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India to spread tentacles into Central Asia via Iran

I disagree with you is all i would say. Rest would be offtopic. our views dont match.
u can think wtever u want and just because u disagree doesnt makes it a lie, we live in pakistan, we know more about it thn u will ever know and we gave u our opinion, believe it or not, thats up to u,
on topic, great for india :tup:
The reason we separated from you is because Muslims in the subcontinent had a bleak future. Growing intolerance for Muslims among Hindus and Sikhs of the Subcontinent coupled with very Hindu-centric policies of Nehru and his INC caused Muslims to wish for a separate state.
Also, us "Pak Muslims" don't care if you become even a Shintoist nation, we just want Kashmir back. The people you should be worried about are Christians and Indian Muslims, for they are fierce proselytisers :woot: :rolleyes:
disagree again.
NEW DELHI: India is making a concerted push into Central Asia by taking charge of a crucial transportation network through Iran into the region and beyond. After getting an enthusiastic thumbs up from 14 stakeholder countries in the region in January, experts from all the countries will meet in New Delhi on March 29 to put final touches to the project known as the International North-South Corridor.

The project envisages a multi-modal transportation network that connects ports on India's west coast to Bandar Abbas in Iran, then overland to Bandar Anzali port on the Caspian Sea; thence through Rasht and Astara on the Azerbaijan border onwards to Kazakhstan, and further onwards towards Russia. Once complete, this would connect Europe and Asia in a unique way -- experts estimate the distance could be covered in 25-30 days in what currently takes 45-60 days through the Suez Canal.

In the January meeting, Sanjay Singh (secretary east, MEA) and Rahul Khullar (commerce secretary) told Iran that India would take charge of the project, including building the missing sections of the railway and road link in Iran. Thanks to US sanctions on Iran's oil sector, India is finding it difficult to pay for its oil imports with hard currency. One of the best ways of paying for Iranian oil is through infrastructure projects like the corridor, which serves economic and strategic interests of all states concerned.

This has been a win-win proposition for India since the North-South Corridor agreement was signed between India, Iran and Russia in September 2000. But over the years, the project fell into disuse. Iran made little attempt to complete construction on its side, expending little political or administrative energy. Neither did Russia or India, which preferred to talk about it but did little to push it. Meanwhile, 11 other countries, including all the Central Asian states, joined up.

Several recent developments have changed India's timid approach. First, China has been building an extensive road and railway network through Central Asia, aiming to touch Europe. It's fast, efficient and already on the ground. While this has made Central Asia accessible to China and others, it is worrying these countries no end. Over the past few years, Central Asian states have repeatedly approached India to play the balancing role. Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan actually gave an oil block, Satpaev, to India on strategic considerations.

Second, with Pakistan in a state of almost chronic instability, India can never hope to access Central Asia through Pakistan. Its best bet remains Iran. While India will have to reduce oil imports from Iran, building a big-ticket infrastructure corridor is a reaffirmation of its commitment to the relationship.

Meena Singh Roy, senior fellow at IDSA, who is closely connected with the project, said, "The potential of this corridor will be manifold with India, Myanmar and Thailand getting linked by road. This will boost trade between Europe and South East Asia as well."

The North-South Corridor, which can be described as part of the "new great game", is now a battle for "power, hegemony, profits and resources", as a senior official put it. Quite apart from opening up new markets for India, the corridor could also be used to transport energy resources to India -- from oil, gas to uranium and other industrial metals.

In the forthcoming expert-level meetings in Delhi, Indian officials expect to finalize issues of customs and other commercial infrastructure. India has now agreed to provide all this expertise.

Simultaneously, India is eyeing two other transit and transportation networks from Central Asia -- all of them going through Iran. One is a Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan Corridor -- a 677-km railway line connecting these countries with Iran and the Persian Gulf. It will link Uzen in Kazakhstan with Gyzylgaya-Bereket-Etrek in Turkmenistan and end at Gorgan in Iran's Golestan province.

The second comes in from Uzbekistan through northern Afghanistan, known as the Northern Distribution Network through which the US and NATO currently route 70% of their supplies for the ISAF forces. But after the US and NATO exit Afghanistan in 2014, India plans to extend this route to link up with the Zaranj-Delaram road that enters Iran.

India has been pushing Iran to complete construction of the Chahbahar port, which is crucial for these corridors to work to India's advantage. Iran has been notoriously slow in taking these up but India expects that in its current isolation, Iran could do a rethink.

India to spread tentacles into Central Asia via Iran - The Times of India

One word: Unrealistic
@timetravel the Muslims wanted there own land and now look at them a nation of intolerant conservative Jihadis if anything we are better off as a developing potential superpower though i do agree partition should have never occurred in the first place but that my friend is a different topic to be discussed in another thread.

@Topic pretty soon with Chabahar and the Tajik airbase next we should place more airbases in Uzbek and Turkmenistan
@timetravel the Muslims wanted there own land and now look at them a nation of intolerant conservative Jihadis if anything we are better off as a developing potential superpower though i do agree partition should have never occurred in the first place but that my friend is a different topic to be discussed in another thread.

@Topic pretty soon with Chabahar and the Tajik airbase next we should place more airbases in Uzbek and Turkmenistan

Yes Iran is very crucial to Indian interest and am happy to see MMS n group using ingenuine ways to promote links and ties with Iran and not giving in to the pressure from west. Smart ppl.
Lol@ the title-
indians surely are self praising self obsessed funny creatures-
loll relation of india iran is bound to rise. they got oil we need it and we also need to secure the availibility of oil to keep our economy and fastest growing car market growing for atleast nxt 10- 15 yrs. iran is close by and is reliable and stable country like us. we dont want anything else from them. they have always supported pakistan during all 3 wars. they gave pakistan supplies and oil during all 3 wars. its a give and take relation
When Pakistan became a republic, there were suggestions to add "Islamic" in front of the Republic of Pakistan because it was our cultural thing and given the fact that Pakistan was a Muslim majority state and Pakistan itself was created for Muslims. At the time of adoption of Islamic Republic title, Pakistan was the only state in the world to hold such title.

However, despite the "Islamic" title, it wasn't a theocratic state at all: eg. Alcohol and Prostitution weren't illegal. Several laws were very secular, others more religion centred, so all in all Pakistan has been a mix of a variety of laws; and people had been satisfied with that. It was only during Zia-ul-Haqs regime that Pakistan started to become somewhat "Islamic". Even today, several laws are Islam-oriented, while others are not.

So...I don't really know what you think an "Islamic" republic exactly is, it's more of a cultural thing for us rather than an absolute orientation.

Also, fyi, most Pakistanis don't want to "live with Hindus" because we are quite proud and thankful for a separate "homeland" we got; not because we "hate" you. Get over yourself, like SHAMK said, all that is required for normalisation of relations and sweetening of common sentiments is the end of the Kashmir dispute.

Complete wrong on the bolded part. If you are going to make assertions, the least you can do is research it rather than sprout BS. There were many laws since the inception of Pakistan that were put in the Constitution to oppress and treat non-Muslims as 2nd class citizens. This list below is:

- No non-Muslim can hold the position of President or Prime Minister
- Criticizing Islam or prophets is prohibited. Criticizing any other religion is fair game
- The federal sharia court also may overturn any legislation judged to be inconsistent with the tenets of Islam. This applies to Non-Muslims who have no loyalties to the Quran/Sharia.
- Under Hudood ordinances, a non-Muslim cannot be used as witness to prosecute a Muslim. Therefore, if a Muslim man rapes a Hindu woman in the presence of non-Muslim men, he cannot be convicted under the Hudood Ordinances, as all the non-Muslims are considered "biased". In the other hand, if a Hindu/Christian/Sikh rapes a woman in front of Non-Hindus, he can be prosecuted of the same crime.
efforts are definitely being made to expand Iran-India relations Iranian oil is precious and cheap not to mention we get access to there markets and then central asian markets since that is Iran's sphere of influence in Tajikistan we already have a military hospital and a air force base with transport helicopters and MiG-29's i am guessing that Garud commandos must be deployed there in case of a "event" Kazakhstan will also play a strategic role being one of the worlds top uranium producers (besides Australia) we can get uranium for our reactors without going through BS treaties like CTBT or NPT

i believe we also have berthing rights in Oman and Madagascar and if we build naval and air bases there our sphere of influence would easily reach the continent of Africa and provide for a gate to the Americas and the Mediterian so we have military capability right in the backyards of europe and the americas
Indian Friends..we have to learn a lot from China...a nation's influence is not measured like how much military/aval base is outside the nation or how much military influence it has wrt other country.....If this is the case then Pakistan should have been one of the powerful influential country in this world...as it has one of the powerful military that can challenge the mightiest military power....Rathen Indian GOV should seriously focous to grow and stabilize our economy as a immediate issue......

Coming to the topic...the usage of Chabbar port and assistance and cooperation from Iran is always over rated in our Indian Media....But the fact is .....although i would love to see a positive assistance from Iran is assisting India in providing secure corridor to Central Asia and Afganistan...but i really doubt about the intent of Iranian Gov and their capacity....So in a nutshell I feel the use of Chabbar port is overrated in Indian media...for the time being...Let us wait and see....till i prove myself wrong...
for pakistanis who say chahbahar port is nothing compared to their gwadar port. all i can do is laugh :rofl:

chahbahar is a world class facility with 10 worlds biggest oil refineries and petrochemical plants beside it and huge township and is also a tourist hot spot because of its beauty. the best thing its a free trade zone, meaning we can trade and invest as much as we want and buy and ship as much oil we want. total investment done in port is 36 billion of which india is huge partner.
already billions have been invested and road ntwork is being built by india and soon 900 km railways track will start cons by indian steel authority. the total worth of hijack fields iron is 3[B] trillion doll or more.[/B] :victory:

Press TV- Iran -The port city of Asalouyeh-02-21-2010 - YouTube

and now this is the pakistans super booming gwadar port. this area hasnt seen an investment of 300 million till now. plans are to build some township, seems too much overated to me

Poor conditions of Gwadar city - YouTube
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