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India to launch cow urine as soft drink

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Apr 8, 2007
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Does your Pepsi lack pep? Is your Coke not the real thing? India's Hindu nationalist movement apparently has the answer: a new soft drink made from cow urine.

The bovine brew is in the final stages of development by the Cow Protection Department of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), India's biggest and oldest Hindu nationalist group, according to the man who makes it.

Om Prakash, the head of the department, said the drink – called "gau jal", or "cow water" – in Sanskrit was undergoing laboratory tests and would be launched "very soon, maybe by the end of this year".

"Don't worry, it won't smell like urine and will be tasty too," he told The Times from his headquarters in Hardwar, one of four holy cities on the River Ganges. "Its USP will be that it's going to be very healthy. It won't be like carbonated drinks and would be devoid of any toxins."

The drink is the latest attempt by the RSS – which was founded in 1925 and now claims eight million members – to cleanse India of foreign influence and promote its ideology of Hindutva, or Hindu-ness.

Hindus revere cows and slaughtering them is illegal in most of India. Cow dung is traditionally used as a fuel and disinfectant in villages, while cow urine and dung are often consumed in rituals to "purify" those on the bottom rungs of the Hindu caste system.

In 2001, the RSS and its offshoots – which include the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party – began promoting cow urine as a cure for ailments ranging from liver disease to obesity and even cancer.

The movement has often been accused of using more violent methods, such as killing 67 Christians in the eastern state of Orissa last year, and assaulting women in a pub in Mangalore last month. It also has a history of targeting foreign business in India, as in 1994, when it organised a nationwide boycott of multinational consumer goods, including Pepsi and Coca Cola.

The cola brands are popular in India, now one of their biggest markets, but have struggled in recent years to shake off allegations, which they deny, that they contain dangerous levels of pesticide.

Mr Prakash said his drink, by contrast, was made mainly of cow urine, mixed with a few medicinal and ayurvedic herbs. He said it would be "cheap", but declined to give further details about its price or ingredients until it was officially launched.

He insisted, however, that it would be able to compete with the American cola brands, even with their enormous advertising budgets. "We're going to give them good competition as our drink is good for mankind," he said. "We may also think of exporting it."

India to launch cow urine as soft drink (no, we're not taking the p***) - Times Online

Advani and Modi should take the first sip.
Sickness should hae limits please yuck get this thread off our forum.
I thought the article was hilarious and disgusting but I do not think we are allowed to say that about Hindu practices. I will leave it up to the Mods what to do. I think the article serves a public health warning just in case they try to sell the stuff in Pakistan or Bangladesh.
I had heard the saying, one man's villain is another man's hero, but this drink would most certainly twist that to, one man's PISS is another man's PEPSI!

Good one!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
I will never look at a bottle of lemonade or Mountain Dew in the same way again!!!! I hope they are not bottled in India.
the idea that consumption of urine as a medical marvel, is not restricted to Hinduism only

it is as much Islamic as it is Hinduism

Yemen: Camel urine trade flourishing

do remember that next time you find hilarity in Hindu practices [however bizzare], you might just be arrested in the country of your residence in accordance with the anti-blasphemy laws of your land :coffee:

Dude for your infomation The Prophet(PBUH) suggested camel urine for fever to a NON-MUSLIM not Muslims. That man after recovering from fever accepted Islam.

There is no hadith nor any statment which could claim that Prophet (PBUH) had ever recomended that to any Muslim.
very much to burst your bubble of old claims by Hindus.
Its funny how this "Piss Beverage" is coming out in 2009, and "Slugger The Ignorant" came in here with a text COMPLETELY blown out of proportion from the middle ages and is trying to somehow justify his countrymen's urine consuming antics.

Slap yourself silly if no one else is around to do that for you.
Dude for your infomation The Prophet(PBUH) suggested camel urine for fever to a NON-MUSLIM not Muslims. That man after recovering from fever accepted Islam.

There is no hadith nor any statment which could claim that Prophet (PBUH) had ever recomended that to any Muslim.
very much to burst your bubble of old claims by Hindus.

It is clearly mentioned that the Uki tribesmen came to the Prophet and converted to Islam. It was only after they were cured of their illness, were they again banished from practising Islam because they killed the animals that gave them the urine

They were clearly followers of Islam from the time the Prophet ordered them to consume the urine till the time their hands were dismembered

if you had bothered to click on the links I provided you would have found that these quotes have been taken from Hadiths and not the concoction of a Hindu [i.e. me ;)]
He insisted, however, that it would be able to compete with the American cola brands, even with their enormous advertising budgets. "We're going to give them good competition as our drink is good for mankind," he said. "We may also think of exporting it."

Do they really expect this to sell?
It is clearly mentioned that the Uki tribesmen came to the Prophet and converted to Islam. It was only after they were cured of their illness, were they again banished from practising Islam because they killed the animals that gave them the urine

They were clearly followers of Islam from the time the Prophet ordered them to consume the urine till the time their hands were dismembered

if you had bothered to click on the links I provided you would have found that these quotes have been taken from Hadiths and not the concoction of a Hindu [i.e. me ;)]

The chemical in urine was used for medicinal purpose.

why would healthy person drink urine? who in their right mind has 6 pack of cow urine in the fridge?
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