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India to focus “connectivity” for next 20 years ties with Bangladesh

Englishmen never conceived a single state in Indian subcontinent. Indian nationalism was an indigenous ideology. At first place, they prevented country from being too large. Hence, they broken into pieces which balanced each other and never make any sound beyond region.

This artificial balance of power ceased to exist 50 years ago.

Northeast India and Eastern India are among highest growth regions in India. South India is aging and is more of service based except few high end industries like aerospace, North is transitioning into middle income and more office jobs. Hence industries are shifting to east.

LOL why so much hate for no reason? Pakistani syndrome of looking cool just by badmouthing India hasn't made any of neighbors a "regional power".

If Indian products are garbage, what Bangladeshi products would be?
India has machines, vehicles, boilers, reactors, appliances, softwares and lately toys, ICs and electronics.
Bangladesh doesn't have any notable industry except textile which is a low end sub modern system. It's R&D and scientific capability is almost zero to create any new sector. Connectivity to India and gradual shift some Indian companies to Bangladesh is only going to help it because a low end industry and saturating population will entrap BD into middle income trap forever.

If Bangladesh didn't have any benefits from India, it would have pulled away long ago.

LOL, Bangladesh doesn't have a military to knock anything beyond its frontiers or even handle a large scale insurgency within country if emerges. For Indian military, it isn't even a problem and is effortless to make a route from within Bangladesh in days if not hours.

Geography what brings mountains and lot of foreign powers for protecting Pakistan doesn't favour BD. Probably why BD mostly chooses to keep quiet.

We have another tall-talking Bhakt in our midst. Instead of talking big, try something first - Rajoo. :lol:

People who don't know enough, should use Google.

There is a lot of potential to increase connectivity in that region - India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan.
A sort of Schengen visa system and free trade system for these countries should also be envisaged, so that business can be seamlessly done without worrying about borders.

Schengen visa system and free trade system works when different countries trade and deal with each other fairly.

India will NEVER deal fairly, as we have seen with bilateral Bangladesh-India trade for the last fifty years.

Kanjoosi and narrow minded mentality is the hallmark of Indian foreign affairs and trade policies.

Bangladesh- India trade is a poster child for all lopsided trade relationships and it has been this way since 1972.

How long can this BS be tolerated?

Even people on the street in Bangladesh know that India is Bangladesh greatest enemy and roadblock to our development.

Indian govt. has stopped every Bangladesh effort to increase exports to India.

Whether apparel, electronics or even batteries, they use non-tariff barriers to stop our exports.

Credit our patience that there hasn't been a boycott of Indian goods - yet.

I see it coming up pretty soon however.

The trend is pretty illustrative but the figures however are the tip of the iceberg. There is massive smuggling and informal imports to India's benefit. They are the number one trade exploiter of our country right now.

Bangladesh is also the third largest remitter of foreign currency to India by Illegal Indians working in Bangladesh.

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We have another Bhakt in our midst.
They like to talk big about invading smaller neighbouring states. Do they not realise that they to have to face Pakistan and China together in a war scenario? and then deal with us at the same time? . Heck , despite the military and economic advantage , they have failed to achieve any meaningful victory in the western front against Pakistan. Now they want a three front war.

They have alienated almost every neighbouring state (on the people level) except for Bhutan.

Also we should not join this project if it does not benefit us. Belt and road could be looked at to improve our infrastructure.
They like to talk big about invading smaller neighbouring states. Do they not realise that they to have to face Pakistan and China together in a war scenario? and then deal with us at the same time? . Heck , despite the military and economic advantage , they have failed to achieve any meaningful victory in the western front against Pakistan. Now they want a three front war.

They have alienated almost every neighbouring state (on the people level) except for Bhutan.

Also we should not join this project if it does not benefit us. Belt and road could be looked at to improve our infrastructure.

There is no question that this 'connectivity' won't do anything for us - that I can fathom.

As usual, India pushes these BS schemes only to benefit their own MOFA MOFO agendas.

Ditto for giving transit to these NE India states to use our ports. What for?? What's in it for us? Things can change if they stop being Indian states.

Nepal/Bhutan may be OK now for political reasons.

But I predict, that eventually entire seven sisters will be taken over by China, as Chinese economy and power grows. India trying to connect anything (including NE) through us for strategic reasons won't matter.

These NE people should start learning Mandarin now.

Look at Parchula Momen's recent statements. He said that Bangladesh is NOT interested in this Indo Pacific scheme. Indian MOFA idiots are surely not too happy, but who cares?

I honestly don't know about bhutan's shift , but their foreign policy and defence is dictated by India

This will change. Watch this space for the next five years. Lotta changes coming as CCP contemplates their next move. :lol:

Like I said, NE will eventually slip out of India's hands. The move will come from within.

People who racist Indians call "Chinkis" will join hands again with China, either independently or as a part of China.
why do these ppl question our faith in Islam ?
Being ethnically and religiously homogenous is an advantage our big neighbours don't have, divide and rule will be difficult.

Force of habit, Ignore.

We are the only Muslim country in the world that doesn't border another muslim country..

What they can't bear is the fact that we have an identity beyond our religion, it's a foreign concept for them... Not all people are fortunate enough to have an actual culture with literary tradition such as ours... Especially, amidst the illiterate wasteland that this region is...

Now even this will trigger them... Snowflakes but they can mouth off about us all day and that's fine.
We are the only Muslim country in the world that doesn't border another muslim country..
And especially that position makes Bangladesh special. It's a sign of the might and mercy of Islam, that this specific region became Muslim and will be hallmark of our religion til the end of times inshallah. This is also my "reason" to be angry at those Bangladeshis who sold their MUSLIM identity and get drunk on high GDP numbers. I think you know me, I am not here to bash Bangladesh (Bangladesh is my city as you know), but you should be able to accept legitimate criticism. Nobody wants you to kill all Hindus, you should treat them with respect, but you and I have more in common than you and a Bangladeshi Hindu and I hope you think the same way!

What they can't bear is the fact that we have an identity beyond our religion, it's a foreign concept for them... Not all people are fortunate enough to have an actual culture with literary tradition such as ours... Especially, amidst the illiterate wasteland that this region is...
I am a Muslim first. Whats wrong with that? Last week I had tea with a Malaysian guy who barely speaks German, there was a deep connection between us just for the fact that we both are Muslims. And that is beautiful! And you also know what role Bangladeshi Muslims played during the partition and during the Pakistan movement. So this concept is not alien to you, it is a product of our common struggle!

PS: Albania is also a Muslim majority country only neighbouring non-Muslim countries (Kosovo not consired a "valid neighbour" because it is not recognized by everybody).
And especially that position makes Bangladesh special. It's a sign of the might and mercy of Islam, that this specific region became Muslim and will be hallmark of our religion til the end of times inshallah. This is also my "reason" to be angry at those Bangladeshis who sold their MUSLIM identity and get drunk on high GDP numbers. I think you know me, I am not here to bash Bangladesh (Bangladesh is my city as you know), but you should be able to accept legitimate criticism. Nobody wants you to kill all Hindus, you should treat them with respect, but you and I have more in common than you and a Bangladeshi Hindu and I hope you think the same way!

I am a Muslim first. Whats wrong with that? Last week I had tea with a Malaysian guy who barely speaks German, there was a deep connection between us just for the fact that we both are Muslims. And that is beautiful! And you also know what role Bangladeshi Muslims played during the partition and during the Pakistan movement. So this concept is not alien to you, it is a product of our common struggle!

PS: Albania is also a Muslim majority country only neighbouring non-Muslim countries (Kosovo not consired a "valid neighbour" because it is not recognized by everybody).

No, no, why are you obfuscating the actual argument..

I said, we have an identity beyond our religion, I never said which one is more important to us... We are Bengali sure but Bengali Muslims... That is after all how you differentiate us from our other Bengali brethren from the other side.

This constant questioning of our faith in the Almighty is getting rather annoying..

God is the greatest judge, we don't need a seal of approval from anyone to be considered Muslims.. having said that, please stop offending our religious beliefs by making these malice fueled comments... (Not you but your friends, WHOSE comments you often like, I check likes.)
Force of habit, Ignore.

We are the only Muslim country in the world that doesn't border another muslim country..

What they can't bear is the fact that we have an identity beyond our religion, it's a foreign concept for them... Not all people are fortunate enough to have an actual culture with literary tradition such as ours... Especially, amidst the illiterate wasteland that this region is...

Now even this will trigger them... Snowflakes but they can mouth off about us all day and that's fine.
Agreed. New here. I get the name calling stuff ( common in our subcontinent). But questioning of faith is what really surprised me.

Pakistanis are decent, pious people just like us . A minority of posters should not be used as a brush to paint a nation of 200 million Muslims and neither should a nation of 160 million Muslims be judged by a small number of dalals. Our PM is wise but it would be wiser of her to sideline the dalals from any position of power.
Agreed. New here. I get the name calling stuff ( common in our subcontinent). But questioning of faith is what really surprised me.

Pakistanis are decent, pious people just like us . A minority of posters should not be used as a brush to paint a nation of 200 million Muslims and neither should a nation of 160 million Muslims be judged by a small number of dalals. Our PM is wise but it would be wiser of her to sideline the dalals from any position of power.

Just a little while longer now brother, we'll have left those who wish Ill upon us so far behind, they will not dare to speak of us in the same breath as themselves.

Ours are a hard working people, we can be proud of that, should we continue to avoid war and have at steady hand at the top, we'll go far yet.. The journey has only just begun.
This constant questioning of our faith in the Almighty is getting rather annoying..
I am not questioning your faith. In fact I am happy that Islam is part of your identity. And in regards to treason, there are as many if not more Hindu bootlickers in Pakistan than in Bangladesh. See, I can take legitimate criticism, this is due to the fact that I see Pakistan not as a country, it’s more of an idea (promoting Muslim brotherhood). Not saying that the current implementation is something to be proud of...

I said, we have an identity beyond our religion, I never said which one is more important to us... We are Bengali sure but Bengali Muslims... That is after all how you differentiate us from our other Bengali brethren from the other side.
This is the reason why most Bangladeshis and Pakistanis are cool with each other in real life. I have more in common with a Muslim Bangladeshi than with a Hindu Kashmiri (I was born in Kashmir) and I am proud of that!

Have a nice evening.
I am not questioning your faith. In fact I am happy that Islam is part of your identity. And in regards to treason, there are as many if not more Hindu bootlickers in Pakistan than in Bangladesh. See, I can take legitimate criticism, this is due to the fact that I see Pakistan not as a country, it’s more of an idea (promoting Muslim brotherhood). Not saying that the current implementation is something to be proud of...

This is the reason why most Bangladeshis and Pakistanis are cool with each other in real life. I have more in common with a Muslim Bangladeshi than with a Hindu Kashmiri (I was born in Kashmir) and I am proud of that!

Have a nice evening.

Likewise. :)
Just a little while longer now brother, we'll have left those who wish Ill upon us so far behind, they will not dare to speak of us in the same breath as themselves.

Ours are a hard working people, we can be proud of that, should we continue to avoid war and have at steady hand at the top, we'll go far yet.. The journey has only just begun.
Thanks for advice. we cannot go far without friends. This Pakistani think tank is trying to bridge differences between Bangladesh and Pakistan.

So if we get back on topic , India is trying to do it's own version of belt and road ? LOL I hope we reject this and evaluate real belt and road project.
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