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India to Test Fire Indo-Israeli LR-SAM/Barak-8 on-board INS Kolkata in 2015

As in my senses, and this is totally my thinking. Initially the production of Barak-8 remain low in BDL. There is no sense in installing extra VLS system for Barak-8 for now.
Well, to me it doesn't make sense to install fewer VLS cells purely because production would be low by BDL (this shouldn't be a major issue anyway). If there was a worry that production would be low then the IN would simply sail with some of their VLS cells empty not inherently limit the capacity of their ship- this is a$$ backwards bro.

No, it is not production capacity at BDL that is the limiting factor for the number of VLS cells the P-15As can have.

But if you see the Kolkata, there is still so much space left for installing for cells for VLS, maybe in first refit the total number in ready to fire mode will be increased to 48 to 64.
I think we should all refrain from making these comments of where there is real-estate available for more VLS cells on the P-15A based on purely a superficial study of the exterior of her. We don't know the kind of limitations imposed by internal functions of the ship and such.

This is why I say the P-15B is likely to see more VLS cells because the designers will be able to work on optimising the design of the ship and her internals to boost space for additional VLS cells.

And the number in ready to fire state is 32, not 48.

BTW, there is no sense in reloading mechanism

I don't understand why not? it is a pretty decent compromise where space is at a premium (for whatever reason) and optimises what you have (doubles the number of BARAK-8s that can be ready to fire).
Great news..!
We however need a 120 Km ranged SAM for fleet air defense purposes. Our LSRSAM is actually just an MRSAM.

I was wondering how many People would post out that Barak 8 is just a point defense missile. Indian ships has no fleet defense missile. I'm glad this point is brought up by an Indian first as I would be label a troll if I had brought the same fact as you. In the mean time, Indian ships are in great danger without area defense, or aka fleet defense, missiles protecting its fleets.
Well, to me it doesn't make sense to install fewer VLS cells purely because production would be low by BDL (this shouldn't be a major issue anyway). If there was a worry that production would be low then the IN would simply sail with some of their VLS cells empty not inherently limit the capacity of their ship- this is a$$ backwards bro.

I think we should all refrain from making these comments of where there is real-estate available for more VLS cells on the P-15A based on purely a superficial study of the exterior of her. We don't know the kind of limitations imposed by internal functions of the ship and such.

This is why I say the P-15B is likely to see more VLS cells because the designers will be able to work on optimising the design of the ship and her internals to boost space for additional VLS cells.

And the number in ready to fire state is 32, not 48.

I don't understand why not? it is a pretty decent compromise where space is at a premium (for whatever reason) and optimises what you have (doubles the number of BARAK-8s that can be ready to fire).

Even I accept a reloading mechanism? But can you give me any way to remove empty VLS above Sea Lvl 4.

And even why increasing so much complexity of the ship, isnt that space should be used to add more VLS, instead of a naval VLS autoloader.

And bro, also refrain yourself from making such comment. Initially, Brarak-8 production remain low, thats a common sense. Everything dont go like a "boom",

Great news..!
We however need a 120 Km ranged SAM for fleet air defense purposes. Our LSRSAM is actually just an MRSAM.
You know anything about Barak-8 ER.
And bro, also refrain yourself from making such comment. Initially, Brarak-8 production remain low, thats a common sense. Everything dont go like a "boom",

Of course production will take a while to build up to requisite levels but that doesn't mean the navy (or any other service) would inherently limit themselves because of this foreseeable restraint.As I've said, production of the BARAK-8 by BDL is not the reason the P-15A doesn't feature more VLS cells- that is common sense in itself.
I was wondering how many People would post out that Barak 8 is just a point defense missile. Indian ships has no fleet defense missile. I'm glad this point is brought up by an Indian first as I would be label a troll if I had brought the same fact as you. In the mean time, Indian ships are in great danger without area defense, or aka fleet defense, missiles protecting its fleets.
Um, your point would have not been labeled as trollish if it was factually correct.
As it stands, your point is not.

Barak is a point defense system, Barak 8 is not a point defense system.
Barak 8 already covers the fleet, it is a fleet defense system. Just that considering the proliferation of long range AShMs, we need a 120 km ranged fleet defense system.
I was wondering how many People would post out that Barak 8 is just a point defense missile. Indian ships has no fleet defense missile. I'm glad this point is brought up by an Indian first as I would be label a troll if I had brought the same fact as you. In the mean time, Indian ships are in great danger without area defense, or aka fleet defense, missiles protecting its fleets.
Since when did a 70km range become "point defence"?
Of course production will take a while to build up to requisite levels but that doesn't mean the navy (or any other service) would inherently limit themselves because of this foreseeable restraint.As I've said, production of the BARAK-8 by BDL is not the reason the P-15A doesn't feature more VLS cells- that is common sense in itself.
No, thats a common sense also, that there is no sense in adding the empty VLS system in the ship.

I dont know what the Naval HQ thinking, if the ship going to be in anti-ship role, then its perfect. But 32 VLS for protecting a whole fleet, including Carriers, that is too low. The Kolkata is not a fleet ship with its 32 Barak-8 punch.

I was wondering how many People would post out that Barak 8 is just a point defense missile. Indian ships has no fleet defense missile. I'm glad this point is brought up by an Indian first as I would be label a troll if I had brought the same fact as you. In the mean time, Indian ships are in great danger without area defense, or aka fleet defense, missiles protecting its fleets.
So, in your thinking Aster is also a point defense. Right?
I was wondering how many People would post out that Barak 8 is just a point defense missile. Indian ships has no fleet defense missile. I'm glad this point is brought up by an Indian first as I would be label a troll if I had brought the same fact as you. In the mean time, Indian ships are in great danger without area defense, or aka fleet defense, missiles protecting its fleets.
Barak 8 is a point defence missile :lol: .Stop smoking Chini weed,@faithfulguy
No way should one start taking out gun CIWS, they are the very last line of defence.

I'm sure with the P-15B the armaments carried will be much more.

32 in ready to fire VLS and a further 32 in stand by mode that can be reloaded into the VLS within a few minuets (if not faster) without the need for a crane or any such equipment.

these i know ............but barak 8 is expensive......we need a mix of hi -lo .........a RAM like weapons with CIWS gun is required
or QRSAM is urgently needed
+ where are all those trolls that had claimed the Kolkata wouldn't be firing the BARAK-8 before 2018 at the earliest??
they are hiding in theirs holes now..........
I am still not impressed with the allocation of space.
The reserve is just a waste of space,,rather than 32 reserve i would prefer 12-16 vls instead.

Reloading during wartime is near impossible.
future upgrade.....more vls............i mean its big............
these i know ............but barak 8 is expensive......we need a mix of hi -lo .........a RAM like weapons with CIWS gun is required
or QRSAM is urgently needed

they are hiding in theirs holes now..........

future upgrade.....more vls............i mean its big............
if there is 64 cells for Barak-8 can be accommodated in P-15A. Then atleast in P-15A and B, we should use a single missile named Barak-8.
if there is 64 cells for Barak-8 can be accommodated in P-15A. Then atleast in P-15A and B, we should use a single missile named Barak-8.
there is no 64 vls but 48.......32 for barak 8 and 16 for brahmos..
didnt you read the big "IF".
yes it can be done with 48 vls for barak 8 and 16 for brahmos....but still we need low cost solution
1 barak 8 cost 1 mn$.......so a RAM or QRSAM is required along with barak 8
yes it can be done with 48 vls for barak 8 and 16 for brahmos....but still we need low cost solution
1 barak 8 cost 1 mn$.......so a RAM or QRSAM is required along with barak 8

No, we should not think about cost in the destroyers, they need a punch, and Barak-8 is best. So, all the VLS should be accommodated with Barak-8, no Barak-1 in destroyers.
No, we should not think about cost in the destroyers, they need a punch, and Barak-8 is best. So, all the VLS should be accommodated with Barak-8, no Barak-1 in destroyers.
i said along with 48 barak 8 + QRSAM/CIWS missile/RAM......does look less costly than just 48 barak 8o_O

what about addition of this along with barak 8 ........more missile more punch
Rolling Airframe Missile


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