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India to vote against Sri Lanka in UNHRC


I'm a straight shooter so i'll comment as it is..and i expect other decent people to be as well.

While I couldn't agree with you more on the straight shooter bit, i think that to use a bit of discretion while making comments that encompass whole communities and regions, is a good idea. I could say the worst things about the Lankans based on a number of crappy incidents I've experienced in that country - incidents that'd be shocking and off putting to most, but I know that wouldn't be right no matter what. It'd be easy to paint all Lankans with the same brush when it comes to responding to some of their comments here on PDF, but that'd just be silly now wouldn't it? To each his own though.

Sorry, I had to get that out.
While I couldn't agree with you more on the straight shooter bit, i think that to use a bit of discretion while making comments that encompass whole communities and regions, is a good idea. I could say the worst things about the Lankans based on a number of crappy incidents I've experienced in that country - incidents that'd be shocking and off putting to most, but I know that wouldn't be right no matter what. It'd be easy to paint all Lankans with the same brush when it comes to responding to some of their comments here on PDF, but that'd just be silly now wouldn't it? To each his own though.

Sorry, I had to get that out.

No worries..but unlike certain Indian posters here, Lankans bar one or two i have not seen any of them target a specific group,They have counteracted on defence of thier country not on some specific ethnic group..Where else there has been almost a blanket animosity from those posters presumed to be from TN..Like i said my comments are not unifirm but to those very obvious

And it's a reciprocation not a proaction
and what price are you paying?
Guys, if you think that voting against SL is wrong for INDIA, you don't have to.
If you think that for the sake of Business you can support killers, they India should have not hanged Afsal or Kasab.
Where your humanity has gone, why don't you think of acting for a war free world, rather interested in protecting war cirminals arses.
But remember there are over 7 crore Tamils whoes voice is neglected in INDIA if you are voting in favour of SL, and that will not be tolerated.

and what price are you paying?
Guys, if you think that voting against SL is wrong for INDIA, you don't have to.
If you think that for the sake of Business you can support killers, they India should have not hanged Afsal or Kasab.
Where your humanity has gone, why don't you think of acting for a war free world, rather interested in protecting war cirminals arses.
But remember there are over 7 crore Tamils whoes voice is neglected in INDIA if you are voting in favour of SL, and that will not be tolerated.

Your thoughts are too romantic and non-practical. I am not saying they are wrong but hard to implement. and 7 crore Tamils can not support India's interest over tamil's interest. you sound like Raj thackrey here.

Well you were blabbering your usual nonsense on a thread about Sri Lanka in a Pakistani forum..So if the comments are restricted Indians you'd better PM them or post them elsewhere..Otherwise get used to being scrutinised..Typical madrasi mentality

What Madrasi mentality. We have democracy in India and we are discussing about our Tamil brother's concern. We may have some internal differences. It doesn't mean you call them anything.LOSer.
Not a good situation to be in. Decision made based on emotions & votebank politics. However not in the national interest... vested interests will grab the opportunity to undermine India's standing in the region. Oh well.. let's see how this one plays out in the long run.
Dude, its foreign policy. Sentiments don't matter. Anyways, India will definitely oppose it. Thing is who are going to support Sri Lanka even when the evidence are so damning.

there is no damming evidence...

India should work for sincere reconciliation in Sri Lanka, with action against those who deliberately committed any war crimes, and measures to ensure that human rights remain protected in the future.

I don't think voting against Sri Lanka is a good idea. The most important thing is for Sri Lankans to sort out their own problems without foreign interference.

exactly. Here the UN with LTTE sympathisers, bought media in the west is trying to bring a scrwed justice and it is far from justice. It will make the LTTE victimes, that they were penalized for destroying their enemy. So UN sponsored resolution would not help reconciliation but make people more devisive making one revenge seeking.

It seems you have no knowledge of post independence Sri Lankan history, :girl_wacko: Sri Lanka dragged us in all this.About them same question of birthright, why you interfered in Afghanistan in 1980s.

How??? As far as i knw Ind dragged us into this.
India was dragged in Sri Lanka after citizenship row in Sri Lanka.

Naga and Mizo militants were given safe heaven in East Pakistan. Pakistan even trained and sent militants in Arakan state of Burma. And invited all world power to intefere in Afghanistan. Yous claims sounds bizarre

The so called citizenship row had been solved between india and SL by that time. And it was finally solved in eighties. :D so what u say is wrong. The reason india came to Lanka was growing American influence in Lanka and oil tanks in trinco.

And thus the whole blood bath in SL

Ah... crocodile's tears when indian forces kill kids on regular basis all over india.


Munglee Mandawi shows the photo of her son Chainu, who was killed by security forces on December 12, near Bala village in Kanker district. Her youngest son Rajawu is with her.

And Indians has murdered 50 million unborn girls. And now crying over a terrorist's son. Again a terrorist who killed lakhs of children in the most brutal manner.


Hypocrisy thy name is PDF indian.

And Indians has murdered 50 million unborn girls. And now crying over a terrorist's son. Again a terrorist who killed lakhs of children in the most brutal manner.
The so called citizenship row had been solved between india and SL by that time. And it was finally solved in eighties. :D so what u say is wrong. The reason india came to Lanka was growing American influence in Lanka and oil tanks in trinco.

And thus the whole blood bath in SL

And Indians has murdered 50 million unborn girls. And now crying over a terrorist's son. Again a terrorist who killed lakhs of children in the most brutal manner.

After that refugee crisis.
Those who even fear from the dead body of civilians, rape minor girls in villages, kill children, will only be supported by certain kind of people. Sending children to fight. Just like child soldiers of Africa and Palestine.

Morality of Maoists ? :lol:

The Maoist are recruiting and indoctrinating children and had constituted children's squads and associations as part of mass mobilisation, a UN report said.

The annual report of the UN secretary-general on Children and Armed Conflict, submitted to the Security Council last week,
said information has been received on recruitment and use of children by Naxalites, particularly in Chhattisgarh and some districts in adjoining states.

"Maoist armed groups were recruiting and indoctrinating children, and had constituted children's squads and associations (Bal Dastas, Bal Sangham and Bal Manch) as part of mass mobilisation," it said quoting official records.

Maoists recruiting, indoctrinating children: UN - Hindustan Times

Their brothers attacking school buses in Nepal too.

BBC News - UN denounces Nepal school attacks claimed by Maoists


No wonder, certain people don't accept their own Army's war crimes and also support war crimes of Sri Lanka. Just they are right, entire world is wrong.

This video is about mass graves in Matale, central part of SL. Probably Sinhala vitims of 88-89 insurgency. What this indicates is SL has dealt with its insurgents cruely no matter what the race is. SO there will be a day, both sinhala and tamils ask for justice and it has still not come. Foreign meddling especially UN would make things difficult.

Afraid not. You are confusing UNHRC with the security council. There is no veto in UNHRC, every member's vote counts equally. The most China can do is oppose it, but resolutions are passed on consensus either through majority or a certain number of votes in favour.

In any case, these kinds of bodies, the security council included, solve nothing. Sri Lanka needs to implement reconciliatory measures on its own and bring those who committed atrocities against Tamils to account, as a priority. Only then can they reincorporate a disenfranchised Tamil population into the economic and political landscape, hope to grant them meaningful autonomy within the state and win back their hearts as proud and patriotic Sri Lankans.

It may be difficult and tedious but it's the only way; shortcuts or ignoring the issue will not work in the long run because Tamils are fighters that can only tolerate so much injustice before the proverbial straw plunges Sri Lanka back to the depths. Best to make amends, to start seeing and treating them as brothers and sisters, rather than Rajapaksa having to shallowly go beg China to veto international resolutions in return for Sri Lanka's resources and contracts.

How does actions of UN ever help reconciliation of SL. It is more likely revengetaking by tiger sympathiseres and ex LTTE who back UN and west.
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The so called citizenship row had been solved between india and SL by that time. And it was finally solved in eighties. :D so what u say is wrong. The reason india came to Lanka was growing American influence in Lanka and oil tanks in trinco.

well it's west Americans and Europeans shouting of sri lanka in response to their deeds like killing of 12 year son of P. we tried our best to save you by neglecting our tamil Indians. but your bad karma reached up to west they are forcing India to vote . India has no choice now all are voting against sri lanka .
India was happy to assist in eliminating LTTE, though not willing to clean up Sri Lanka's humanitarian mess.
Indian foreign policy on Lanka (& Nepal) should be a case study in various diplomatic circles as what-not-to-do in an international relationship.

Total headless chicken attitude.

Doesnt matter, unless congress govt undertakes a full scale invasion of Lanka and gives Eelam to the Tamils there they are not getting any votes here - Which by the way is not going to happen and hence congis are not getting any votes.

NDA govt's policy on Lanka was far better than the congress. Infact as far as I know BJP has always been supportive of Tamil demands and they even brought LTTE and GoSL to the negotiating table in 2002.

An LTTE supporter advising on Indian foreign policy is something indians here should consider very wisely :D. U ask india to invade SL and create eelam? Do u really have a grasp of reality? Can u invade a country and do that in this age? Indian army found Lankan condition very difficult and lost many lives, how would they do it again. After all your statement shows your empty arrogance which makes ur all claims on HR empty.

For ur info, even congress brought SL-LTTE talks, but I highly doubt BJP would differ with Congress when it comes to SL. Live in ur dreamland

Heartless congress already gave the tacit go ahead to the sinhalese army to massacre the Tamils as some sort of blood revenge for killing their master Rajiv. The least they can do is atleast let the US govt make the sinhalese accountable for their war crimes.

Why is Pakistan interfering in Afghanistan ?

I have educated you on this several times, but seems like nothing goes to your head.
SLA and LTTE had been at war for 30 years. So it is foolish to say congress gave tacit? for SLA to go after LTTE. And I have to tell you SLA is not a sinhalese force though majority are sinhala. There are Sinhalese, Muslims, Burghers and even Tamils in it. There was one Tamil SL soldier who gor Parama Vickrama for bravery. After all many Tamil para militaries joined SLA later.
I understand how non-Tamils especially outside the southern states may feel Lanka is a friendly country, but my honest opinion is the majority of the sinhalese hate India (non-tamils included) because they think it was us who messed up their country and would rather sleep with China than be friendly with India.

It is a lie to say majority of sinhalese hate india especially the ones in villages dont.
So isnt it wrong for them to hate as you allege becas u urself says india messed up lanka. Dont u guys do the same for Pakistan?

I have no special views. I just want GoI to live upto its stature as the powerbroker in South asia and bring in a peaceful, dignified solution to the Sinhala-Tamil problem which does not necessarily mean a separate country for them, but atleast provincial autonomy within the Lankan constitution like we have for Kashmir and rehabiliation for those affected.
Plus Indian interests in Lanka have to maintained which means Lankan honeymoon with china must not harm our interests in the Indian ocean.

This is a very rare occasion of me agreeing with you. But it is hard to believe coming from a guy who wished Ind would invade SL and create eelam. How ever do u honestly think UN, TN's actions would help what you allege to be aspiring for?
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