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India: Teenage Girl Raped Twice and Burned Alive in West Bengal

dude this is no dick measuring competition..which state has less which has more.....if this report had stated that gujarat or rajasthan or any other state has the most no. of rapes then i would have acknowledged that too....main thing is to curb it

its obvious that NCR, UP, Bihar, MP are also very badly affected by this problem...but as the report suggests ...most are happening in WB...atleast in delhi such incidents are getting reported now

@Jungibaaz @Manticore @nuclearpak @WebMaster please close this thread..rape threads are not allowed...its a defence forum...no need for such threads...

Most importantly they would have accepted that there is a problem and not call all victims Maoists and stuff. I still can't get over it....they set fire to the girl- and the cops try to make it suicide- to protect the men who raped TWICE- when the media is watching the whole thing!!
A horrific and shameful crime i have no word to describe my anger i have one request to the indian state to cut this barbaric criminals heads off like saudi arabiya.. There should be no appeal or mercy for these animals.. RIP poor girl
i have a question for some sensible indian members here , do you guys think that the nudity in your bollywood movies are playing some role to make peoples doing rapes ? ? because as far as i know that in 80's and early 90's the movies are not so bold and heroines are not exposed as they are today in movies what indians think about that ??

on topic , hang those who rape , RIP for poor girl .
no,it has nothing with bollywood....
90% have mobile in India,illiterate people watch **** and do these things(according to me )
And rapes have not increased in India but media is giving a lot of coverage these days which is a good sign.....
'in changed Bengal - KANYASHREE - a scheme introduced by CM to help young girls

no,it has nothing with bollywood....
90% have mobile in India,illiterate people watch **** and do these things(according to me )
And rapes have not increased in India but media is giving a lot of coverage these days which is a good sign.....

bro i believe that movies put a huge effect in peoples mentality , for example USA and hollywood movies against arabs and middle east , and project themselves that they are doing nothing wrong , plus giving them oscar make people curious to watch these movies .. that is also a bitter fact .. plus in bollywood movies nudity and showing of sexual material are getting bolder and bolder so it put some impact on uneducated peoples around worlds .. what do you think ?
bro i believe that movies put a huge effect in peoples mentality , for example USA and hollywood movies against arabs and middle east , and project themselves that they are doing nothing wrong , plus giving them oscar make people curious to watch these movies .. that is also a bitter fact .. plus in bollywood movies nudity and showing of sexual material are getting bolder and bolder so it put some impact on uneducated peoples around worlds .. what do you think ?
Yeah it may have a huge effect but not that much that people will start raping....
I dont know what part of bollywood you find bold,people here say that we dont watch bollywood movies because there is no sexual material in it.....
And people have acess to **** dude,EVEN CHILDREN OF 5TH AND 6TH STANDARDS WATCH **** THESE DAYS..........
Yeah it may have a huge effect but not that much that people will start raping....
I dont know what part of bollywood you find bold,people here say that we dont watch bollywood movies because there is no sexual material in it.....
And people have acess to **** dude,EVEN CHILDREN OF 5TH AND 6TH STANDARDS WATCH **** THESE DAYS..........

well i feel them bold if i compare to early bollywood movies ... item songs and etc ... there are countless movies , as far as i know indian culture is not much different as pakistan , bikini culture is still not so common in india as well ... correct me if i am wrong .
for bold part we have this issue but dont you think its something govt should do something about ?
Mods please close the thread. It solves no purpose whatsoever.
well i feel them bold if i compare to early bollywood movies ... item songs and etc ... there are countless movies , as far as i know indian culture is not much different as pakistan , bikini culture is still not so common in india as well ... correct me if i am wrong .
for bold part we have this issue but dont you think its something govt should do something about ?
Goverment could do nothing for this issue.......
Watching **** is not a bad thing,people have to change there mindset...............
If gov. will ban **** how people will learn things......
Goverment could do nothing for this issue.......
Watching **** is not a bad thing,people have to change there mindset...............
If gov. will ban **** how people will learn things......

bro in other words you are slow poisoning you society and destroying your own cultural values
bro in other words you are slow poisoning you society and destroying your own cultural values
India is one of the countries that has lowest no. of cases of rapes per capita......
India;s literacy rate is 75%,as the literacty rate will increase these things will automatically come down....
And i dont care about culture.....
bro i believe that movies put a huge effect in peoples mentality , for example USA and hollywood movies against arabs and middle east , and project themselves that they are doing nothing wrong , plus giving them oscar make people curious to watch these movies .. that is also a bitter fact .. plus in bollywood movies nudity and showing of sexual material are getting bolder and bolder so it put some impact on uneducated peoples around worlds .. what do you think ?

Dude, I think people's mentality has much more to do than these things. That way every bollywood movie shows crime and murder. We can't attribute these to movies and forgive the perpetrators.

bro in other words you are slow poisoning you society and destroying your own cultural values

Societal norms should be better- whether these things abound or not.
India is one of the countries that has lowest no. of cases of rapes per capita......
India;s literacy rate is 75%,as the literacty rate will increase these things will automatically come down....
And i dont care about culture.....

Actually, India has one of the lowest rates of 'reported' rapes. The culture of India is such that many violent sexual crimes are not considered rape because women are uneducated, or victims are Dalit women, or they are too scared or ashamed to report. Since police in many parts of India are incompetent thugs, most choose not to report.

There is an interesting study on reported sexual crimes in India: more men admit to COMMITTING sexual crimes than there are women reporting them. This tells you that rapes are hugely underreported. By some estimate, 90% of rapes go unreported.

Men Report Abusing More Frequently Than Women Report Abuse - India Real Time - WSJ

http://www.icrw.org/files/publications/Masculinity Study_WEB Version.pdf

Men Report Abusing More Frequently Than Women Report Abuse

Sajjad Hussain/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images
People held candles in solidarity with the young woman who was gang-raped and murdered in New Delhi in December 2012.
Men report committing sexual violence at a higher rate than women report experiencing it in some Indian states, according to a study on masculinity and intimate partner violence aimed at uncovering the extent of under reporting of abuse against women.

A growing number of women in urban India are coming forward to report sexual harassment to the authorities, but those living in rural parts of the country are still largely reluctant to report abuse. Overall, women’s rights groups say, the rate of abuse reported by the female population is an underestimate of the actual figure.

Researchers asked men taking part in the study whether they had perpetrated emotional, physical, or sexual violence against an intimate partner in the past 12 months. Women in the survey were asked whether they had experienced such violence at the hands of an intimate partner over the same period. The idea was to tease out reasons why women under report abuse by comparing their answers.

“Women don’t even recognize certain forms of sexual violence… they think it’s their role to have sex with their husband even if it’s coercive. They don’t even recognize the concept of marital rape,” said Priya Nanda of the International Center for Research on Women, a research organization that carried out field research among 9,205 men and 3,158 women in the age group 18 to 49 across seven Indian states at the end of 2012 in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund.

Marital rape is not prohibited under Indian law, despite campaigns by women’s groups to include it in legal reforms passed in 2013.

“The men who report that they have committed sexual violence break down and express guilt, but very often, they are products of violence and extreme social inequities themselves,” said Ms. Nanda. “We’re not excusing men for raping women, but it’s important to recognize the awful experiences they’ve been through,” she added.

The main reason that women don’t report violence is the social stigma attached to doing so, said Ms. Nanda. Her study, published in November, found that, on average, 31% of women reported experiencing violence at the hands of an intimate partner and 34% of men reported committing it in the last year.

The highest levels of reporting for both men and women were recorded in Orissa in eastern India.

In Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra, men were more likely to report carrying out violence against a partner than women were to report being abused, but in Orissa, Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan, the opposite was the case.

The study also found that men who had witnessed violence or discrimination against their sisters or mothers in their childhood internalize this and in some cases adopt “rigidly masculine” behaviors, including a preference for male children and tendency to carry out violence against an intimate partner. In Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Orissa, the proportion of rigidly masculine men is higher amongst those who witnessed discrimination as children, but in Punjab and Haryana the opposite is true.

Men’s ideas about masculinity need to be understood and reformed in order to change the traditional gender norms that lead to patriarchy and male dominance over women, according to the authors of the study. Men can have an influence on gender equality, said Ms. Nanda.

To challenge societal ideas of masculinity, the ICRW has started a program called Gender Equality Movement in Schools for children between the ages of 12 and 14. The GEMS curriculum, implemented in 250 schools in Mumbai, challenges ideas about societal roles of men and women and teaches boys why they should treat girls with respect, said Ms. Nanda.

“From the earliest age, boys get cues that if they cry they are sissies, not manly enough,” said Ms. Nanda, adding that the schools where the program has been implemented have reported more gender equitable relations between pupils.

“There is just not enough being done to change the thinking, attitudes and behaviors of men,” said Ms. Nanda, whose study finds that attempts to address gender equality and the preference for male children have tended to focus on women, but most often, men are the ones who influence women’s decisions and actions.

Programs such as GEMS are part of a concerted effort international nonprofits are making to engage men in the conversation about violence against women. “We are working with all men, including those who are the perpetrators of violence, to ensure that boys and men understand what gender equality and gender relations means,” said Babatunde Osotimehin, the executive director of the UNFPA.

The UNFPA also works with the police to ensure that they take reports of violence seriously, said Mr. Osotimehin. At monthly meetings the Delhi Police Commissioner organizes for the city’s police force, the UNFPA provides voluntary guidelines on how to improve gender-sensitivity training of police officers and safety for women in public places, he added.

Over a year since the brutal gang rape of a 23-year-old student on a moving bus in Delhi, the numbers reporting violence have increased. In Delhi, for example, 1,493 rapes were reported to police in the first 11 months of last year,more than double the number reported in the same period of 2012. Complaints of sexual harassment and other crimes against women have also risen sharply.

“In India, the cultural context prevents people from coming forward. But what has happened [in Dec. 2012] has really encouraged more people to begin to think about reporting violence against women,” said Mr. Osotimehin.

Follow Shanoor and India Real Time on Twitter @shanoorseervai and @WSJIndia.
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