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India to deploy 50,000 additional troops along China border

...and lost Sikkim permanently to India. :omghaha:

Lol you know nothing behind Sikkim's deal :omghaha: Indian recognized Tibet as part of China, we just close our eyes on India annexation of Sikkim in exchange, big chunk of land against tiny grain of sand..you tell me we gain the most?
Lol you know nothing behind Sikkim's deal :omghaha: Indian recognized Tibet as part of China, we just close our eyes on India annexation of Sikkim in exchange, big chunk of land against tiny grain of sand..you tell me we gain the most?


So you got what you already had. But now...

the China-India joint statement failed to mention India's affirmation of a 'one China' policy — which states that Taiwan and Tibet are part of China.

India declines to affirm 'One China' policy - Times Of India
Lol you know nothing behind Sikkim's deal :omghaha: Indian recognized Tibet as part of China, we just close our eyes on India annexation of Sikkim in exchange, big chunk of land against tiny grain of sand..you tell me we gain the most?
and as usual each side kept what they already controlled. beginning to get hint yet?
India's northeast could be cut off by China at any time India can barely move 4 divisions in a month whereas china can set 10 divisions to attack in 3 weeks. Just my 2 cents.
we're not finished yet with AP :pop:
India's northeast could be cut off by China at any time India can barely move 4 divisions in a month whereas china can set 10 divisions to attack in 3 weeks. Just my 2 cents.

Our airforce has total supremacy over PLAAF in TAR due to high altitude performance restrictions,lack of high altitude warfare equipment on PLAAF AIRCRAFT like OBOGS and recce pods,and limited number of squadrons that can be deployed from tibetian airbases.
After that we pound PLA supply lines to pieces and let IA crush starving PLA troops.
Also u need 7:1 ratio to succeed in mountain warfare if ur attacker.In 1962 PLA achieved 8-10:1 ratio as aggressor.Plus had total surprise and material superiority[bolt action rifles vs assault rifles].Thats impossible now.

we're not finished yet with AP :pop:

Why did u flee back in 1962 after taking the area?Didn't want to face the counterattack?Only brave to face scattered 10k troops with bolt action rifles with 80000 troops with Arifles with surprise on ur side?Ap is indian and remains so..DEAL WITH IT.

What's matter, no more TW, JP and water cannon this time? :omghaha:

Our airforce has total supremacy over PLAAF in TAR due to high altitude performance restrictions,lack of high altitude warfare equipment on PLAAF AIRCRAFT like OBOGS and recce pods,and limited number of squadrons that can be deployed from tibetian airbases.
After that we pound PLA supply lines to pieces and let IA crush starving PLA troops.
Also u need 7:1 ratio to succeed in mountain warfare if ur attacker.In 1962 PLA achieved 8-10:1 ratio as aggressor.Plus had total surprise and material superiority[bolt action rifles vs assault rifles].Thats impossible now..

Lol, India's only advantage is your supply line is shorter than China beside that all you said is just Bullsh1ts: your Airface don't reign suprem in TAR, you have to pass PLAAF test before claiming that, our airforce might carry less weapons but we can attack deeper inside Indian territory, we can cover virtually the entire India with our J-11B whcih mean your strategic object are within our reach and combine with precision weapon, all your Indian military heatquaters will be toasted in the first few days of war,

And talk about pounding supply lines, your entire India road, buildings, bridges virtually will become a turkey shoot for PLAAF...

Why did u flee back in 1962 after taking the area?Didn't want to face the counterattack?Only brave to face scattered 10k troops with bolt action rifles with 80000 troops with Arifles with surprise on ur side?Ap is indian and remains so..DEAL WITH IT

That's because India was crying to U.S and U.R.S.S for help and the only thing India was good at :lol:, AP business is not finished if you care to read my posts to AbhisheK_
India's northeast could be cut off by China at any time India can barely move 4 divisions in a month whereas china can set 10 divisions to attack in 3 weeks. Just my 2 cents.

And you earned 50 cents .
Dont flattered yourself with your missiles, noone scare about those, we dont even need expensive missle: any rocket, long range artilleies will be sufficient to flatterned New delhi...you will have to think twice of how you want to play with your military toys.

As for water, we don't have treaty with India, your gorvernment has begged us for several occasions but we just play deaf :lol:, you can go cry into UN noone care...now we just hold Indian's vital nerf, it will just matter of time we will make Indian understand our mighty hydrological weapon...a fearsome silence killer.

We also don't care about your missile so and we also don't need expensive missiles,if you consider as your so called hydrological weapon against India then India too has oceanological weapon as Malacca straight against china.
Huh funny answer for your funny argument Lol :rolleyes:
Yes it's so insignificant that when we ask Indian gorvernment to discuss the arunchal pradesh issue, dare them to refuse? we have dragged them for 17th time, they're alway there on time to kept us updated :lol:, if you think that's your territory, you can give the middle finger to China to prove your legitimate claim.;)

Lol a newbie tactic:rofl:, you think we gonna fight a war according to your book? We got aksai China, have you seen that we ran back? and why we're in the rush to get AP back when it represents India strategic vunerability vis-a-vis China, no idiot wants to settle that issue too quick, the longer we drag this issue, the better is for China.

ha ha talking about Arunanchal it is still a part of Indian Union and as far as talk on Arunanchal is concerned then let me remind you although China has occupied Tibet but politically it is governed from India as its govt lies in India.Dont talk like as if you are a superpower which you are not,you run away from US,you run away from Japan in Senkaku,you run away from India after mere India's diplomatic warning let alone Army intervention which till now has not happened including in latest DOB incursion.Tibet is China's weakness which lies in India's hand.Better go and show your to eyes to weak nations who will willingly accept your slavery like pakistan but dont mess with India.
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