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India to call on millions of non-residents to defend rupee - sources

Being an agrarian country,India can't even grow enough onions to feed its people,and has started exploring the option of buying from Iran、Pakistan、China and Egypt。


Onion brings less tears to Delhiites

August 16, 2013 16:21 IST

Cooperative major Nafed may float a tender early next week for importing onions to boost domestic supplies and curb prices that have risen to Rs 70-80 per kg in retail markets across major cities.

Onion brings less tears to Delhiites - Rediff.com Business

Here in China the average wholesale price is 0.9-1.6 yuan per kilo,depending on where you are。The Beijing price,for example,is 1.2 yuan(12 rupees) per kilo。If you buy direct from the growers,the price will be a lot(at least 30%)lower。


And China's per capita GDP is over 4 times India's。

This onion crisis stands seasonal, It was observed that there was only 5 per cent lower production of onion during 2012-13 as compared to 2011-2012 and storage was less by only 2 lakh tonnes. But there was a sharp decline of market arrivals by around 20 to 40 per cent during June-July, 2013 as compared to 2012. It seems that the stored onion was not released to the market timely and either farmers or traders are making undue profit by creating artificial scarcity. Along with drought in Maharashtra, floods in Karnataka, cartelization could also be one of the reasons for high onion prices.

India has exported 6.39 lakh tonnes during April-July and consequently the central government’s warning that it would impose a temporary ban on onion exports. The farmers and traders in Lasalgaon, the largest onion market in Asia, have already stopped exporting the crop.

Fresh arrivals have made an impact on the prices and with the increase in the arrivals of onion crop at the agricultural produce marketing committees (APMCs), the prices that had shot up in the last few days have started coming down.

Onion prices decrease after recording a high - The Hindu
India production of Onion
Rupee hits new record low, hits 62/dollar

Last updated on: August 16, 2013 10:28 IST

Rupee hits new record low, hits 62/dollar - Rediff.com Business


Sign of desperation:

RBI junks rumours of controlling FII money - Rediff.com Business

August 16, 2013 16:59 IST

I request all our Chinese and Pakistani friends to control their desperation as of now for economic reforms are not a twenty-twenty match, which can seek you results the way you want them to be :nono:.....

Lot of people continue to keep faith in the India growth story, after 9 months there is acknowledgement that the steps we have taken are yielding results, I certainly agree with Fitch that more reforms are necessary and accordingly the government is addressing structural issues, Inflation is moderating and it will in the next couple of months to come, which is a good sign, We will leave no stone unturned to achieve our revenue targets and the GOI will not compress expenditure this year. Whatever has been provided in the Budget will be spent. Both non-plan and plan expenditure are according to target, the GOI has urged ministries and departments to spend the money allocated the money to them to achieve the fiscal deficit target of 4.8 per cent
What's happening in India is not unique to India. Countries with large CAD have seen their currency being hit, such as Brazil, Mexico and Chile. Can there be any doubt that the economy today than what it was in the same time last year?
Yields on Indian bonds have fallen. Yields on US bonds have gone up. Therefore, investors are taking a call. We certainly want our yields to fall and Indian markets offer among the best yields in the world and Suppose we stop gold imports, then the whole situation will change...

Increasing investments in infrastructure, favourable demographics and progress in economic reforms could help Indian equities get higher returns over the long term, India's large young population, which should support long-term consumer demand and overall economic expansion, its expertise in business services, software and generic-pharma development make it a global outsourcing centre. The country's diversified, liquid equity market provides more opportunity for overseas investors to buy local stocks. Most importantly, India has a large working-age population that will drive expansion through personal consumption. Unlike China and many developed nations, India is not grappling with an ageing population that will need substantial societal support. Other potential drivers that could help Asia's third-largest economy to expand are urbanisation, which could significantly boost housing and transportation, improving rural wages, cooperation among parties in the coalition government to pass reforms and potential trade agreements to improve exports.

Yes Indeed I agree the factors that could drive the country's growth have been overshadowed by investor concerns over negative issues such as a fragmented government, widening current account and fiscal deficit, power shortage, poor roads and deteriorating margins in many business sectors but at the same time we are taking steps to tackle the same problem...

And at the same time as far as the steps to Address Current-Account Gap and concerns over India's wide current-account deficit which have been pushing the rupee lower are concerned, we are making sucessive attempts to reduce our import bill, such as by importing more oil in rupees from Iran. The government will introduce measures to reduce the import of gold, silver and some nonessential goods. State-run financial companies will issue bonds overseas to raise a total of $4 billion to finance infrastructure investments in India. These bonds will be quasi-sovereign, meaning they will carry the implicit backing of the government. India will also ease rules for companies raising funds overseas, including allowing oil companies-—among India's largest importers-—to borrow more money abroad.

It is estimated that these steps will bring in around $11 billion to India and in the usual course of business, India would attract $64 billion this year, so the country would end the financial year with a total of $75 billion, which would not only finance the entire current-account gap, but leave something to add to India's foreign-exchange reserves.

The problems faced are short term management problem. The medium term and long term growth prospects is very good...Observing that the Indian government of late has taken a series of executive actions in implementing some of these reforms or removing the hurdles, these are indications of India's commitment to reforms and thus should be assuring for US investors and businesses.

The government is continuously monitoring the emerging external sector developments leading to higher CAD and rupee depreciation. it has taken a slew of initiatives to boost exports and reduce imports, encourage capital flows to facilitate financing of CAD and stem the volatility in the exchange rate of the rupee. Raising the rate of interest subvention from 2 to 3 per cent that will benefit exporters and small and medium enterprises, hike in import duty on gold, liberalisation of FDI, etc.
With these efforts, the current account deficit (CAD) has declined to 3.6 per cent in the January-March quarter from 6.5 per cent in the previous quarter of 2012-13...

Below are the possible steps that the RBI or the government is considering to take to support the currency.


* FX intervention

* Tighten liquidity further by:

- Raising banks' statutory liquidity ratio of 23 percent

- Further reducing how much banks can borrow from the

RBI under the daily repo auction

- Reducing the amount of funds RBI provides to banks

under the export refinance scheme at the repo rate

- Bond sales via open market operations

- Raising banks' cash reserve ratio, now at a record low 4 per cent

* Raise the policy repo rate, currently at 7.25 per cent

* Provide a dollar-window for oil firms to pay for imports

* Buy oil bonds from companies by paying dollars

* Ask exporters to convert FX dollar holdings immediately

* Ask importers to delay or stagger dollar payments

* Curb speculation by cutting net open position limits

* Persuade banks and financial firms to raise funds abroad


* Raise foreign investment limits in debt

* Increase duties on non-essential imports, like electronics

* Attract money from Indian citizens abroad, or issue sovereign debt

* Announce additional fiscal, economic reforms

At last I would like conclude that Major economic policy reforms in India that require legislative changes is most likely to slip away until the next general election and we hope some of the giant economic reforms to be taken in 2014....
I was about to import my product from China but after reading this I am in touch with Indian companies to export me. price is slightly high from India but its will be worth. My country is in need now so why not help as much as I can!!!
Which country are you talking about ? Are are making assumptions based on my false flag ?

If SG has uses Indian military airbases that not my concern and I am sure they are paying you the lease did India beg SG to use its AB ?

Back to topic , no country begs like India (not even Somalia lol) , the streets of Indian cities and towns are infested with beggars and begging and fraud are your national occupation , get back to your begging job beg the USA or Australia and be loyal to your white masters and not remit back FX to your begging country !!!

Your statement is enough to provide a clue about what are you talking about..and your posts that you are putting down here....i just do not want to put a -ve comments about Singapore....That is such a nice country...
Yes, but what I am trying to explain is the fact that it will bite a large chunk of the defense budget. Besides, how many times is the budget actually utilized by Indian Defense Forces? I may be mistaken here but consider the MMRCA thing for which the budget had been allocated year after year which lapses so it would mean that the actual allocated budget is not used, right?

Aaaa, I am explaining like I do to a kid... I am telling that the Percentage remains the same.... You were blabbering about 'Large Chunk' again and again. For Example, If Pakistan spends 20% of its budget on the purchase of new armaments then India spends around 18-22% of its budget on buying armaments.

So 20% of 7 Billion USD is ALWAYS less than 18% of 35 Billion USD..... Hope this is much much simple.

If Defence returns unused money to Finance ministry then that is good right? It is happening year over year.... Between MMRCA is not done over one financial year... It goes on till 2020... Also have you read the full budget on Defence.

NEW DELHI: In the midst of a major modernisation drive, defence ministry on Thursday got a 14% hike in its budget as finance minister P Chidambaram gave it Rs 2,03,672 crore for 2013-14 with a promise to provide any additional fund required for national security.

Budget 2013: Chidambaram nets big fish - Times Of India

If you cannot understand still...

Defence imports worth over Rs 2.35 lakh crore in last 3 years - Economic Times

2.35 Lakh Crore = 2,35,000,00,00,000/62= 37,903.225,806.45 ~ 38 Billion for 3 years.

Pakistan Defence budget never exceeded 10 Billion USD... Let us assume it is same 10 Billions USD for last 3 years... So =30 Billion USD.

So India buys much much more than what Pakistan actually budgets! In ALL parameters, Pakistan did not match India in even 1 parameter.

Just the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex was launched in 1972 and that is just 1 example. And we export everything from bullets to drones. Google for more information.

Ha ha ha... May I know what indigenous fighter Pakistan is exporting? Reg Bullets, It does NO harm to India... Drones... then everyone knows in which country the drones strikes day and night!

The MoD created a special department to organize and bring under 1 umbrella various independent defense production units in 1991.

Ok I give up... Indian defence export is meaningless to speak IF it can't even meet the home needs... let alone exports!


Yeah still you cannot explain.

India was engaged in war in Bangladesh long before that, it may only have been officiated by PAF but it was India that started it a long time back.

Ha ha ha... sending spies don't count as war... There are many Indian spies are now present in Pakistan and vice versa! The fact of the matter is Pakistani Army did a genocide and raped lakhs of BD women!

You created a Nuclear war hysteria throughout the world which was unnecessary.

'Finally, the expert community was surprised, although not shocked, by the revelation that the United States had persuasive
evidence that Pakistan had moved its nuclear arsenal during the Kargil crisis in mid-Cohen/South Asia Nuclear Futures 1999—it is possible that Pakistan’s Prime Minister was also surprised when he was told this by President Bill Clinton.3'

http://www.brookings.edu/~/media/research/files/speeches/2002/5/southasia cohen/cohens20020501.pdf

Ha ha ha... the US does NOT need Indian hysteria... They have enough intelligence gathering apparatus!

It happened, and that's what counts.

Ha ha ha... You made a terrible mistake....Still NO issues, Indian ability to amass troops had increased several folds.... from 2002... C17 are the there to make the job much easier! Anyways lessons learnt and now it wont take that much pain now!
If anyone living in the US invests in India (or elsewhere), remember the IRS wants a piece of the action:

Instructions for*Form 8938 (11/2012)

Taxpayers living in the United States. If you do not live outside the United States, you satisfy the reporting threshold discussed next that applies to you and no exception applies, file Form 8938 with your income tax return.

Unmarried taxpayers.

If you are not married, you satisfy the reporting threshold only if the total value of your specified foreign financial assets is more than $50,000 on the last day of the tax year or more than $75,000 at any time during the tax year.

Married taxpayers filing a joint income tax return.

If you are married and you and your spouse file a joint income tax return, you satisfy the reporting threshold only if the total value of your specified foreign financial assets is more than $100,000 on the last day of the tax year or more than $150,000 at any time during the tax year.

Married taxpayers filing separate income tax returns.

If you are married and file a separate income tax return from your spouse, you satisfy the reporting threshold only if the total value of your specified foreign financial assets is more than $50,000 on the last day of the tax year or more than $75,000 at any time during the tax year.
I used to have investments in Indian stocks but I sold all my shares due to the collapsing rupee erasing all the gains in the stock market.
Rupee falls past 62.03 dollar to hit record low

August 19, 2013 09:35 IST

The rupee fell to a record low on Monday as the government's steps unveiled last week seemed inadequate to stall the currency's fall.

The rupee fell as much as 62.40 to the dollar:hitwall: in early trade, breaching the previous low of 62.03 hit on Friday.

It had closed at 61.65/66.

Government bond yields remained at 21-month highs with the 10-year bond at 8.95 per cent, up 7 basis points.
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