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India to buy 60-63 Rafales jets off the shelf from France; MMRCA deal off:

"Make in India" should be the prime motto of Modi in France

Buying 60 fighter jets manufactured in France is not an issue, But Indian Aero space Industry needs technological edge, for that a partnership with Dassault is a good move, I hope the remaining Rafales will be manufactured here in India.

What does it mean to make in India ? Building all the components in France and assembling it in India is not going to work
144 is a new number.... 18 more than what we originally planned........
yeah that's what Vishnu Som said live on TV ... 36 off the shelf and the rest 108 under Make in India.
IF Rafales are going to built in India the 108 figure is set in stone- this is the figure HAL and Dassualt have been working to for the past three years, cut the order to 90 and the local content of the Rafales will go down, the costs of the ones built in India will go up and the return on investment for setting up of the Rafale production line in India will be less also.
Trade offs Bro teade offs
What I'm thinking is this...it's clear from our experience with SU 30 MKI. That's the only platform in our heavy category fighters and has proved itself to be a brilliant decision. So it is clear that a carefully chosen platform loaded with exception tech can service the entire class. So Rafale, selected carefully after thorough evaluation can serve as the only platform for the entire mid category.

36 is peanuts for our requirement....... luckily there are news reports of another 108 fighters......
Illiteracy and sanghi mindset, what else?

MMS and Antonyji would have handled it a lot better

But seems bhakts are satisfied with this jumla again

Yeah a lot better ; from 2007 till 2014 they only MESSED the MMRCA deal
May be 36 for immediate recovery of
IAF strength and more Su 35 are taken as per news. Since Su 35 deal is not finalise with china Russia is eager to deal with India
OK here is the status
1] This deal has nothing to do with ongoing negotiaitions for mmrca as per reuters,economic times and NDTV
2] The final cost and other details for 36 fighters is still being negotiated an the deal hasn,t been signed yet.
Illiteracy and sanghi mindset, what else?

MMS and Antonyji would have handled it a lot better

But seems bhakts are satisfied with this jumla again

Why did not Antony think of an immediate order in 2012

too bad he lacked the intellect to think ahead

and MMS was busy DAY DREAMING about Breakfast in Lahore and Lunch in Delhi
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