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India to deploy 50,000 additional troops along China border

Are you kidding?
What about the power generation that comes from the Indus?
If China blocks Indus, IOK will go dark.

And China won't block the Indus.
Plus if China wants to annex Andhra Pradesh, it can just cut the taps off the Brahmaputra.


China can annex a southern state Andhra pradesh ??

Troop levels are going up

Infrastructure is being built up

Agni V is going to be operational next year

Still waiting for:

155/52 artillery

Modern AA defenses

Infantry upgrades
Not like it will make a difference, China can deploy 10 divisions across the Tibetan frontier in less than a month which is quite impressive due to the terrain they have much better and adequate border infrastructure to support transportation operations (railroad, all weather roads, air bases, etc) than India, If China really wanted to they could cut off the entire north east from the rest of India, not surprising why India bows down and stays quiet during so called "border intrusions/ air space violations"

1st Yes definately china can deploy troops as you rightly said but India is also catching very fast and most of the infrastructure on Indian side is completing fast as per the Govt target of 2017.Some even are complete while other are work in progress and likely to be completed by 2017.This Chinese uneasiness of infrastructure development is the main reason for Chinese incursion.BTW when china have deployed troops in Tibet India did not complained to China so China should not have problem on India's development.2nd no,China cannot cut off the entire north east from the rest of India all those are pure speculations its not that easy and situation changed from 1962 because this will make Tibet more vulnerable today than before and china knows it and the offensive strike corp is a part of that.3rd Why India stay quite that because when India's soft power is working then why use hard power.
Are you kidding?
What about the power generation that comes from the Indus?
If China blocks Indus, IOK will go dark.

And China won't block the Indus.
Plus if China wants to annex Andhra Pradesh, it can just cut the taps off the Brahmaputra.

Learn geography and come back.No wonder your comments are always based on sheer ignorance.:omghaha:

Troop levels are going up

Infrastructure is being built up

Agni V is going to be operational next year

Still waiting for:

155/52 artillery

Modern AA defenses

Infantry upgrades

Add -- > MMRCA,Subs,AC

It's simply a minimal deterrent for China so the more you put the more we also try.
Are you kidding?
What about the power generation that comes from the Indus?
If China blocks Indus, IOK will go dark.

And China won't block the Indus.
Plus if China wants to annex Andhra Pradesh, it can just cut the taps off the Brahmaputra.

Phanny guy you are. :nana:
India has much better way than China to take care of China.China's Missile no longer a problem for India since that gap is closing fast.By 2020 Agni V and in development Agni VI,Nuclear Submarine, atleast 3 air craft carrier,strike corp,all 48 warships in construction,jets,IRNSS Constellation,5000 km+ BMD shield,5000km K-4 SLBM,may be ASAT or even much criticized LCA Tejas bu a advanced one to be in India's arsenal.All these are becoming reality successfully one by one just take time wait and watch.With Agni V China officially in the range of India.And you talk about Brahmaputra and also happily gave UN figures but just dare it.Brahmaputra is a international water,China can't do any thing to Brahmaputra just like Indus where India is constructing dam only after pakistan fails to win or looses its case in international tribunal therefore India is in no violation of International treaty on water but stopping water will be be a gross violation of the same UN charters as you mentioned which then may prove costly for beijing.
Not really. Only three major rivers arise in Tibet - The Yarlung Zangbo (Brahmaputra), The Mazhang Zangbu (Sun Kosi) and the Indus.

Since Tibet has low rainfall, almost 80% of flow in these rivers is due to glacial melt and copious rainfall in the Indian Himalayas. Blocking of rivers may have some effect in the dry summer period, but not much.

In fact, if China blocks the Indus, its friend Pakistan will be in trouble. India does not use Indus water at all.

how about Ganges first, we sure know how to take care your sacred river that Indians admired and whoshipped for generations, what you guys are good at is trying to imply that Pakistan and Bangladesh will hurt the most but it was you guys the first to cry a river about Chinese hydrological activities in Tibet.:omghaha:

Chinese believed that for an action there will be no reaction... :lol:

And what will be your Indian reaction? beside yelling that Chinas has provoke India again :rofl:

But we can.:D

You can but you know who has last word :omghaha:
India has much better way than China to take care of China.China's Missile no longer a problem for India since that gap is closing fast.By 2020 Agni V and in development Agni VI,Nuclear Submarine, atleast 3 air craft carrier,strike corp,all 48 warships in construction,jets,IRNSS Constellation,5000 km+ BMD shield,5000km K-4 SLBM,may be ASAT or even much criticized LCA Tejas bu a advanced one to be in India's arsenal.All these are becoming reality successfully one by one just take time wait and watch.With Agni V China officially in the range of India.And you talk about Brahmaputra and also happily gave UN figures but just dare it.Brahmaputra is a international water,China can't do any thing to Brahmaputra just like Indus where India is constructing dam only after pakistan fails to win or looses its case in international tribunal therefore India is in no violation of International treaty on water but stopping water will be be a gross violation of the same UN charters as you mentioned which then may prove costly for beijing.

Dont flattered yourself with your missiles, noone scare about those, we dont even need expensive missle: any rocket, long range artilleies will be sufficient to flatterned New delhi...you will have to think twice of how you want to play with your military toys.

As for water, we don't have treaty with India, your gorvernment has begged us for several occasions but we just play deaf :lol:, you can go cry into UN noone care...now we just hold Indian's vital nerf, it will just matter of time we will make Indian understand our mighty hydrological weapon...a fearsome silence killer.
Andhra Pradesh???/ Brahmaputra??LOL...

You seriously need to look at an atlas.

And if you are talking about Arunachal Pradesh, read what I said before... 80% of Brahmaputra water is generated in Indian Himalayas.

As for Indus, Kashmir may go powerless... But then you die of thirst...:rofl:

just leave this poor fellow :cuckoo:,he was graduated from madarasa. What could we expect great things from these people?? :tdown:
Not like it will make a difference, China can deploy 10 divisions across the Tibetan frontier in less than a month which is quite impressive due to the terrain they have much better and adequate border infrastructure to support transportation operations (railroad, all weather roads, air bases, etc) than India, If China really wanted to they could cut off the entire north east from the rest of India, not surprising why India bows down and stays quiet during so called "border intrusions/ air space violations"
After all the boasting about "it's not 1962 anymore," when PLA invaded mother India, all the Indian Army can do is "step back" and surrender Chumar :rofl:
After all the boasting about "it's not 1962 anymore," when PLA invaded mother India, all the Indian Army can do is "step back" and beg for mercy :rofl:
what surprises me is the chinese habit of running away. whether it is around senkakus or the indo-china border
what surprises me is the chinese habit of running away. whether it is around senkakus or the indo-china border

Well if that's the way to comfort yourself :then go for it :lol:, you can go even to claim that Indian are victorious in 1962 as well :omghaha:
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