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India to focus “connectivity” for next 20 years ties with Bangladesh

Pakistan cant join for reasons everyone knows. Once Rohingya issue is resolved, may be Myanmar and Thailand can also be added. This will counterbalance the weight of India to a certain extent.
1) Tell me one thing. If Pakistan is excluded from the SAARC how come Afghanistan can be added to it when Pakistan holds the key to connectivity between India and Afghanistan?

2) ASEAN block is far stronger than the SAARC will ever become because of friction between Pakistan and India. As such, there is a remote possibility of Burma and Thailand join SAARC.

3) SAARC in such a dire condition, I would rather like BD to become an ASEAN member. However, the present members may not endorse it because, historically, it is not a part of SEA in regional politics or trade. But, then, of course, things may change if BD becomes an economically strong country.

4) There have been approaches over BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation). But, I do not see any new activities.

5) In my opinion, BIMSTEC activities may fully start with the implementation of the highway connectivities among the member nations: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. Only SL is without a land connection. However, BIMSTEC is still only talks and irregular meetings, and nothing concrete is coming out from these.
1) Tell me one thing. If Pakistan is excluded from the SAARC how come Afghanistan can be added to it when Pakistan holds the key to connectivity between India and Afghanistan?

2) ASEAN block is far stronger than the SAARC will ever become because of friction between Pakistan and India. As such, there is a remote possibility of Burma and Thailand join SAARC.

3) SAARC in such a dire condition, I would rather like BD to become an ASEAN member. However, the present members may not endorse it because, historically, it is not a part of SEA in regional politics or trade. But, then, of course, things may change if BD becomes an economically strong country.

4) There have been approaches over BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation). But, I do not see any new activities.

5) In my opinion, BIMSTEC activities may fully start with the implementation of the highway connectivities among the member nations: Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. Only SL is without a land connection. However, BIMSTEC is still only talks and irregular meetings, and nothing concrete is coming out from these.
1) You are right. Afghanistan cannot be added to the connectivity as well.
2) Not calling for them to join SAARC. I mentioned a common visa system.
3) Sure, India would also attempt to join ASEAN, if BD is likely to get entry.
4) 2020 / 21 might have been slow due to pandemic. Lets not lose hope.
5) Big projects like these take years of diplomacy. Quad was just talk for almost 2 decades and is now becoming more of a reality.
3) Sure, India would also attempt to join ASEAN, if BD is likely to get entry.

Look at the map above. You will see India is already a very large block, larger than all the countries of SEA combined. Is it necessary for India to join ASEAN or will ASEAN allow India to become another member without any tangible benefits?

ASEAN is a league of small countries and the Union of India is a union of many big states.

Look at the map above. You will see India is already a very large block, larger than all the countries of SEA combined. Is it necessary for India to join ASEAN or will ASEAN allow India to become another member without any tangible benefits?

ASEAN is a league of small countries and the Union of India is a union of many big states.
If not a full member, India can still have some kind of FTA with ASEAN. China has an FTA with ASEAN.
i was just thinking. it would be kinda funny if Bangladeshis ended up coming to Pakistan. restart Project 1947. lol.

Naah. All coastal communities will face consequences.

Like I said, draught situation will be worse than coastal flooding. That is what global warming means.

Plus Bangladesh population is already facing a period of no-growth (last year the population grew 1%) and will be going down in spectacular fashion.

Total fertility rate (TFR) per woman in Bangladesh is around 2.1 child per woman, which is lower than India.

As female labor force makes their own money and decisions, this will go down even farther.

I saw a study someplace that in twenty years' time, Bangladesh population will be halved - which is not unlikely.

If population drops, coastal flooding is not as big a deal as previously thought.

There has been enough studies on this.

I saw a study someplace that in twenty years' time, Bangladesh population will be halved - which is not unlikely.
I believe you are referring to the below study. The timeframe is by 2100, not in 20 years.

For reduction by half in 20 years, you will need extinction level events. Even bringing fertility down to zero from today onwards would not cut it.
I believe you are referring to the below study. The timeframe is by 2100, not in 20 years.

For reduction by half in 20 years, you will need extinction level events. Even bringing fertility down to zero from today onwards would not cut it.

Right you are - I believe I'm going senile rather early... :-)

Even if we can take 170 Million down to 140 Million or so (20% reduction) in another say 25~30 years, kind of a long shot - that will ease things on so many levels. Have to be mindful about reducing population too quickly though, given that demographic dividend is an important factor for development.

Also - we have to take the industries out of the cities and establish proper zoning. That can be done much quicker.

The focus should be on the scumbags at Rajuk who gave permission through bribes for setting up industrial units in the cities esp. Dhaka. That has to go. These permissions have to be taken away eventually for the city center residential areas.

Cities in Bangladesh could not and still cannot bear the weight of industrialization or the slums needed to sustain it - that is part of the reason things look so bad in Dhaka.
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Right you are - I believe I'm going senile rather early... :-)

Even if we can take 170 Million down to 140 Million or so (20% reduction) in another say 25~30 years, kind of a long shot - that will ease things on so many levels. Have to be mindful about reducing population too quickly though, given that demographic dividend is an important factor for development.

Also - we have to take the industries out of the cities and establish proper zoning. That can be done much quicker.

The focus should be on the scumbags at Rajuk who gave permission through bribes for setting up industrial units in the cities esp. Dhaka. That has to go. These permissions have to be taken away eventually for the city center residential areas.

Cities in Bangladesh could not and still cannot bear the weight of industrialization or the slums needed to sustain it - that is part of the reason things look so bad in Dhaka.

Below is my proposal on what BD needs to do to become a developed country:

Bangladesh needs a forceful one child policy with severe penalties for parents having multiple children despite the risk of an aging population down the line. There is no way we can ever be a proper developed country (GDP per capita of USD 40,000+ in today's dollars) with such crazy population density. It is impossible to create 100 million quality jobs within such a tiny land mass.

The path to development is:
  1. One child policy
  2. Improved ease of doing business
  3. International standard Techncial and English training centres in every upazilla (skilled manpower will offer dual benefits of inviting quality high value FDIs and better pay & working conditions for expats, multiplying inflow of remittances and end labour exploitation.)
  4. Decentralisation and a new capital
  5. Public-private R&D for high value addition
  6. Infrastructure development even if it requires allowing fully privatised infrastructure being built.
  7. Set up internationally accredited laboratories and certification companies (will help build trust of export clients on Bangladeshi products)
  8. Attract investment all over the country and not just at SEZs.
  9. HIgh yield farming to free up land for secondary industries
  10. Transition away from a carb based diet to a more balanced diet to free up land from rice cultivation.
What is the ideal map of a Bangladesh ethnostate?
impossible in real life, even we don't believe in it anymore
Below is my proposal on what BD needs to do to become a developed country:

Bangladesh needs a forceful one child policy with severe penalties for parents having multiple children despite the risk of an aging population down the line. There is no way we can ever be a proper developed country (GDP per capita of USD 40,000+ in today's dollars) with such crazy population density. It is impossible to create 100 million quality jobs within such a tiny land mass.

The path to development is:
  1. One child policy
  2. Improved ease of doing business
  3. International standard Techncial and English training centres in every upazilla (skilled manpower will offer dual benefits of inviting quality high value FDIs and better pay & working conditions for expats, multiplying inflow of remittances and end labour exploitation.)
  4. Decentralisation and a new capital
  5. Public-private R&D for high value addition
  6. Infrastructure development even if it requires allowing fully privatised infrastructure being built.
  7. Set up internationally accredited laboratories and certification companies (will help build trust of export clients on Bangladeshi products)
  8. Attract investment all over the country and not just at SEZs.
  9. HIgh yield farming to free up land for secondary industries
  10. Transition away from a carb based diet to a more balanced diet to free up land from rice cultivation.

You need eugenics to have the fastest possible result (other countries in the region need it too)....Give birthing license only to the most capable men and women in various fields
You need eugenics to have the fastest possible result (other countries in the region need it too)....Give birthing license only to the most capable men and women in various fields
Do not please talk like another Hitler. Every mother has the right to give birth to a child whatever would be his/her capability as a person. No country ever produced this kind of geniuses and a country needs not only geniuses but also needs people with other kinds of capabilities that include your Modi and America's Trump.
You need eugenics to have the fastest possible result (other countries in the region need it too)....Give birthing license only to the most capable men and women in various fields
If you look at the fertility rate today, it is close to replacement level in BD (as well as India). Our populations are going to peak sometime in mid-century and then start falling down.
Many countries are staring at huge pension bills and small working age people to support that bill (eg. Japan, Korea) . One child or selective child bearing rights will exacerbate issues. China learnt it the hard way.
Also time for artificial states born out of an Englishman's blunder to stop existing, not that this current state of existence is worth much.
You are better than all of these, I can remember your posts when you joined.
Why wasting your time in nonsense.
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