically and constitutionally discriminated against the Tamils.

what UN report? Darusman? It hardly allege the ones you talk here. May I ask you, Have u ever read UN report on SL but claim something here, that u heard from someone who heard from someone.....

After that refugee crisis.

refugee crsis began after the war. and are u telling me a country should meddle into another country and arm the terrorists just because u have a refugee influx. But that wont solve ur problem, would it?
yes, exactly the way India take a side in global arena between US and china. we need to learn alot fom our indian bros. :D

India is in its own camp, we are neutral with everybody and we can aafford to do that. But you have clearly or so it seems jumped into the China camp.
well it's west Americans and Europeans shouting of sri lanka in response to their deeds like killing of 12 year son of P. we tried our best to save you by neglecting our tamil Indians. but your bad karma reached up to west they are forcing India to vote . India has no choice now all are voting against sri lanka .

US and Europe has done far more heinous war crimes and they have NO right to point at others. If u think they are caring for HR, u are being extremely naive. Look at the political game being played here. After all there is no evidence to support SLA killed this boy. You just have a pic of a boy eating biscuits and then his dead body. It doesnt say anything abt the killer. CH4 has come up with a propaganda video before a UN session on Lanka with vested interests. Lanka is being victimised here for saving its nation. So as a regional power India should be with Lanka.

India has no choice now all are voting against sri lanka .

How can India can be a super power then?
I'm not a tamil- i have lived there and loved them. most Indians don't understand the tamil issue. I don;t know what sort of a world you live in but in my country we have ALWAYS, I mean ALWAYS take pride in being inclusive. you disenfranchised the tamils, took away their votes, segregated them from public life and expected what? peace and tranquility. We enfranchised EVERYONE, respected everyone's culture, have dozens of official languages and are stronger than ever. Go figure.

What the hell are you on about..You just cant make general statements and make people to believe it's true..For the millionth time can all of you screaming discrimination pls for fark sake emphasise it with proven facts without going on Tamil media propaganda?? When were the Tamils disenfranchised??

What was so specifically discriminatory to the Lankan Tamils that did'nt affect the other minorities in the island?? Or does Tamils for some reason special than the Moors,Malays,Up Country Tamils or Burghers?? Or even the general Sinhalese population bar the ruling classes??What was so special about them to take up terrorism and brutalise a whole country for 30 years?? As a fellow post colonial nation are all the minorities in India hunkey dorey that there are no internal conflicts in your country??How the hell is Colombo the capital a Tamil majority city?? How is after Singapore SL is the only country that has Tamil as a national language??

How the hell did Kumar Ponnambalam run for presidency in 1984 even after the now infamous 83' anti Tamil pogrom?? How did Lakshman Kadirgamar nearly became the PM before he was brutally killed by the so called Tamil's saviours??Where the **** else in the world does 10% of the population demand for 1/3 of a country for a mono ethnic,Mono liguistic perceived homeland and who in the right mind would give it to them??

I presume you're a intelligent person..So pls reserch and comment on a issue that is so complex and vast without swallowing one sided propaganda whole sink and barrel..Cheers
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