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India to provide helicopters to Afghanistan soon

a country which can't even make its own bike engine design and which uses still Euro -1 and Euro -2 based engines technology , argue with us about development.

@DESERT FIGHTER , 777 or Dreamliner is not US made plane since its software developed by HCL, door made by DRDO and many other components made in another country like dhruv...;). t

Pak posters even don't know the difference between two stoke and 4 stroke engine.........:rofl:. you expected them to understand complex engineering of planes n copters
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@ Desert Fighter , Russia also announced to replace its Mi-24/35 with MI-28N aka "havoc" and Ka-52 . ...... i don't know why india would feel insecure by decade old n replaced technology. and don't know why PAK poster beating their chest with proud with rejected n obsolete technology.

india /russia will gave 2nd hand copter which is planned for replaced.
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a country which can't even make its own bike engine design and which uses still Euro -1 and Euro -2 based engines technology , argue with us about development.

Actually we do... Pak produced its first vehicles in the 60s... and the first diesel engine for naya daur jeep in the mid 60s by a company called Matchless... the first car was skopak... the first truck in the 90s .. a military truck in service by the name of yasub...HinoPak,Adam etc and bikes like metro,sohrab etc etc..

want more fool?
@DESERT FIGHTER , 777 or Dreamliner is not US made plane since its software developed by HCL, door made by DRDO and many other components made in another country like dhruv...;). t
lmao.. so they outsource parts built by companies under TOT.. tell me if the 777 was designed by germany.italy n two dozen other countries from where its parts are outsource... but you wont understand you are pretty dim witted ... your posts are a proof themselves...

Pak posters even don't know the difference between two stoke and 4 stroke engine.........:rofl:. you expected them to understand complex engineering of planes n copters

Yes we should import them n brand em as our own right..

@DESERT FIGHTER Do we need to start from the beginning again?Anyway about the engine..

About design-MBB is only employed by HAL to provide consultancy for the basic ALH design.15 West German engineers were present 15 at the Bangalore site.This was set against a HAL design team of 250 engineers assisted by 700 technicians

Anyway about the engine..

Indian Army and Air force wanted engines with power higher than TM333-2B2 forDhruv helicopters. An agreement was signed with M/s Turbomeca, France in 2002 for the Co –development of Shakti engine . ETBRDC was entrusted with the design and supply of the oil pumps, oil cooling system, the filter unit and the external dressing. Engineers of ETBRDC also took part in casing modelling, rotor dynamics and stress analysis at Turbomeca, France.


Would put up a more detailed post tomorrow.

Oh please homie.. ive provided sources n debated it a billion times...

@ Desert Fighter , Russia also announced to replace its Mi-24/35 with MI-28N aka "havoc" and Ka-52 . ...... i don't know why india would feel insecure by decade old n replaced technology. and don't know why PAK poster beating their chest with proud with rejected n obsolete technology.

india /russia will gave 2nd hand copter which is planned for replaced.

Lmao... more like butthurt comming from your federal minister Ms Swaraj n other indian pals of yours with the "Chest thumping" over how rusia will never sell helis to Pakistan n other nonsense? did i miss something... as for obsolete.. yeah sure.. so stop cryin will ya..
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Actually we do... Pak produced its first vehicles in the 60s... and the first diesel engine for naya daur jeep in the mid 60s by a company called Matchless... the first car was skopak... the first truck in the 90s .. a military truck in service by the name of yasub...HinoPak,Adam etc and bikes like metro,sohrab etc etc..

He asked about Indigenously developed engines - Not about Indigenously manufactured Willys jeeps.

tell me if the 777 was designed by germany.italy n two dozen other countries from where its parts are outsource...

They outsource components,and even engines to other countries.Similarly Indians developed Dhruv with German consultancy and out source components.

Oh please homie.. ive provided sources n debated it a billion times...

Source ? Which source ?

I've elaborated the role of India in shakthi engine development.
He asked about Indigenously developed engines - Not about Indigenously manufactured.

Those "Were" indigenous developments... too bad corruption cause the death of em... i own a Naya Daur jeep... Matchless the company tht developed the first low speed desel engine is now selling tractor parts... all thanks to bhuttos nationalisation polict..
They outsource components,and even engines to other countries.Similarly Indians developed Dhruv with German consultancy and out source components.

Yes but the outsourced produced are produced under TOT given by them... they they outsource it because its cheap... PAC was selling millions of dollars worth parts to american aviation companies ... doesnt mean we own those parts or have patents for them..

Source ? Which source ?

Turbomeca website,saab etc... even your indian sources... search the thread if you want.
Those "Were" indigenous developments... too bad corruption cause the death of em... i own a Naya Daur jeep... Matchless the company tht developed the first low speed desel engine is now selling tractor parts... all thanks to bhuttos nationalisation polict..

No,Naya Daur was a Willys Jeep.Skopak was related to Skoda trekka.

Any Indigenously developed car engine ?

Yes but the outsourced produced are produced under TOT given by them... they they outsource it because its cheap...

HAL's developed the Dhruv in India - It was developed by a team of 250 Indian designers working with 15-30 German designers who were involved in consultancy.
There are foreign components - But all other helicopter projects use these.

Here are a few examples -

AVCS - Dhruv uses a lord's AVCS,So do Eurocopter EC130T2,AgustaWestland AW139

Need I provide more examples ?

Turbomeca website,saab etc... even your indian sources... search the thread if you want.

Turbomeca website ?

Kindly note the name 'Ardiden 1H1'

For its first application, the Dhruv, a first engine variant christened the Ardiden 1H1 (or "Shakti" in India), offering a power of 1,400 shp, is jointly developed and producted with HAL.

Turbomeca - Ardiden


Indian Army and Air force wanted engines with power higher than TM333-2B2 forDhruv helicopters. An agreement was signed with M/s Turbomeca, France in 2002 for the Co –development of Shakti engine . ETBRDC was entrusted with the design and supply of the oil pumps, oil cooling system, the filter unit and the external dressing. Engineers of ETBRDC also took part in casing modelling, rotor dynamics and stress analysis at Turbomeca, France.

Designed In India,Wind-tunnel tests ,flight tests,Ground Tests-Vibration analysis,Fatigue and Endurance Tests,test of components like IDS,Gearbox all done in India..


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Actually we do... Pak produced its first vehicles in the 60s... and the first diesel engine for naya daur jeep in the mid 60s by a company called Matchless... the first car was skopak... the first truck in the 90s .. a military truck in service by the name of yasub...HinoPak,Adam etc and bikes like metro,sohrab etc etc..
Well i am talking about engines , your Yasub, Hino PAK , Adam uses lic manufacturing of engine from Japan , west etc which are Euro-II, world is now at EURO-V engines.

Your Hino PAK uses Toyota engines, nor made in PAK engines...... like India develop its own engines........its take intelligent to understand lic production and own developed.

lmao.. so they outsource parts built by companies under TOT.. tell me if the 777 was designed by germany.italy n two dozen other countries from where its parts are outsource... but you wont understand you are pretty dim witted ... your posts are a proof themselves...

Yes like that India outsourced it Parts, Did HCL developed the software on which plane was designed and also its programming software ..... though was outsourced but its designed by Indian company.

Just for your knowledge , their few engines company which make planes engine and so any country in Boing can use US made engine of GE or EU based engine RR.

So we in dhruv also outsourced.
Well i am talking about engines , your Yasub, Hino PAK , Adam uses lic manufacturing of engine from Japan , west etc which are Euro-II, world is now at EURO-V engines.

So do indian vehicles... till now you have been importing the engines from abroad... now dont come up with the new engine... which itself uses foriegn imported parts ... so calm down your your nonsense..

Your Hino PAK uses Toyota engines, nor made in PAK engines...... like India develop its own engines........its take intelligent to understand lic production and own developed.

Lmao.. no kiddo.. hinoPak doesnt use toyota engines... its a JV with Hino group... and no india imports engines.. read above...

Yes like that India outsourced it Parts, Did HCL developed the software on which plane was designed and also its programming software ..... though was outsourced but its designed by Indian company.

hahaha.. r you tht stupid? oh wait.. secret invasion of 30k soldiers? lmao..

Just for your knowledge , their few engines company which make planes engine and so any country in Boing can use US made engine of GE or EU based engine RR.

What nonsense are you talking abt? u now making outsourced engines? :rofl:

So we in dhruv also outsourced.

Yes the whole of it from the design to the landing thingys are outsources..
So do indian vehicles...

A few use them-others don't

First Indian developed Car engine was Jayem 2000 used on HM Ambassador (1973)

Tata's Indica diesel,Indigo diesel,Nano,Sumo,Grande,Safari,Aria and LCVs & some HCV used Tata's own engines from the beginning
Mahindra's Bolero, Quanto, Bolero, XUV 500, tractors & backhoes too use Mahindra's own engines ( never had foreign engines)

till now you have been importing the engines from abroad...

Already answered.

now don't come up with the new engine.

Well here are a few examples of engine's developed in India-From the '80s


which itself uses foriegn imported parts ...

We don't import components..We have suppliers on our own who supplied to foreign manufacturers.like this one

Bharat Forge - Clients

and no india imports engines.. read above...

Both Indian & Foreign MNCs manufactures engines in India - No secret.

Dude,Seriously do you realize that we have world's 6th largest automotive Industry ?

Any luck with Indigenously developed Pakistani engine ?

Lmao.. no kiddo.. hinoPak doesnt use toyota engines... its a JV with Hino group...

HinoPak uses Hino Engines.

hahaha.. r you tht stupid? oh wait.. secret invasion of 30k soldiers? lmao..

Retarded statement...?

What nonsense are you talking abt? u now making outsourced engines? :rofl:

Nearly all manufacturers choose an off the shelf engine.I guess you know that ( RD 93 tick tick )

Yes the whole of it from the design to the landing thingys are outsources..

Design was done in India. (explained above )

Landing gear was developed in India.

Now what ?
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1.Design is german? It was designed in India,in collaboration with MBB and tested (both ground tested & flight testing ) in India itself


For its first application, the Dhruv, a first engine variant christened the Ardiden 1H1 (or "Shakti" in India), offering a power of 1,400 shp, is jointly developed and producted with HAL.

Turbomeca - Ardiden


Even components that were originally outsourced to foreign firms,like the Main Gear box( that had been outsourced to German company ZF ) , have significant Indian content...

The first series of ALH MGBs ( designed by ZF ) were spectacular failures – these would not even last one hour of ground run on the Ground Test Vehicle (GTV). After every ground run, shed gear material would be found on the magnetic plugs indicating commencement of gear teeth failures. Initially ZF’s MGBs stubbornly refused to improve despite various efforts and this threatened to bring the whole project literally and figuratively to a grinding halt. After MBB and ZF left, it took our dedicated in-house transmission team many years of sweat and hard work, to recover the situation by going back
to the drawing board, experiment with several remedial measures and introduce numerous modifications, so as to gradually bring the MGB to production standard
. Obviously, this caused severe delays in the project.


4.Self-Defense system - Indian developed Multi Sensor Warning System used in Dhruv


5.fuel tanks, floatation equipment and related gaskets and seals for the ALH are now manufactured locally (article itself states it )

6.MFDs are now manufactured Indigenously.And Israeli Avionics are not a part of every Dhruv,Customer can chose between Indian & Israeli Avionics.This is a fact most of us are well aware of.

Aero India 2003 - Part 6

7.The Guns & Rocket Launcher are not a part of Dhruv,they are for Rudra helicopter.
I guess S 70 Battlehawk is not American,as it uses the same THL 20 gun..Agusta A129 /TAI T-129 is not Indigenous because it uses American M197 Gatling gun..

And these guys forgot about Indigenous ATGM Helina used on Rudra?-Hypocrisy again..


8.AVCS is not present in all Dhruvs,it is a recent addition.

Now The Article overlooks many Indian Achievements...

1.The Development ,Indigenous Testing & establishment of production facilities for ALH

2.Shakthi Engine Co development

Indian Army and Air force wanted engines with power higher than TM333-2B2 for
Dhruv helicopters. An agreement was signed with M/s Turbomeca, France in 2002 for the
Co –development of Shakti engine ETBRDC was entrusted with the design and supply of
the oil pumps, oil cooling system, the filter unit and the external dressing. Engineers of
ETBRDC also took part in casing modelling, rotor dynamics and stress analysis at
Turbomeca, France.
3. Integrated Dynamic System

4.Flight Control System

Audit observed that the collaboration agreement was not extended beyond 1995. At that
time, certain systems like Anti Resonance vibration Isolation System (ARIS), Automatic
flight Control system (AFCS), Retractable Landing Gear, etc., were yet to be developed,
validated and integrated. This resulted in postponement of the plan to establish
production facilities. As a result, five prototypes of the basic versions which were to be
certified by 1994 as per PPR were actually flight tested and certified for Military version
in March 2002 and for Civil version in October 2003.
7.KITE ESM (Electronic Support Measures) system
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