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India to deploy 50,000 additional troops along China border

We will deploy Brahmos, Su-30 MKIs, 100,000 more troops and Build Roads.

I am happy the Chinese posters feel this is no problem.

and then we will annex Tibet one day and then the Chinese would feel stupid :D But for now you can enjoy and we are really happy that the additional 50000 troops is no cause of concern to China.:tup:
it's not Chit-Chatting, it's about accountability, you government will have report us about the status of AP, they wouldn't dare to miss the meeting after drawing a good lesson of what was happening to Nehru for ignoring China's request prior 1962. We never jump up and down because it's not the first time but the 17th round of negociation, you can do what ever to AP until change the ownership

We already wake you up otherwise India has no need to deploy 50000 more troops, and your government sure got the message that we have delivered through Brhamaputra river, dare to defy us than it will not only 3 dams but several more dams and possibility of water diversion, you think that you control AP and we're hopeless against you? we can tormented and make you paranoid at daily basis until you come back with sense of reality..we just love Tibet, god has blessing us with holy water :lol:

Your nation is not only hopeless but also the most vulnerable in terms of geopolitics. You are surrounded by superior alien hostile races from two decisive fronts: north and south. Your govt has committed suicide by restricting birth rate. Your will face shortage of fit soldiers if attacked from both sides.

Your don't have the brain to understand race and geopolitics. This is what will happen to China in near future.


We will deploy Brahmos, Su-30 MKIs, 100,000 more troops and Build Roads.

I am happy the Chinese posters feel this is no problem.

and then we will annex Tibet one day and then the Chinese would feel stupid :D But for now you can enjoy and we are really happy that the additional 50000 troops is no cause of concern to China.:tup:

Either India can annexe Tibet or get balkanized...let the fate decide on the battlefield :pop:

INDIA - CHINA Balkanization of India: a roadmap of Beijing? - Asia News

Your nation is not only hopeless but also the most vulnerable in terms of geopolitics. You are surrounded by superior alien hostile races from two decisive fronts: north and south. Your govt has committed suicide by restricting birth rate. Your will face shortage of fit soldiers if attacked from both sides.

Your don't have the brain to understand race and geopolitics. This is what will happen to China in near future.



Oh my GOD, we chineses are so hopeless...please we don't want to be part of Indian 2030's script :omghaha:
China can easily cut off the occupied north eastern wing of India. This is what China should aim for in next conflict, once South Tibet is retaken China will need to make allies with the occupied north eastern provinces.
We will deploy Brahmos, Su-30 MKIs, 100,000 more troops and Build Roads.

I am happy the Chinese posters feel this is no problem.

and then we will annex Tibet one day and then the Chinese would feel stupid :D But for now you can enjoy and we are really happy that the additional 50000 troops is no cause of concern to China.:tup:
India troops near our border is already near 10 times of ours. so it's no differences if you add some more.
it's funny that with so big superiority still 83% of your population see China as a threaten.
Either India can annexe Tibet or get balkanized...let the fate decide on the battlefield :pop:

INDIA - CHINA Balkanization of India: a roadmap of Beijing? - Asia News

Oh my GOD, we chineses are so hopeless...please we don't want to be part of Indian 2030's script :omghaha:

Lol you Chinese are the enemies of your own nation. It is you and your ignorance which will bring about your own destruction and extinction. Like your ancient king, referred to as Dhautamulaka, destroyed your own race perhaps being a self hater.

Bhima mentions a China king Dhautamulaka, who caused the destruction of his own race (5,74). The name "Dhautamulaka" translates to "clean root", and might be a reference to the last Xia emperor Jie, whose name means "clean" in Chinese.

China in the Mah

You don't even know your own history that you were once in South Asia too but wiped out clean by the Cro Magnons.

The Yavanas, the Kiratas, the Gandharvas, the Chinas, the Savaras, the Barbaras, the Sakas, the Tusharas, the Kankas, the Pathavas, the Andhras, the Madrakas, the Paundras, the Pulindas, the Ramathas, the Kamvojas were mentioned together as tribes beyond the kingdoms of Aryavarta. The Aryavarta kings had doubts on dealing with them.

You have been wiped off from South Asia by the superior Cro Magnons and will be again be done so in East Asia.

China in the Mah
Lol you Chinese are the enemies of your own nation. It is you and your ignorance which will bring about your own destruction and extinction. Like your ancient king, referred to as Dhautamulaka, destroyed your own race perhaps being a self hater.

You don't even know your own history that you were once in South Asia too but wiped out clean by the Cro Magnons.

You have been wiped off from South Asia by the superior Cro Magnons and will be again be done so in East Asia.

China in the Mah

Are you try to write a script for China in 2030? :rofl:
Who wrote the script of Opium Wars and the destruction of Yuan Ming Yuan? :lol:

I don't know but I do know that HongWu wrote India's pass script over thousand year under Muslim rule and 200 years over british rule, if that's not enough...he can provide you with more detail. ;)
So predictable:

-run away from water cannon
-come to us when you can scare the puny taiwan
-run away from water cannon
-come to us when you can scare the puny taiwan
-run away from water cannon
-come to us when you can scare the puny taiwan
-run away from water cannon
-come to us when you can scare the puny taiwan

what's matter...ran out of arguments? :lol:

not much to debate to be honest. taiwan, india and japan already control the lands in question. it is quite amusing watching mainlanders drool.
please continue the hilarious threats :azn:

puny Taiwan now has black servant, but mega India wont have white ones until 2030.
BTW,how is your life in Taiwan?
I'm in california these days, wife and I plan to return to TW/IN during the new year.
I don't know but I do know that HongWu wrote India's pass script over thousand year under Muslim rule and 200 years over british rule, if that's not enough...he can provide you with more detail. ;)

Ask him whether he knows how this Chinese map became smaller in size. :smokin:

not much to debate to be honest. taiwan, india and japan already control the lands in question. it is quite amusing watching mainlanders drool.
please continue the hilarious threats :azn:

Lol it was you who bring AP into discussion when you have nothing else as argument (see your #38 posts), you're epic fail as debater, you only got few keys words to use and repeat its (Taiwan, Japan, water cannon, senkaku)

Ask him whether he knows how this Chinese map became smaller in size. :smokin:


lol you think we're upset for our territorial lost? :lol: at least we recovered Aksai Chin from Indian's hand :azn:...we go with slow bite.
Lol it was you who bring AP into discussion when you have nothing else as argument (see your #38 posts), you're epic fail as debater, you only got few keys words to use and repeat its (Taiwan, Japan, water cannon, senkaku)
facepalm, what makes you think i'm here to argue with you. i'm here to enjoy the comedy.

there is nothing to debate here, India along with TW and JP control the lands in question.
facepalm, what makes you think i'm here to argue with you. i'm here to enjoy the comedy.

there is nothing to debate here, India along with TW and JP control the lands in question.

:omghaha: so predictable-> TW, JP, you miss your water cannon :omghaha:
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