which age you living in son ? that was till 1980s when a fighter bomber had to clim to go in for a dive for making a precission strike not any more after PGMs and LGBs and then glide bombs and other guided missles came into existence with pin point accurecy try to come out of hollywood stuff and try read some defence manuals if you do not have any knowledge of the same
now the thread is about india going for S400 and i have saud it again that its a defensive weapon and not an offensive one and just one part of the jig saw puzzle of air defnce web of india and there is no way pakistanies dreaming of swarm attack like what iranians propgated in in 1990s can break into it cause pakistanies are just next door and will be detected and destroyed before they can even launch a combined offensuive as we already know your plans so as they say "come and get it"
sirji mai sadke aapki is masoomiyat pe
but then you are a TT and no matter what i say you will always proove me wrong so you and assume what you like i can only say what i wanted and always beleved in have a great day
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