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India to outpace China in 2011: WB

NO; It has to come from the PEOPLE OF CHINA. People in power will never give it away. I just totally disagree with the earlier posts (implied) people are not smart enough to choose their leader etc...

Ivy leagues and other top schools here is US are dominated by Asians (Indians, Chinese and Pakistanis). Give the freedom they will act very smart
Not everyone is smart enough to know what's good for them. Not everyone understands how to run a country either. The mass can easily be misleaded.
You ask North Koreans - most of them will say that they love their 'dear leader'. kind of like what you are saying. Most have no idea what freedom means. What it is like to be able to express yourself.

You are free to have your head in the sand and think that your system is best in the world. Go head and do it while rest of the world laughs at you.

You keep going on with this stereotype that Chinese people are unable, or prevented from being able, to think for themselves.

Stereotypes are a poor way of making an argument.

Like I said, if you truly believe that we will be arrested for speaking our minds, then please pick up your telephone and make a CALL to the Chinese authorities. Make sure that you record the phone call and let us hear it, as well so we can join in the laughing. :azn:
You ask North Koreans - most of them will say that they love their 'dear leader'. kind of like what you are saying. Most have no idea what freedom means. What it is like to be able to express yourself.

You are free to have your head in the sand and think that your system is best in the world. Go head and do it while rest of the world laughs at you.

Cut your craps please, my dear so-called American, who give a damn what you think anyway, as long as Chinese supported their government and we are doing great, making money, having a good life and we are not preaching it to anybody else, so whats the f...... problem with you trying so hard to sell your ideology sh!t to us, we ain't interesting, get it? :coffee:
Better worry more about you yourself might end up marrying a two tons who@e through your proud system=" arrange marriage":yahoo:
I respect Chinese people a lot for what they have achieved but i still wish they enjoyed more FREEDOM in their country.

In this regard India has been outpacing China for past several decades:P
Cut your craps please, my dear so-called American, who give a damn what you think anyway, as long as Chinese supported their government and we are doing great, making money, having a good life and we are not preaching it to anybody else, so whats the f...... problem with you trying so hard to sell your ideology sh!t to us, we ain't interesting, get it? :

Why the Fu*k you are replying to my posts if you don't give a damn about my posts? Did you go to school or you are one of those 13 year old working in a leather factory mass producing stuff for us?
In China do you have count of how many executed? Are you free to discuss this openly?

Yes we can discuss it openly. For example, I think the CCP should make such things as execution etc far more "transparent". This will achieve the dual purpose of increasing accountability, and making sure that any would-be capital criminals know exactly what is waiting for them.
Not everyone is smart enough to know what's good for them. Not everyone understands how to run a country either. The mass can easily be misleaded.

Have to disagree with you here. If it can work in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, why can't it work for China? You just can't underestimate an entire population.
Why the Fu*k you are replying to my posts if you don't give a damn about my posts? Did you go to school or you are one of those 13 year old working in a leather factory mas producing stuff for us?

we have 13 years working a shitty factories to produce cheap stuff for americans. yes, it is true, very sad, but true.

however, at the same time, your 18 years old are killing Iraqis in Iraq.

you tell me who is evil?
Not everyone is smart enough to know what's good for them. Not everyone understands how to run a country either. The mass can easily be misleaded.

I'm afraid this is true, especially when people are discontented. There is already a tea part movement taking place in US.
I respect Chinese people a lot for what they have achieved but i still wish they enjoyed more FREEDOM in their country.

In this regard India has been outpacing China for past several decades:P

every time when there is online discussion about democracy in those Chinese forums, sooner or later, someone will ask "how about india, do you want democracy and eventually let our country become another india? do you want your kid to grow up in india and enjoy the democracy there?"

that stops the discussion, even those freedom fighters start to laugh at india and indians.

india is the definition of "democratic loser". keep that word in mind, democratic loser.
we have 13 years working a shitty factories to produce cheap stuff for americans. yes, it is true, very sad, but true.

however, at the same time, your 18 years old are killing Iraqis in Iraq.

you tell me who is evil?

None of the killings are intentional. 99% are accidents or collateral. But I was and I am against Iraq war like most Americans. This war was totally a unnecessary.
Have to disagree with you here. If it can work in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, why can't it work for China? You just can't underestimate an entire population.

Who said it "can't" work in China? I'm sure it can, but the question is, how will it be practically achieved, and what is the downside to any such solution.

We can go on all day about the benefits of democracy and you know what, I agree with most of those arguments.

The question is, what is the practical method of implementation in the real world China?

I have not read one single solution where the net benefit to China is positive. I would be very happy to hear such solutions... but remember this is not an ideal world, the solution needs to actually be workable.
Why the Fu*k you are replying to my posts if you don't give a damn about my posts? Did you go to school or you are one of those 13 year old working in a leather factory mas producing stuff for us?

Why skip out the 'arrange marriage" part? American? let me tell you i been living in US since 10, do you even know what a green card look like? let alone certificate of US citizenship, i really doubt you even know where to get an US passport.:lol:
Now time to go to work in your convinience store, make sure you clean the toilet properly though.:partay:
I'm afraid this is true, especially when people are discontented. There is already a tea part movement taking place in US.

Tea party is a gross level peaceful movement .and you made the point for me. People will eventually get it. And when they get it, it forms a solid foundation for the society.
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