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India to outpace China in 2011: WB

Who said it "can't" work in China? I'm sure it can, but the question is, how will it be practically achieved, and what is the downside to any such solution.

We can go on all day about the benefits of democracy and you know what, I agree with most of those arguments.

The question is, what is the practical method of implementation in the real world China?

I have not read one single solution where the net benefit to China is positive. I would be very happy to hear such solutions... but remember this is not an ideal world, the solution needs to actually be workable.

I don't get your point. Are you saying that net benefit to China is positive if there is democracy in China?

Here is a scenario:

What if CCP conducts an election in the next 6 months and bring in elected leaders? Why do you feel this is not workable?
13 years old? What do you mean child labor? I do not deny there may be in a corner. But I can guarantee 99% of China where there is no child labor. Other developing countries have child labor. I can not say no child labor in China, but I can guarantee we are the best in all developing countries.
Have to disagree with you here. If it can work in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, why can't it work for China? You just can't underestimate an entire population.
It will work but will slow down China, add unnecessary baggage like political show on every election period. Underestimate? Well I'm sorry not everyone's got a degree in political science, economics, engineering...
I don't get your point. Are you saying that net benefit to China is positive if there is democracy in China?

I'm saying I haven't seen any solution for bringing democracy for China, that does not involve mass bloodshed, or a loss of economic competitiveness in the short-run at least. So basically I see the net outcome as negative.

What if CCP conducts an election in the next 6 months and bring in elected leaders? Why do you feel this is not workable?

Because they don't have to. Read that story by the Washington post, China has the highest percentage of people in the world who support their government and the national direction.

Also, do you actually think the CCP is going to suddenly choose to bring in free elections? Why would they do that? Like I said, it's just not practically possible.
I don't get your point. Are you saying that net benefit to China is positive if there is democracy in China?

Here is a scenario:

What if CCP conducts an election in the next 6 months and bring in elected leaders? Why do you feel this is not workable?

In fact, I want you to pay attention to the fact that Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, all the countries have experienced a dictatorship to develop the economy, you know what they are, then you look to other developing countries, there is no similar experiences countries, what circumstances do you think they are? Hunger, serious corruption, incompetent management, etc., you do not need to give us a slogan of democracy, we can choose own path, as long as it is really good, I do not mind the choice of "democracy", even though I know its nature.
do you even know what a green card look like? let alone certificate of US citizenship, i really doubt you even know where to get an US passport.:lol:

Actually I neither have a green card nor a certificate of US citizenship.
Those are required for immigrants. I don't have a passport either, I will get one, when i need it. as of now BC will do what it is required
In fact, I want you to pay attention to the fact that Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, all the countries have experienced a dictatorship to develop the economy, you know what they are, then you look to other developing countries, there is no similar experiences countries, what circumstances do you think they are? Hunger, serious corruption, incompetent management, etc., you do not need to give us a slogan of democracy, we can choose own path, as long as it is really good, I do not mind the choice of "democracy", even though I know its nature.

Yes, this is the "East Asian" model.

South Korea and Taiwan for instance developed their economies under authoritarian governments, and once they became "developed countries", they embraced democratic reforms.

This is the most likely path for China to take, in terms of political reform.
Know anything about China?

It hurts; isn't it?. The fact is you can't even write this type of comment in a forum in China. You will be arrested. That is a kind of freedom you have in China. No Google, no Face book and no creativity. What ever you make is a copy. Wait for Ipod for launch and copy. Right from hand bags to watch to Aircrafts. Most workers start when they are 13. You need to get your government permission to Fu*K after the first child. That is the freedom you have in China. Sorry men. The only way to vent your anger is in a forum not located in China.

You are absolutely ignorant to China.
None of the killings are intentional. 99% are accidents or collateral. But I was and I am against Iraq war like most Americans. This war was totally a unnecessary.

then use your democratic rights to ask your regime in washington to formally apologize and compensate to those killed or injured.

they live 10000 km away from your country, they are completely innocent, they are just average Iraqis. the very basic right of them is to peacefully live in their home land with their families members.

show me some self respect and stop lecturing other people about freedom before such formal apology and compensation are made to those affected in Iraq.
No doubt China is doing very good today. But at what cost? and how long it can pull using force? What ever you achieve, it can collapse like a pack of cards if the foundation gives away

The foundation is freedom and democracy. How many countries practice communistic polices other than China and North Korea?

I hope every american "cares" like you do. While washington and wall street are robbing you blind and you're powerless to stop them, there's always China to blame. Don't let the bank collectors get to you.

Funny thing about "needing permission to f*". Ever hear of a condom?
We have a word, "no investigation is best to speak carefully," you've been to China Forum?
I'm afraid this is true, especially when people are discontented. There is already a tea part movement taking place in US.
I don't think it is widely supported, as of now anyway. I predict it'll gain support.
no matter whether you support the war in Iraq or not, it doesn't matter.

Your government is elected by you.
Your armed forces conducting the mass destruction is funded by your tax money.

Here I am not blaming you, but I just found you are not in the position to talk anything about freedom.

You can't lecturing others about the greatness of freedom when you are funding the regime who is still refuse to fully acknowledge the civilian deaths in Iraq.
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