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India to launch cow urine as soft drink

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Do they really expect this to sell?
not really.

the consumption of urine [any source] is pretty much non-existent ,with a few pockets of practitioners in India

AFAIK even the Chinese belive in some medicinal qualities of urine
^^^How you came to the conclusion that above product uses cow urine..?product of fertile imagination huh.?
It is clearly mentioned that the Uki tribesmen came to the Prophet and converted to Islam. It was only after they were cured of their illness, were they again banished from practising Islam because they killed the animals that gave them the urine

They were clearly followers of Islam from the time the Prophet ordered them to consume the urine till the time their hands were dismembered

if you had bothered to click on the links I provided you would have found that these quotes have been taken from Hadiths and not the concoction of a Hindu [i.e. me ;)]

They were NEW converts of the Uki tribe and if you would've read a little bit of history, you would've known that every tribe from their respective regions had their own traditions. Because of the severe hot temperatures of Medina, these tribesmen fell ill and upon inquiring, told the prophet what was their tribal method to overcome this illness. Therefore he ordered them to "Leave" Medina and told them to do "What needs to be done" to overcome that illness. That was a "ONE TIME" deal and I challenge you to produce any other text relating to this method to overcome any illness, telling Muslims to use urine of any kind for ANY use in their daily lives. Muslims don't have ANY teachings regarding the consumption of urine in their religion and that's a fact.

URINE is an IMPURE substance in Islam and even if the tinniest drop of urine is somehow on your clothes, You can't even Pray OR eat food, as we have to be CLEAN to perform both of these practices.

On the other hand, because of the "Urine Beverages" coming out in 2009 for the Indians, clearly you're blowing things out of proportions simply because you're feeling the need to justify your fellow hindu's and their piss chugging antics. If you can't understand the text above, you're obviously an Ignorant.

You may continue to derail the thread now which may end up against your favour when the moderators take a notice. I'd advice everyone to refrain from posting replies to that same old "Delusion" these people have about that Uki tribe text. No further comments.

Happy "Chugging", slugger! :cheers:
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The chemical in urine was used for medicinal purpose.

why would healthy person drink urine?

If the Prophet [PBUH] had prescribed the consumption of camel urine as a remedy to cure illness among the followers of Islam, why should such a thing not be used to prevent ilness in a healthy individual

Multi-vitamin pills are prescribed by Doctors to individuals suffering from vitamin deficieny. At the same time these multi-vitamin pills are also consumed by healthy individuals to want to prevent the suffering caused by vitamin deficieny


They were NEW converts of the Uki tribe and if you would've read a little bit of history, you would've known that every tribe from their respective regions had their own traditions. Because of the severe hot temperatures of Medina, these tribesmen fell ill and upon inquiring, told the prophet what was their tribal method to overcome this illness.

there existes no evidence to back your claim that it was the custom of the Ukl tribesmen to consume urine as a medicinal remedy

Therefore he ordered them to "Leave" Medina and told them to do "What needs to be done" to overcome this illness. This was a "ONE TIME"
as the links I had provided [very convininetly removed by Moderator A.R Rehman, to preserve the tools of your own ridicule against Hindus, even after learning that it was a practise suggested by the Prophet [PBUH] himself], it was clearly mentioned that it was the Prophet [PBUH] who advised them to consume the urine of Camel as he considered it mdicinal
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Here are some cookies..


You people are in denial, while the Incredible India is at great heights making cow urine soft drink to out compete Coco Cola!
Are there religious benefits for the cow dung as well?
Slugger the Chugger:

You're in denial mate. As I said earlier, give it up. Over a billion Muslims in the world, and almost a billion Hindus as well. Then why is it that it's the Hindu's who're so stuck up on the supposed "Medicinal" and "Social Usage" of Cow piss and dung and not the Muslims?

Why don't Muslims have "Piss Aftershaves" or upcoming "Piss Beverages"? That's right. It's because Urine is an "Unclean" Substance in Islam and In hinduism, it's the "Budweiser" of local beverages.

Are there religious benefits for the cow dung as well?

dried cow dung is added to the fire along with wood while performing Hawan

cow dung is used to plaster the wall of rural housing facilities as it is claimed to posses insect-repelling properties

it is also used as one of the input raw materials in bio-gas plants in India
If the Prophet [PBUH] had prescribed the consumption of camel urine as a remedy to cure illness among the followers of Islam, why should such a thing not be used to prevent ilness in a healthy individual

Multi-vitamin pills are prescribed by Doctors to individuals suffering from vitamin deficieny. At the same time these multi-vitamin pills are also consumed by healthy individuals to want to prevent the suffering caused by vitamin deficieny


Like I said, don't derail the thread.

This is my last reply to your question in this thread.

Some people from the tribe of 'Ukl came to the Prophet and embraced Islam. The climate of Medina did not suit them, so the Prophet ordered them to go to the (herd of milch) camels of charity and to drink, their milk and URINE (as a medicine).

Urine was used for medicinal purposes, its not a vitamin, think of it like anti biotic, you just can't take if you are healthy.

In those times, there were no pharmacy from where you couldn't get refined chemical drugs synthesized in labs.

The incident of prescribing camel urine to sick people, and then they were cured is itself a proof to Mohammad's (PBUH) Prophet hood.
Slugger the Chugger:

You're in denial mate.

what kind of denial are you talking about - I never claimed that the use of cow urine is not practised in India

it is you who is trying hard to deny the fact that the Prophet [PBUH] believed in the medicinal properties of urine and prescribed it consumption to Muslims

I had also given links to Hadiths that said the very same thing [but all very convininetly deleated by Super-Moderator A.R. Rehman ;)]

Why don't Muslims have "Piss Aftershaves" or upcoming "Piss Beverages"? That's right.

I haven't practised Islam an neither do I intend to.

You are a follower of Islam - you should know better why you deny the fact that the consumption of urine as a medicine had been precribed by the Prophet [PBUH] himeslf to other Muslims
Whats the big issue brother..?? Hindus believe Cow urine have medicinal values. Many of the ayurvedic doctors prescribe the same in india, and it is mixed with other herbs and taken. I am not ashamed that many hindus do take the therapy. I dont understand why indian members are indimidated by these sarcastic posts . People eat all kinds of animals across the world, and they do have a reason behind it. Ridiculing the practise without understanding the reasons is not the right way.
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