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India to have fastest super computer soon!!

I pity your indian democracy!
Really? That's sad! And it seems you're pretty happy with your Chinese communist autocracy devoid of human rights, and censorship that would make Goebbels turn green with envy, not to talk of the brainwashing and propaganda.

For all your liberalization of the economy, the Han Dynasty have kept control of the commanding heights of politics through the Communist party's stifling grip on the "three Ps": Personnel, Propaganda, and the People's Liberation Army.

Now that sucks, what? But you're so brainwashed you can't see beyond your little noses because you guys ain't permitted to! :cheesy:
indians are into this:

offshore failed us

I will have more if I am free to search on the net and if it is not to be blamed and penalised as derailments!

This is exactly what I was talking about in another thread. These companies like Infosys, TCS, Wipro etc,, have good employees, but they are few and far between. The majority are junk candidates recruited through mass recruitment drives across the country from just about every stupid college and the criteria and standards are totally low. These projects that these guys do, have like 100 people working !! Why 100? Because of the lack of talent, so you make up with workforce. And you bill the client and inflate the complexity.

So typically you end up building a low quality, crappy software solution cuz the only aim, is to bill the client as much as possible, as many times as possible.

But one thing to note, the Chinese are much worse :D:D:D

Some of the dudes in my team cant even speak English and I cant pronounce their names. Good people, good friends, but not much skill. Barring a few. So you end up telling them one thing, they end up doing entirely the opposite. LOL. Its funny.

this will fail just like kaveri engine, putting man in space before 2015, commonwealth games, etc.

Indians talk big, fire blanks.

Hereafter everyone shall call this attitude, the "Chinese Male Inadequacy Syndrome" - CMIS. :D.
India should also produce existing level of super computers for IITs and Advanced research centers. Domestic super computer can be purchased by private institutes will increase cutting edge research.

A colleague of mine has to send the work and work in collaboration with US center as his institute don't have super computer. Even if IIT's center had in similar department, he won't have to be dependent on them.

It may be a good business as many countries needs such computers (current one) and India has proved its capability for low cost advanced technology provider, Chandrayan has proved it.

@others: Let this thread be for discussion of technology only. no need of D measuring and mud slinging. You can do this in other threads.
@Indian: Chinese have top end super computers, so guys admit that they are ahead in this field.

@Chinese: You don't have to rant same old things like Kaveri, LCA and god knows what. Either share information regarding these super computers. Why not start with your domestic super computer development ?
^ Yaar these topics are quite close to my hard. I have seen the problem Indian researchers have to face. Many projects which could increase our domestic industry and can create high end products all by ourselves, don't get completed in time.

I don't like these threads ruined by same old Cat Fight between the other members.
^ Yaar these topics are quite close to my heart. I have seen the problem Indian researchers have to face. Many projects which could increase our domestic industry and can create high end products all by ourselves, don't get completed in time.

I don't like these threads ruined by same old Cat Fight between the other members.
another India WILL thread :coffee:

EKA is a supercomputer built by the Computational Research Laboratories (a subsidiary of Tata Sons) with technical assistance and hardware provided by Hewlett-Packard.[6]

Eka means the number One in Sanskrit[4].

It was built within a short period of 6 weeks
At the time of its unveiling, it was the 4th fastest supercomputer in the world and the fastest in Asia[7]. As of 16 September 2011, it is ranked at 58[5].

EKA (supercomputer) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As of June 2012, India has 5 systems on the Top500 list ranking 58, 86, 129, 224 and 380[5].


ISRO builds India's fastest supercomputer - Economic Times

TOP500 List - June 2012 (1-100) | TOP500 Supercomputing Sites

we built many one of the fastest supercomputers in world

so our talk is backed by solid deed
PARAM and EKA....Mass Production.....Send emails to govt. body.....

I think India is also making good strides in domestic chip development. China is ahead of us. We should accelerate it too.
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