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India to provide helicopters to Afghanistan soon

Yes,even before It was developed.now go troll else where.
stop making a fool out of yourself. The only person not believing in potential sale of dhruv to mynmar is you.

What I said,right here.
what you have been repeating is your lies about Shakti engine being indian development infact India does not even have more then 11% production share.
Yeah right..India hasn't developed SONARs & N-Reactors before...:omghaha:
Is that what your lying factory production bharatraka says so.?
stop making a fool out of yourself. The only person not believing in potential sale of dhruv to mynmar is you.

Oh now 'armed Dhruv' became just 'Dhruv' ? :omghaha::

what you have been repeating is your lies about Shakti engine being indian development infact India does not even have more then 11% production share.

Who claimed ? I quoted Turbomeca website which said co-development

Is that what your lying factory production bharatraka says so.?

Go ask IAEA about Indian developed N reactors & IN about Indian developed SONARs.
Is there any point in debating with a guy who makes claims like India haven't designed SONARs & N reactors ?


then crybaby go back to your bahrat raksaw lying production factory where you can satisfy each other pathological liars ego with pack of indian lies.

Dude, your sources of Arjun being so and so percentage of indigenous content, or Dhruv having so and so indigenous content are coming from Indian sources. You think your doing some myth busting, or being clever with this, fact is Indians are giving you most of your sources. It's coming straight out of DRDO reps a lot of times. :rofl: Indians have been overly transparent about this. :lol: More so than most other countries, especially your!
Transparent? Transparency is not even in Indian dictionary because they dont like to get their fragile fantasy disturbed .
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Oh now 'armed Dhruv' became just 'Dhruv' ? :omghaha::
does that make any difference since we are talking about armed dhruv? or do i need to constantly remind you of the subject since you have intellectual capacity of a donkey?

Who claimed ? I quoted Turbomeca website which said co-development
waaooo.. now you can stand infront of the mirror and pat yourself and be proud of your yet another milestone achievement.

Go ask IAEA about Indian developed N reactors & IN about Indian developed SONARs.
naww.. thanks. got better things to do in life.
Transparent? Transparency is not even in Indian dictionary because they dont like to get their fragile fantasy disturbed .

Good one. You and many other Pakistanis used DRDO provided sources all the time. Who else gives percentage of indigenous content in their machines? Sure as hell not Pakistan. None of that is being aired out by Europeans, it's told by Indian sources first. From Kurt Tanks involvement in Marut and all.

You got all the info from the very start or eventually by Indians, not like this - Chinese Attack Helicopter's Secret Russian Roots | Ares

^^Who knows what else?


If you want to do some real myth busting, find out your machines indigenous content, that's going to hilarious considering your $6 Billion dollar midget budget.:lol:
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does that make any difference since we are talking about armed dhruv? or do i need to constantly remind you of the subject since you have intellectual capacity of a donkey?

And its back to armed dhruv again..:lol:.before it was even ready fly.

waaooo.. now you can stand infront of the mirror and pat yourself and be proud of your yet another milestone achievement.

Get lost troll.Most helicopter manufacturers chose from off the shelf solutions from suppliers.

naww.. thanks. got better things to do in life.

Keep peddling BS.

Indian made SONARs- Advanced Panoramic Sonar Hull (back in the 80s) , HUMSA , USHUS,Panchendriya SONAR suite ,Mihir Dunking SONAR,Nagan towed array SONAR and more

Indian N-Reactors -There are plenty,but here are the standardized designs,only commercial power producing reactors - PHWR 220,PHWR 540,PHWR 700,PFBR 500,& add to this two two already designed (under site selection reactors ) PWR 900 & Thorium fueled AHWR 300.

And FYI India is currently a partner of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor.Having sufficient expertise in Tokamaks it is now developing a Fusion Test reactor to be ready by 2022.

Now stop peddling BS,and go cry elsewhere.
And its back to armed dhruv again..:lol:.before it was even ready fly.

Since your intellectual capacity is indeed that of a donkey i do have to remind you that you are making further fool out of your self and going around panicking trying to get your buddies from bharatrakaw lying factory to help you out here. :lol:
Even if you get 10 donkeys my foot will still have more intellectual capabilities. So keep living in denial.

Earlier I posted an article which was complied by European and international organisations.

Its report, "Indian helicopters for Myanmar: making a mockery of the EU arms embargo?" was compiled by European and international non-governmental organisations, including Saferworld, which works to prevent armed violence. The document said the Indian-manufactured helicopter would not be operational without vital components from EU member states and highlights the urgent need for stricter arms controls.

And now I will also post an article by BBC world.

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | 'Threat' to EU-Burma embargo

Threat' to EU-Burma embarg
Burma's military junta has been accused of gross rights abuses
A European Union arms embargo against Burma is being threatened by Indian plans to sell an attack helicopter to the Rangoon regime, a new report says.
The report, from Amnesty International and a number of other NGOs, focuses on India's Advanced Light Helicopter.

It says the ALH includes parts and technology from France, Belgium, the UK, Germany, Sweden and Italy.

Transferring the craft to Burma risks making a mockery of the EU's ban on all sales there, Amnesty says.

Burma, also known as Myanmar, is ruled by a military junta which suppresses almost all dissent and wields absolute power in the face of international condemnation and sanctions.

See the origin of helicopter parts

Greater attention has to be given to the end-use agreements and the re-export of components from EU member states
Helen Hughes, Amnesty International

Embargoes fail to bite
The generals and the army stand accused of gross human rights abuses, including the forcible relocation of civilians and the widespread use of forced labour, which includes children.

"The EU embargo explicitly states that no military equipment should be supplied, either directly or indirectly, for use in Myanmar [Burma]" Roy Isbister from Saferworld, one of the report's compilers, said.

"What's the point in having an arms embargo if it is not going to be implemented or enforced?"

Foreign technology

The BBC's diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus says the ALH can be used for a variety of tasks.



Amnesty report on Indian helicopters for Burma [492 KB]
Most computers will open this document automatically, but you may need Adobe Reader

It has an anti-tank role but can also be used for counter-insurgency operations and can be equipped with both rockets and a 20mm gun.

Unarmed versions can be used for logistical support and observation.

The ALH was developed in association with Eurocopter Deutschland and is built by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited - whose helicopter division has in the past produced machines based on French designs.

According to the report, the Indian-made helicopter would not even be operational without vital parts from the EU member states, including:

  • Rocket launchers from Belgium

  • Rockets, guns and engines from France

  • Brake systems from Italy

  • Fuel tanks and gearboxes from the UK

  • Self-protection equipment from a Swedish company

  • And German assistance in design development.
Complex trade

Should the proposed transfer go ahead, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and the UK could therefore be undermining an EU arms embargo on Burma in place since 1988, the report's authors say.

Our correspondent says the ALH's development illustrates the complexity of the international arms trade which now involves co-operation and technology transfer as much as simple nation-to-nation sales.

Amnesty International's arms control researcher Helen Hughes says that the ALH case shows the need for a tightening of international arms controls:

"Greater attention has to be given to the end-use agreements and the re-export of components from EU member states. Otherwise, these states could find themselves indirectly propping up a brutal regime which they themselves have condemned and whose violations have amounted to crimes against humanity."

Though India is not itself restricted by such an arms ban, the report calls on the EU to begin immediate consultations with its government to press for a rethink on the plan.


Get lost troll.Most helicopter manufacturers chose from off the shelf solutions from suppliers.

Poor Indian's ego has been busted. They tried their best to satisfy their egos with pack of lies presented by banana designers of HAL not until it was exposed by MYTH BUSTER.
Since your intellectual capacity is indeed that of a donkey i do have to remind you that you are making further fool out of your self and going around panicking trying to get your buddies from bharatrakaw lying factory to help you out here. :lol:
Even if you get 10 donkeys my foot will still have more intellectual capabilities. So keep living in denial.

:blah: :blah: :blah:

Rocket launchers from Belgium

These are vital parts ?These parts are not even present in any Dhruv variant except Rudra gunship.And didn't notice Indian ATGM on it ?


Co developed Shakthi,isnt it ?

Self-protection equipment from a Swedish company

Just MAWS sensors,which are just a component of larger Indian Multi sensor Warning system.Here.


Fuel tanks and gearboxes from the UK

Both made in house now -

Currently, Aerospace Manufacturing Division has taken up manufacture of gears for Advanced Light Helicopter, Cheetha and Chetak helicopters of HAL, India. A dedicated facility for aerospace gear box manufacturing is being set up and will be commissioned by year 2012.

Beml India

Composites Manufacturing Division is manufacturing the Flexible Rubberized Fuel Tanks for Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH).

Welcome to Barrackpore Division of HAL

Poor Indian's ego has been busted. They tried their best to satisfy their egos with pack of lies presented by banana designers of HAL not until it was exposed by MYTH BUSTER.

Is this all you have to say,after getting owned ? Most helicopters use existing engines sourced from foreign entities - Even Bell,Agusta,Kamov,Sikorsky do it.

But this one was co developed by India.

Amnesty report on Indian helicopters for Burma [492 KB]

A report by European Union non-governmental organisations :omghaha:
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Indian made SONARs- Advanced Panoramic Sonar Hull (back in the 80s) , HUMSA , USHUS,Panchendriya SONAR suite ,Mihir Dunking SONAR,Nagan towed array SONAR and more

Indian N-Reactors -There are plenty,but here are the standardized designs,only commercial power producing reactors - PHWR 220,PHWR 540,PHWR 700,PFBR 500,& add to this two two already designed (under site selection reactors ) PWR 900 & Thorium fueled AHWR 300.

And FYI India is currently a partner of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor.Having sufficient expertise in Tokamaks it is now developing a Fusion Test reactor to be ready by 2022.

Now stop peddling BS,and go cry elsewhere.

I suggest you stop debating with these suckers
Their logic suggest that Gripen is not Swedish nor is the F-35 American
Dewar ke agge sar mat marro
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