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India to buy 60-63 Rafales jets off the shelf from France; MMRCA deal off:

Nonsense!! There was no air war in Kargil. And India suffered massive casualties at the hands of a few LET fighters with light arms. Here's how Japanese journalist Yoichi Shimatsu of Japan Times saw it: "In an attack on the strategic town of Kargil in late spring 1999, Lashkar broke through India’s alpine defense line and came close to forcing New Delhi to the negotiating table"....." Along the sawtooth LoC, Lashkar is respected by professional soldiers on both side. A Pakistani hero who fought on the Baltistan heights, Corporal Ahmed, told me of his admiration for the stoicism of these jihadis, who wore sandals to battle in the snow. At a checkpoint in Indian-controlled Kargil, an army captain wearing a Sikh turban said frankly that nobody in the Indian Army could fight man-to-man against Lashkar." Haq's Musings: Solving the Mumbai Attacks Puzzle

30% of them are down at any given time. The entire fleet has been grounded several times; India plays safe, grounds entire Sukhoi-30 fleet
Idiot no aircraft has 100% availability. And MKOs were grounded just once in their 15 year service life. And F-16s, F-15s, F-22s almost all of them have been grounded number of times but only idiots will underestimate them.
How would Rafale or any other modern fighter help India Air Force pilots who are fratricidal...unable to distinguish between friend and foe, according to USAF officer at Redflag

The IAF has problems with its Russian jet engines
Indian pilots were prone to fratricide – shooting down friendly aircraft
The IAF required 60-second intervals between takeoffs, compared with half that for other air forces
The American F-15 can defeat the Su-30MKI, the most advanced fighter in the Su-30 series
IAF not keen on 1 vs 1 dogfights with the USAF.

Dissecting a dogfight: Sukhoi vs USAF at Red Flag 2008 | Russia & India Report

If you had enough sense, then you should have followed the discussion on that at least on PDF and of all the things stop shifting the goalpost.

But hey, I am wasting no more time on you, shoo...
How would Rafale or any other modern fighter help India Air Force pilots who are fratricidal...unable to distinguish between friend and foe, according to USAF officer at Redflag

The IAF has problems with its Russian jet engines
Indian pilots were prone to fratricide – shooting down friendly aircraft
The IAF required 60-second intervals between takeoffs, compared with half that for other air forces
The American F-15 can defeat the Su-30MKI, the most advanced fighter in the Su-30 series
IAF not keen on 1 vs 1 dogfights with the USAF.

Dissecting a dogfight: Sukhoi vs USAF at Red Flag 2008 | Russia & India Report
Stick to sanitation thread....play to your strengths....
How would Rafale or any other modern fighter help India Air Force pilots who are fratricidal...unable to distinguish between friend and foe, according to USAF officer at Redflag

The IAF has problems with its Russian jet engines
Indian pilots were prone to fratricide – shooting down friendly aircraft
The IAF required 60-second intervals between takeoffs, compared with half that for other air forces
The American F-15 can defeat the Su-30MKI, the most advanced fighter in the Su-30 series
IAF not keen on 1 vs 1 dogfights with the USAF.

Dissecting a dogfight: Sukhoi vs USAF at Red Flag 2008 | Russia & India Report
Last time I checked a Pakistani pilot shot down F-16 in real life during Soviet war in Afghanistan. Much for your rant. lols
If you had enough sense, then you should have followed the discussion on that at least on PDF and of all the things stop shifting the goalpost.

But hey, I am wasting no more time on you, shoo...

It's obvious that you can't handle either one.
Last time I checked a Pakistani pilot shot down F-16 in real life during Soviet war in Afghanistan. Much for your rant. lols

Don;t believe your Indian media reports...they have no credibility.
During Cope India 2004 IAF's MiG-21 Bisons defeated USAF's F-15Cs more than 90 percent of the time in direct combat exercises against the IAF. Kill Ratio of 9:1.

Oh common that exercise was highly biased one where USAF was flying with lot of handicaps see quote from article you had posted

engagements typically involved six Eagles against up to eighteen IAF aircraft with no chance to simulate any beyond visual range (BVR) missile shot (due to the Indian request of not using the AMRAAM).

So before making tall claims read the whole thing
"Make in India" should be the prime motto of Modi in France

Buying 60 fighter jets manufactured in France is not an issue, But Indian Aero space Industry needs technological edge, for that a partnership with Dassault is a good move, I hope the remaining Rafales will be manufactured here in India.

it does not look like Dassault is interested in the partnership
Nonsense!! There was no air war in Kargil. And India suffered massive casualties at the hands of a few LET fighters with light arms. Here's how Japanese journalist Yoichi Shimatsu of Japan Times saw it: "In an attack on the strategic town of Kargil in late spring 1999, Lashkar broke through India’s alpine defense line and came close to forcing New Delhi to the negotiating table"....." Along the sawtooth LoC, Lashkar is respected by professional soldiers on both side. A Pakistani hero who fought on the Baltistan heights, Corporal Ahmed, told me of his admiration for the stoicism of these jihadis, who wore sandals to battle in the snow. At a checkpoint in Indian-controlled Kargil, an army captain wearing a Sikh turban said frankly that nobody in the Indian Army could fight man-to-man against Lashkar." Haq's Musings: Solving the Mumbai Attacks Puzzle

30% of them are down at any given time. The entire fleet has been grounded several times; India plays safe, grounds entire Sukhoi-30 fleet

Hey man, from writing about Toilets; you have shifted to Military matters? Another of you A-musings, hain?
Stick to what you are familiar with; just don't make a spectacle of yourself here, Riaz.
Oh common that exercise was highly biased one where USAF was flying with lot of handicaps see quote from article you had posted

engagements typically involved six Eagles against up to eighteen IAF aircraft with no chance to simulate any beyond visual range (BVR) missile shot (due to the Indian request of not using the AMRAAM).

So before making tall claims read the whole thing

actually debate went on that USA wanted such a result so that F 35 can be pushed through..
each aircraft has its own strengths & weakness..


todays meeting in france may shed little more info regarding this '36" deal
@Gabriel92 @Armstrong @cerberus
UPDATE 5-India orders 36 French-made Rafale fighter jets - PM Modi| Reuters
Above is standard press; below is the kind of documents I for one rely on.

"The two leaders agreed to conclude an Inter-Governmental Agreement for supply of the aircraft on terms that would be better than conveyed by Dassault Aviation as part of a separate process underway; the delivery would be in time-frame that would be compatible with the operational requirement of IAF; and that the aircraft and associated systems and weapons would be delivered on the same configuration as had been tested and approved by Indian Air Force ..."

quote from : India-France Joint Statement during the visit of Prime Minister to France (April 9-11, 2015)

Now having again attracted trolls and liars, I'm, as is my habit, leaving this thread.
May the Indians that understand their government's official statements as more valid than journos delirium explain the matter to the rest and best of luck with that.

Good day to those that earned it, Tay.
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Oh common that exercise was highly biased one where USAF was flying with lot of handicaps see quote from article you had posted

engagements typically involved six Eagles against up to eighteen IAF aircraft with no chance to simulate any beyond visual range (BVR) missile shot (due to the Indian request of not using the AMRAAM).

So before making tall claims read the whole thing
Biased my *** don't cherry pick lines from the article

It proposed training which was designed for WVR

Even Indians have used there su-30Mk which less advanced to MkI lacks many features like Irst & HmS etc

Article clearly state Low radar visibility, instantaneous turn rate, acceleration and the helmet mounted sight combined with high-off-boresight R-73 air-to-air missiles were among the factors that made the upgraded MiG-21 a deadly adversary for the U.S. F-15s.
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