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India to spread tentacles into Central Asia via Iran

Also, fyi, most Pakistanis don't want to "live with Hindus" because we are quite proud and thankful for a separate "homeland" we got; not because we "hate" you. Get over yourself, like SHAMK said, all that is required for normalisation of relations and sweetening of common sentiments is the end of the Kashmir dispute.

And FYI ALL of Indians do not want to live with hate breeding, Mullah loving, Madras-as educated individuals. Do you know anything about the Hindus? Have you ever met any Hindu? and ever tried to understand who they are and what are their positives and negatives? If you assume that Hindus are evil four headed people with tentacles, who can kill people with their look! I cannot help you!

India have more or less same number of Muslims as that of Pakistan, Trust me the evil Hindus did not killed the Muslims and still the Muslims are living here! I don't claim India is heaven, but is not a hell like you assume. Abdul Kalam, Azim Premji and Yusuf Hamied are perfect examples!

I don't understand how Kashmir was disputed! Kashmir was annexed to India by proper annexation by the Maharaja! The people did not have any problem till 1989, Only in 1989 a section of people became wise?

It all happened when Pakistan diverted the Afghan Mujaheddin's into Kashmir at the end of Soviet occupation of Afghanistan . So just because some one was brainwashed in 1989, Does India have to let go off Kashmir? Why should India normalize its relations with Pakistan by giving away Kashmir when Pakistan sends terrorist to India to further their state policy? Why should we come down when India increases it defense budget at least 10% year on year?

So let us for for argument sake say India gives away Kashmir, What will the terrorists like LeT and its clown group do? Turn into peaceful saints? I heard that Hafiz Sayeed told in a public to enslave all Hindus again?

So what all Pakistanis will do if India does not show any interest to solve Pakistan's own assumed dispute of Kashmir?
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