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India: Thousands dead due to floods in Uttarakhand, 70,000 missing

Uttarakhand floods: Delhi Metro asks employees to donate one-day salary

New Delhi: Extending a helping hand to victims of flash floods and incessant rains in Uttarakhand, the Delhi Metro officers will contribute one day's salary to a rescue and relief fund.

"Managing Director of DMRC, Mangu Singh has directed all its officers to contribute one day's salary for the affected people in Uttarakhand as a gesture to help the state to tide over the present calamity," a DMRC spokesperson said on Friday.

The organisation has also encouraged all non-executive staff members to contribute towards this effort on similar lines, the spokesperson said.

Currently, DMRC employs around 8,000 people, including 577 officers, who look after the daily operations and maintenance of the Delhi Metro spanning over 190 km.

The overall contribution thus collected, will be deposited with the SBI account opened by the Uttarakhand government for this purpose.

Uttarakhand floods: Delhi Metro asks employees to donate one-day salary | NDTV.com
Uttarakhand: pilgrims trekking to safety being looted en route

Uttarakhand: pilgrims trekking to safety being looted en route | NDTV.com

I can't believe in this situation some MFs doing this type of ****.

It happens everywhere, it is human nature. When law and order breaks down, some people will prey on the weak and loot and plunder from them. That is why armed forces are always sent in to assist civil authorities in times of large calamities, so that some semblence of law and order will be pressent (and of course, to rescue and evacuate those in need). During hurricane Katrina, there was large scale looting and plundering in New Orleans. Sometimes it is because of a survivalist mentality - people doing anything to survive, even at the expense of others. Sometimes it is sheer opportunism - robbing others when they know they can get away with it. Such people are present everywhere.
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