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India to build sea bridge, tunnel to connect Sri Lanka at a cost of Rs 24,000 crore: Nitin Gadkari

Imagine when they come to Sri Lanka looking for jobs.

LOL like SL has such a huge job market or something?

They will stay in Sri Lanka and might marry Sri Lankans or import their wives from India.

A bridge and immigration are two different things. Has Malaysia flooded Singapore with its labour? Both countries are going to put their immigration controls on either side of the bridge when such a project is feasible and accepted in the future.
Wow... Claps for you... alots of them... because ya India is the one who is going to issue work Visa for them:o:

Sri lanka decides whether or to give employment to Indians. what do you mean many of them won't go back???? they're entering in Sri lanka legally, its easy to spot them and send them back. Stop being a Racist first. There are lacs of Sri Lanka Students in India looking for jobs after finishing their studies. Sri lanka is not Dubai to look for a job and stay there forever. your currency's value is less than half of India's (ex. 100 INR is 46+ Lankan Rupees) Seriously very few would look for a job there. and its easily can be countered by Lankan Authorities

By jobs I didn't mean high paying jobs. What I meant was low paying or jobs like manual labor. Even now Indians are working in Sri Lankan paddy fields for very low salaries.

Indians, Bangladeshis top list of deportees from Lanka | The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka may use Indian farmhands due to labour shortage

These are the people who visit Sri Lanka on tourist visas and then overstaying till they earn enough. Imagine this when the bridge is opened and if CEPA is activated.

Those poor Indians will stay in Sri Lanka just as the plantation workers and Tobacco farmers stayed in Sri Lanka

LOL like SL has such a huge job market or something?

A bridge and immigration are two different things. Has Malaysia flooded Singapore with its labour? Both countries are going to put their immigration controls on either side of the bridge when such a project is feasible and accepted in the future.

Sri Lanka has a job market for low paying jobs. So there are a huge job market for poorer Indians because many Sri Lankans are not doing those jobs.

Sri Lanka may use Indian farmhands due to labour shortage

Anyhow it is unreasonable to compare Sri Lanka - India situation with Singapore - Malaysia situation. Because both Malaysia and Singapore are economically strong nations and none has a superior military comparing with India. It is more reasonable to compare Sri Lanka situation with India - Nepal or India - Bhutan scenario. Which clearly shows negative impact of Indian hegemony in both Nepal and Bhutan.

lol pakistan and china will invade kashmir,

2 front war will quickly push India to nuclear thresh-hold, china will never waste her future for sake of kashmir, and pakistan is in no position to fight one on one with India so your dream will always remain one.
sri lanka sooner or later will become another nepal and bhutan which already are indirectly our states so no need to invade you guys and talking about strong leadership just check who is currently ruling India :).

India is already a superpower in her region no other power can wrestle India in our backyard only way to deal with us is I guess economic sanctions but in this age I am not sure we are that vulnerable to sanctions also.

India if become a military state will easily devour the lanka island and nobody cant do shit against her :P

Oh yeah, like India is going to go nuclear. LOL try that my friend. It will be the end of India. :P

If India invades Sri Lanka, India will loose it's claim to protect Kashmir or any contested region within the sub continent. Therefore no one will say anything if Pakistan or China invades Indian land.

Try to invaded Lanka but be prepared to loose India.
By jobs I didn't mean high paying jobs. What I meant was low paying or jobs like manual labor. Even now Indians are working in Sri Lankan paddy fields for very low salaries.

Indians, Bangladeshis top list of deportees from Lanka | The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka may use Indian farmhands due to labour shortage

These are the people who visit Sri Lanka on tourist visas and then overstaying till they earn enough. Imagine this when the bridge is opened and if CEPA is activated.

Those poor Indians will stay in Sri Lanka just as the plantation workers and Tobacco farmers stayed in Sri Lanka

And Lankan gov can't tackle them !!?? Of course they can.

Again people who are over staying can be deported very easily, using this petty issue to stop the economical dev is foolishness..
And Lankan gov can't tackle them !!?? Of course they can.

Again people who are over staying can be deported very easily, using this petty issue to stop the economical dev is foolishness..

It's hard work but not impossible. Anyhow building bridge is not the end of the story. With the bridge India is trying to induce the CEPA agreement. Which will give Indians unhindered opportunities in Sri Lanka.
It's hard work but not impossible. Anyhow building bridge is not the end of the story. With the bridge India is trying to induce the CEPA agreement. Which will give Indians unhindered opportunities in Sri Lanka.

It's not a real hard work.. but anyway CEPA is only going to increase the Lankan Economy, it works in both ways. creates more jobs and economy for all the countries involved.

But like i already mentioned in other thread this bridge now is not needed as Indian-Lankan Trade Value is just between 8-10 billion. let us wait for another 2 decades
By jobs I didn't mean high paying jobs. What I meant was low paying or jobs like manual labor. Even now Indians are working in Sri Lankan paddy fields for very low salaries.

Indians, Bangladeshis top list of deportees from Lanka | The Sundaytimes Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka may use Indian farmhands due to labour shortage

708 deported?

Wow seriously? You think a bridge is going to change that number lol.

Sri Lanka has a job market for low paying jobs. So there are a huge job market for poorer Indians because many Sri Lankans are not doing those jobs.

Sri Lanka may use Indian farmhands due to labour shortage

There is way more labour shortage in TN and the more developed southern states. No one is interested in SL, trust me.

And it will be even more so in the future which is when this bridge will make sense anyway.

Why get worked about it so much. Sooner or later SL is going to integrate more and more with India economically. It is your destiny.
It will also be end of whoever engages India and yes India will go nuclear if India reaches its nuclear thresh hold for example; India has openly stated even if pakistani use their tactical nukes on Indian military inside pakistani territory India will massively retaliate with all we got so you see my friend India wont hesitate to go nuclear. Now the question is whether chinese want to indulge in nuclear exchange with India on behalf of pakistan I dont think so and pakistani has no military capability to engage India, India can easily fight in sri lanka and pakistan without breaking a sweat so dont hold your hopes high that chinese will come to save you.

Nothing will happen to India if India tomorrow decides to take tiny lanka in her pockets, India will be sanctioned economically but slowly slowly those sanctions will become ineffective as time passes by as India is not a export driven economy. It will be business as usual in couple of years.

Yes India will invaded Sri Lanka without breaking sweat and also India will loose it's status quo to protect contested regions. Then what can India do if Pakistan or China invade the contested regions? Go nuclear? I highly bet that.

Anyhow India has no political will do any thing as such even though it's military can.

708 deported?

Wow seriously? You think a bridge is going to change that number lol.

There is way more labour shortage in TN and the more developed southern states. No one is interested in SL, trust me.

And it will be even more so in the future which is when this bridge will make sense anyway.

Why get worked about it so much. Sooner or later SL is going to integrate more and more with India economically. It is your destiny.

Bridge will increase the number. Anyhow if TN has labor shortages why then many Indians illegally work in Sri Lanka?

I bet many Indians are ready to come to Sri Lanka if given the opportunity just to escape the oppression.

It's not a real hard work.. but anyway CEPA is only going to increase the Lankan Economy, it works in both ways. creates more jobs and economy for all the countries involved.

But like i already mentioned in other thread this bridge now is not needed as Indian-Lankan Trade Value is just between 8-10 billion. let us wait for another 2 decades

CEPA is not going to increase SL economy. It's going to destroy the local service sector. There is no benefit to the country if it's own people cannot do any jobs.

CEPA won't work in two ways. It will only work for India. India goods will flood the Sri Lankan market and the remaining Sri Lankan producers will go bust. Sri Lanka has also previously entered into a less troublesome deal with India before. It only benefited India.
Anyhow if TN has labor shortages why then many Indians illegally work in Sri Lanka?

You call 708 deported a large number? Considering 100+ from Bangladesh and 75 from Pakistan and when you factor how far those are from SL and their populations relative to India. That's the tiniest of trickles, that too over two years.

I mean look at just the existing tourist arrivals into SL to put it into perspective:

Sri Lanka’s September Tourist Arrivals: By Country - Bloomberg Business

I bet many Indians are ready to come to Sri Lanka if given the opportunity just to escape the oppression.

Laughable. An economy less than half the size of TN, yeah no thanks. Your economy simply does not have the size, influence, or labour shortage in India to attract any large immigration, legal or illegal from India. Because if it was that good, they would already be coming by the boatloads, especially from Bangladesh. A bridge is not going to change anything, especially when the economies of the two countries develop and grow even more....and when immigration controls will be put on both sides (esp if SL is that concerned about being integrated into India job market). I mean SL already has the E-Visa authorisation procedure in place....they can always review each application for an Indian traveller and change the ease of this if many (%wise) are overstaying. The fact they don't do this shows something already.
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All these arguments about how India is going to take over Sri Lanka and integrate is to the union is all but PDF Indian fantasies, Real world is vastly different..

As for the reason of the opposition from Lankans are manifold

1. The political climate is not conducive, Especially politics of attrition towards the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka from Tamil Nadu which this may connect with goes on unabated, With the Central govt of India having little control.. The TN assembly passed resolution on the disintegration of another sovereign nation

2. The territorial borders of the island are violated daily by TN poachers in their thousands stealing and destroying marine wealth of the country, Most these trawlers owned by political class in TN.. again te Central govnt of India or thier coast guard doing little to prevent this

3. Hundreds of Indians are working illegally in the country having arrived on tourist visa's, For a small country even a few hundred is a huge problem, Having a history of indentured labor bought over by colonists in their thousands and changing demographics in the country artificially that led to a series of issues on instability, People are quite jittery of such prospects,

Remember SL is a island nation, So it's inhabitants have a certain degree of island mentality.. They see 20 million people fighting for their unique identity against 80 million just across the straight

I'd agree this fear may be unfounded but with such a volatile history you cant blame the general citizenry

3. As @Godman rightly pointed out road infrastructure from ThalaiMannar to the mainland is not sufficient to this project also it's not in the interest of the GOSL to invest on infra in that area because of the sparse population

4. As for CEPA, Thats not going to happen either, The govt has renegotiated another agreement, Which restricts the service sector for Indians due to the opposition from Sri Lankan professional bodies

PM insists no CEPA, new deal with India, China | Colombo Gazette

Also note somebody mentioned about thousands of Lankans working in India.. Well thats not entirely true, A lot of Lankan students study Medicine and Engineering in Indian Uni's but almost all dont seek employment there most prefer go back to SL other move on to Western countries, Most of others are Tamil refugees in Southern India, Also Indians working illegally in Sri Lanka are exclusively laborers and illegal traders of small goods.. So the two circumstances are entirely different
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All these arguments about how India is going to take over Sri Lanka and integrate is to the union is all but PDF Indian fantasies, Real world is vastly different..

As for the reason of the opposition from Lankans are manifold

1. The political climate is not conducive, Especially politics of attrition towards the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka from Tamil Nadu which this may connect with goes on unabated, With the Central govt of India having little control..

2. The territorial borders of the island are violated daily by TN poachers in their thousands stealing and destroying marine wealth of the country, Most these trawlers owned by political class in TN.. again te Central govnt of India or thier coast guard doing little to prevent this

3. Hundreds of Indians are working illegally in the country having arrived on tourist visa's, For a small country even a few hundred is a huge problem, Having a history of indentured labor bought over by colonists in their thousands and changing demographics in the country artificially that led to a series of issues on instability, People are quite jittery of such prospects,

Remember SL is a island nation, So it's inhabitants have a certain degree of island mentality.. They see 20 million people fighting for their unique identity against 80 million just across the straight

I'd agree this fear may be unfounded but with such a volatile history you cant blame the general citizenry

3. As @Godman rightly pointed out road infrastructure from ThalaiMannar to the mainland is not sufficient to this project also it's not in the interest of the GOSL to invest on infra in that area because of the sparse population

4. As for CEPA, Thats not going to happen either, The govt has renegotiated another agreement, Which restricts the service sector for Indians due to the opposition from Sri Lankan professional bodies

PM insists no CEPA, new deal with India, China | Colombo Gazette

Also note somebody mentioned about thousands of Lankans working in India.. Well thats not entirely true, A lot of Lankan students study Medicine and Engineering in Indian Uni's but almost all dont seek employment there most prefer go back to SL other move on to Western countries, Most of others are Tamil refugees in Southern India, Also Indians working illegally in Sri Lanka are exclusively laborers and illegal traders of small goods.. So the two circumstances are entirely different

Do you however believe in the future such a bridge may make more sense (when the economies +development have matured a lot more). Because Heinz is basically saying its always going to be a stupid idea.

Also are there numbers published anywhere as to the size of the indian illegal population in SL?
Do you however believe in the future such a bridge may make more sense (when the economies +development have matured a lot more). Because Heinz is basically saying its always going to be a stupid idea.

Also are there numbers published anywhere as to the size of the indian illegal population in SL?

Well down the time line maybe, As it stands i see no benefit for Sri Lanka.. The economy is sufficiently integrated to India as it stands to the benefit of both countries, The connectivity through Air and Sea ports are more than enough as it stands viz a viz IndoLanka trade, As regarding Indian tourist arrivals, Regular flights are connected to most Indian population centers so that allows genuine travelers to fly in, Even though still there is abuse of the Tourist visa system as it stands by those that abuse it

I dont have the exact numbers but shall search and post up the links, But keep in mind those caught are very minute to the actual numbers, Because at most times employers try and protect those people from the immigration authorities and being mostly south Indian they can easily blend in to the local populace especially in the north and East.. I mean being Caucasian or Chinese you stick out like a sore thumb, Being South Indian it is difficult for the authorities to differentiate from the locals, unless they have specific intel.. So those numbers reported are very small in comparison
Do you however believe in the future such a bridge may make more sense (when the economies +development have matured a lot more). Because Heinz is basically saying its always going to be a stupid idea.

Also are there numbers published anywhere as to the size of the indian illegal population in SL?

In the future probably by 2030 it makes sense

And the illegal Indian population in SL isn't that large.
And Indians aren't the only foriegn trouble makers

Two Pakistani robbers arrested ::: Dailymirror.lk ::: Breaking News

Two Pakistanis were arrested last night on charges of robbing Rs.11 million worth of Jewellery and gems from a shop at Kollupitiya, Police said. They said investigations had revealed that the two men had placed a cloth soaked in chloroform on the jwellery shop owner’s face and had robbed the shop no sooner he fell unconscious. The Pakistanis had been arrested at two separate motels in Kollupitiya last night and the stolen goods recovered. The suspects will be produced in Fort magistrate’s Court today.
In the future probably by 2030 it makes sense

And the illegal Indian population in SL isn't that large.
And Indians aren't the only foriegn trouble makers

Two Pakistani robbers arrested ::: Dailymirror.lk ::: Breaking News

Two Pakistanis were arrested last night on charges of robbing Rs.11 million worth of Jewellery and gems from a shop at Kollupitiya, Police said. They said investigations had revealed that the two men had placed a cloth soaked in chloroform on the jwellery shop owner’s face and had robbed the shop no sooner he fell unconscious. The Pakistanis had been arrested at two separate motels in Kollupitiya last night and the stolen goods recovered. The suspects will be produced in Fort magistrate’s Court today.

Bro yes, I also see it as something well in the future. Like gibbs has mentioned many times, we both have much much to do in our own countries first.....same goes for CEPA. It will be up to SL for these timelines since its the smaller nation.

I just wonder what the split is in the population between those that are friendly to India, those that are neutral and pragmatic and those that are unfriendly.:unsure:
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