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India to Deploy active Nuclear Defence within 2 years.

This is a bunch of crap...

"He said the new guidance system in the missile allowed it to tackle the maneuvers of enemy's incoming missile and could be used against the Russian Topol M class of missiles, which move in a zig-zag manner."

I suggest people take this with a pinch of salt.

ok with less than half a dozen tests to make a statement like this IS to be taken with a pinch of salt. The only way to find out is to have a TOPOL M aimed at his head and only have the BMD protecting him.

There is indeed too much boasting in advance by drdo guys to make even their supporters cringe.
5,000km? New Delhi is only a few hundred kms from Tibet, why would we waste 5,000km missiles. This article is useless.

Hopefully the 2nd Artillary thinks in the same way. Remember if New Delhi is only 200 kms from Tibet so is vice versa. It will only take a few SRBMs to take these sites out and then after that what?
How are you going to get more of them from 5,000 kms away again to Tibet?
Its much easier for India to move its missiles to the border including close to its border areas and to target Kunming, Chengdu, etc even SRBM's, MRBM's will do.
Moreover it is far easier to find out missile sites in desolated areas with few access routes like Tibet then it is to find in more populated places of India, Pakistan.
I'm not trying to discredit the achievements of India's scientists, but to say that an active Nucleare defence within 2 years will be placed and working is a bit too optimistic and seems very unrealistic, perhaps too good to be true?
The first thing is placing and operating these things, the 2nd is to see them actually working, which I highly doubt, but you cannot blame me, I do not doubt it because I am Pakistani, but because it simply doesn't seem achievable at all, but who am I to say this? We'll see how it goes, if it works, hat's off and Pakistan better be working on something that can counter it.

It seems to good to be true for Pakistani's as it was always an hush-hush project. Began way back in 1999, when you tested your nukes and refused to adopt a no first use policy.

Missile Defence has been tested several times including the much talked about 2006 test and the latest 2009 test. Why does this comes as a shock to most Pakistani's? Cause it nullifies Pakistan's nuclear threat to India to a great extent.

Originally Posted by Squallmao
5,000km? New Delhi is only a few hundred kms from Tibet, why would we waste 5,000km missiles. This article is useless.

What the article says is that the second phase will have a capability to intercept ICBMs and IRBM's having a range of 5000km. It doesnt matter whatever you use. This system is being developed to counter everything.

This is a bunch of crap...

"He said the new guidance system in the missile allowed it to tackle the maneuvers of enemy's incoming missile and could be used against the Russian Topol M class of missiles, which move in a zig-zag manner."

You think the scientists who developed this over looked the zig-zag motion of missiles? PADE(Prithvi air defence system) has probability of 45% against a one-one engagement. Couple it with another anti ballistic system and the probability of an assured kill rises upto 99.8%.

Pakistan can already counter it. Every ABM system can be countered by simply flooding the missiles. That doesnt mean that ABM systems should not be pursued. Technology keeps developing. Even if they dont guarentee 100% pk, they still have TREMENDOUS deterrence value. Thats where its true value lies.

There is a reason why this system is being called superior to any in the rest of the world. Unlike American and Israeli air defence systems which can track a maximum of 80 missiles and engage 40 missiles simultaneously, Indian
PADE can track upto 200 missiles simultaneously and engage atleast 200 of them which may include multiple engagements of one target increasing the probability of kill. And all this in just phase one of the project.

You think Pakistan can flood Indian airspace with 200 ballistic missiles containing fissile material without losing their element of surprise?

ABM is a joke. Americans could not able to built it. how did you able to built?

Americans could not build a pentium chip. An Indian did it. this kind of assertions you make are completely stupid.
ABM is a joke. Americans could not able to built it. how did you able to built?

Why do u say Americans could not build it? Did they try & fail? if yes, please provide link.
And even if India does not want to advertise this, there is a lot of Israeli technical help involved in this project. India always had these relations with Israel. Only thing is that BJP led government used to advertise relations with Israel. Current Congress led govt likes to keep it under closet.
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India kicks off work on advanced missile defence shield

NEW DELHI: Buoyed by the successful testing of its fledgling ballistic missile defence, India is pushing ahead with an ambitious version of the
star wars project capable of shooting down incoming ICBMs in the 5,000 km range.

The phase-II of the BMD systems, likely to be deployed by 2014, will be an important part of India's defence as both China and Pakistan possess nuclear capable missiles. Once the BMD is in place it will place India in a fairly exclusive club alongside US, Russia and Israel.

India will be playing catch up with China which stunned the world by shooting down a weather satellite with a missile in January 2007. Putting in place a system capable of intercepting inter-continental ballistic missiles would enhance India's strategic prowess.

While a BMD system can be overwhelmed by a flurry of missiles or a low-flying cruise, it would be a important part of India's defence against the danger of ballistic missiles.

If the ongoing Phase-I BMD system is geared to tackling enemy missiles with a 2,000-km range, Phase-II is enhance capacities significantly. Plans are also afoot to have space-based surveillance systems to ensure a hostile threat can be detected even earlier than the present long-range tracking radars (LRTRs) used in the BMD system, which track the `enemy' missile as well as guide the `interceptor' missile in destroying it.

Sources said DRDO has told the government that while the Phase-I systems can be deployed from 2012 onwards, the Phase-II systems will come into operational play only from 2014 onwards at the earliest.

There will be another interesting spin-off from the indigenous two-tier BMD system, capable of tracking and destroying hostile missiles both inside (endo) and outside (exo) the earth's atmosphere. It will give India a potent anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon since technology required for "neutralisation'' of a ballistic missile or a satellite is somewhat similar.

India, of course, has received presentations from the three countries which have operational BMD or anti-ballistic missile systems -- US (Patriot Advanced Capability-3), Russia (S-300V) and Israel (Arrow-2) -- as of now.

Though all three are hawking their systems to India, New Delhi has decided to go in for its own "home-grown'' BMD system specifically designed to meet its security needs. Moreover, there are financial and feasibility concerns about importing foreign systems.

"We are cooperating with countries to bridge our technology gaps. US, for instance, has a different threat profile. Its systems will not be suitable for us. Our system has to cater for our own threat profile,'' DRDO chief controller for missiles, Dr V K Saraswat, said on Monday.

Dismissing PAC-3 as "an outdated system'', the scientist said India's BMD system was "20-30% more capable'' than it. He, however, acknowledged the BMD system had received some help from countries like Israel (LRTRs), France (fire-control radars) and Russia (seekers).

DRDO, of course, often promises more than it can deliver. This time, however, it sounds quite confident, especially after the third test of the Phase-I BMD system on March 6, when a two-stage exo-atmospheric interceptor missile intercepted an `enemy' missile at an 80-km altitude.

In the earlier tests, in November 2006 and December 2007, the enemy missiles had been "killed'' at altitudes of 48-km and 15-km respectively. The next test, with both exo and endo interceptor missiles in an integrated mode, is slated for September.

"We will complete all our tests for Phase-I by 2010-2011. All BMD building blocks like long-range radars, communication network, mission control centre and launch control centre are in place,'' said Saraswat.

"What we are now perfecting are Phase-I interceptor missiles, which fly at 4.5 Mach high-supersonic speeds. We are already working on Phase-II interceptors, which will have hypersonic speeds of 6-7 Mach,'' he added.

India kicks off work on advanced missile defence shield-India-The Times of India
India, of course, has received presentations from the three countries which have operational BMD or anti-ballistic missile systems -- US (Patriot Advanced Capability-3), Russia (S-300V) and Israel (Arrow-2) -- as of now.

I'm glad!!!!!! our missile defense project will get much furthur due to cooperation from these countries!!!! I'm very pleased that the government is just not "buying" this time, but they are also working on developing.

:cheers: :cheers:
Once again, don't get too optimistic, you'll be dissapointed if you come to realize that this was just some Indian pride filled propaganda.
We'll see if it works, and as a Pakistani, it bugs me to see constant Israeli involvement and support for India, their expertise and technology which they offer to India is a pain in the butt, atleast that's the way I see it.
Once again, don't get too optimistic, you'll be dissapointed if you come to realize that this was just some Indian pride filled propaganda.
It would be a sad day for Pakistan if it doesnt turn out that way.
We'll see if it works, and as a Pakistani, it bugs me to see constant Israeli involvement and support for India, their expertise and technology which they offer to India is a pain in the butt, atleast that's the way I see it.
As an Indian, it bugs many to see arms being given by US on soft loans ,military aid and whatnot being given to Pakistan. But what the hell, you cant have everything your way right?
Chill Jihad, life's just cool the way it is!
India plans to use laser weapons in Ballistic Missile Defence

New Delhi: India is planning to develop a laser based weapon system as part of its Ballistic Missile Defence to intercept and destroy missiles soon after they are launched towards the country. :tup:

"If you have a laser based system on an airborne or seaborne platform, it can travel at the speed of light and in a few seconds, we can kill a ballistic missile coming towards us," DRDO's Air Defence Programme director VK Saraswat said here.

He said the laser based interceptor will give "more time" to the BMD system to kill ballistic missile launched from a distance of 2000 kms.

"Suppose if the missile is being launched at Indian target from 2000 km. If I have to kill it there, I will have to travel that distance, which will require many minutes to be there. If you have a laser system travelling at a speed of light, it can kill that missile in its boost phase (just after launch) even before it has travelled a few 100 kilometers," Saraswat, who is chief controller R&D, said.

A ballistic missile take-off has three segments. When launched, it is called boost phase, and followed by the mid course when it reaches the highest point of its trajectory and lastly the terminal phase when it is coming close to the target on ground.

Saraswat said its ideal to destroy a ballistic missile carrying nuclear or conventional warhead in its boost phase.

"It's easier to kill a missile in boost phase as it has not gained much speed and is easier to target. It cannot deploy any countermeasures and it is vulnerable at that time," Saraswat said.

The distinguished scientist stated that DRDO laboratories like The Laser and Science Technology Centre (LASTEC) was also developing such technologies.

"In LASTEC, we are developing many of these technologies.We have to package these technologies on aircraft like the Americans have done on their systems," he added.

Saraswat added that it will take another 10-15 years for the premier defence research institute to make it usable on ground.

"It is an involved process and not just about producing lasers. We have to put in many systems like the surveillance and tracking systems together for such a system to work. It will take another 10-15 years before we talk of integrating all these elements," he said.

Once again, don't get too optimistic, you'll be dissapointed if you come to realize that this was just some Indian pride filled propaganda.
We'll see if it works, and as a Pakistani, it bugs me to see constant Israeli involvement and support for India, their expertise and technology which they offer to India is a pain in the butt, atleast that's the way I see it.

Whats the problem with that? We dont whine when US grants you aid most of which goes for defence preperations against India. You guys hate Israel, but that doesnt change anything.
It seems to good to be true for Pakistani's as it was always an hush-hush project. Began way back in 1999, when you tested your nukes and refused to adopt a no first use policy.

Missile Defence has been tested several times including the much talked about 2006 test and the latest 2009 test. Why does this comes as a shock to most Pakistani's? Cause it nullifies Pakistan's nuclear threat to India to a great extent.

What the article says is that the second phase will have a capability to intercept ICBMs and IRBM's having a range of 5000km. It doesnt matter whatever you use. This system is being developed to counter everything.

You think the scientists who developed this over looked the zig-zag motion of missiles? PADE(Prithvi air defence system) has probability of 45% against a one-one engagement. Couple it with another anti ballistic system and the probability of an assured kill rises upto 99.8%.

There is a reason why this system is being called superior to any in the rest of the world. Unlike American and Israeli air defence systems which can track a maximum of 80 missiles and engage 40 missiles simultaneously, Indian
PADE can track upto 200 missiles simultaneously and engage atleast 200 of them which may include multiple engagements of one target increasing the probability of kill. And all this in just phase one of the project.

You think Pakistan can flood Indian airspace with 200 ballistic missiles containing fissile material without losing their element of surprise?

Americans could not build a pentium chip. An Indian did it. this kind of assertions you make are completely stupid.

oh i see. i have some questions for you. how can a balistic missile from a bilistic missile. Pirthavi is a bilistic missile. If a bilistic missile change its course then what can you do? because all other nations ABM systems are also SAMs. E.g. Patriot and Arrow.
Secondly. Did you tested on Pakistani or chinese missile.?
and last thing about Americans sir. Yes an Indian made the Pentium chip. can you tell me who made the Intel chips before and after the Pentium and what about the Intel Xeon, Atom and Itanium processors. Tell me about the AMD processors. Sir, making a Pentium CHip with a floating point bug (It cost Intel $500 million in 1994). does not mean that you become the master of making processor. you could not make your Tank, Aircraft and Agni missile system properly and telling the world about th success of the indian ABM system.
Remember ABM system is just a waste of money. Which indian DRDO is known for it. Wasting tax payers money.
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