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India Supporting Taliban-US Intel Official

beside all this Pakistan is not playing any role in destabilizing India because we haven't got enough time to waste with it! we have to focus on our interne problems n counter foreign involvements. we have diffrent problems but once we fix them obviously india have to pay for all that they have done in these last few years n then maybe i'll post a comment that you ask to me!
hope that one day peace returns in thgis region because war is not the solution but unfortunatly there r too much powers involved in all this...too much interests...

I understand my grave mistake now!!! I was thinking that india was an angel & Pakistan was the bad guy. But now I stand corrected. I was living in dark. Thanks for showing me the light!!!
you can't deny that India is not involved in all this!! in last few years India has done enough damage to Pakistan and have concieved many goals which it had failed to achieve in the past! my compliments to indians i'm not balming them because they have done all that was in their interest (and that of Israel too) and unfortunatly we haven't got an independent strong goverment yet n this is also the major cause of our problems to counter foreign terrorism besides the U.S. interests in this region also done their role against Pakistani interests but once we get a good goverment it would be easier to solve all these problems but the question is when would we have a decent goverment?! only by that time Pakistan will properly work for its own interest n maybe that would harm India so its not a single sided game! for this i stated that Idnia is not an angel like some people thinks! if i ofend u in any way then all my Apologize to you.
beside all this Pakistan is not playing any role in destabilizing India because we haven't got enough time to waste with it! we have to focus on our interne problems n counter foreign involvements. we have diffrent problems but once we fix them obviously india have to pay for all that they have done in these last few years n then maybe i'll post a comment that you ask to me!
hope that one day peace returns in thgis region because war is not the solution but unfortunatly there r too much powers involved in all this...too much interests...

You have been trying since the time of Zia-ul-Haq, in 1977. And been failing ever since.

The problem of Taliban was created by Pakistan and is affecting you. Indians hate Taliban as much as they hate LeT and ISI. We havent forgotten Kandahar, and how Taliban was involved. We dont "deal" with our enemies. No amount of pinning the blame on India, will change the reality you live in.
In regards to the starting post:

...India should close its diplomatic establishments in Afghanistan and get the Christ out of there.

Sorry, but no-one who grew up speaking American English would say that. The correct term is "Get the hell out of there." I have never heard that term before and it just sounds awkward and silly. When people invoke the name of the christian lord, it is usually because they see something terrible, or screwed something up. As in "Aww Christ, I locked my keys in the car again." Or, "Christ, that 12 gauge did a number on that guys face didn't it?" Whoever is claimed to have said that was not born in the US, and as such, would have a really hard time getting a Top Secret security clearance (Although it is doable), and is therefore, extremely unlikely to be a "US Intel Official". I don't know if the statement reflects the opinion of some US intel officer, but at the very least, he was heavily misquoted.
First of all if you turn out the point that Pakistan is trying to destabilize India from the period of Zia-ul-Haq then i must point out that India is trying to destroy/destabilize Pakistan in every way it can since the creation of Pakistan (more then 60 years) and it had failed in achieving it's major goals...infact we are still here n we are a Nuclear Power!
beside all this Pakistan had always being on the defencive position! we never tried to brake India (it's not because of us that you people have insurrengencies in diffrent part of India, it's cause of your internal problems!) .
Taliban were created by U.S. and have done a great job defeating Soviet Union! Pakistan only played an intermediate role...don't forget that once these Talibans were called national hereos by Americans n Now U.S. is doing the same mistake that Russians did in the past. on the other hand indians always supported Northern Alliance bcz of Russia n want to have there part in the conflict to gain importance in this region for this maybe Taliban hates India.
The facts are that India is supporting terrorists like it had always done in the past against Pakistan n you can't deny it if i'm wrong then why don't u just simply close all those consulates along the Pak-Afghan border n get out of Afghanistan??! the truth is that you are there only because of Pakistan indeed to help poor Afghans! so please don't act like a victim!
just stop with your meanless sarcasm! india is fully supportig terrorism in Pakistan using Afghanistan and the recent terrorist acts clearly demonstrate the indian intentions. your foreign minister statements shows indian poor attitude
The TTP is largely active in FATA and Swat. This is the distinction between the various groups that we have been pointing out on the FATA threads. The groups that are primarily active in Afghanistan are those of Mullah Nazri, Gul Bahadur, Hekmetyar, Haqqani etc. while Mehsud, Faqir Mohamed, Mullah Fazlullah etc. have primarily focused on fighting the PA. This is why US drone strikes are almost always in the territory of the above mentioned figures, and hardly ever directed at the TTP fighting in Pakistan.

The focus of the TTP on fighting the PA even led Mullah Omar to strongly denounce the TTP and ask it to not fight the PA but NATO forces in Afghanistan. India supporting these forces would have little blow back in Afghanistan directly.

The US has also pursued a strong strategic relationship with India, ostensibly to build a counterweight to China, steam rolling the 123 agreement through the NSG etc.

So no, the article does not 'defy logic'.

what took you so long ......

Not to mention that both TTP and LET came into being just before the ouster of Musharraf govt.
TTP and media were hand in hand in chaninging the regime and building anti Musharraf sentiment.
I was shouting at that time that media is presenting TTP as heroes!
Baitullah was also star of media and he too was brought in to the scene to destabalise Musharraf's govt.
Pakistan should Launch Air-Strikes against the Indian consulates operating in Afghanistan so that their support their terror activities should be stoped.
Pakistan should Launch Air-Strikes against the Indian consulates operating in Afghanistan so that their support their terror activities should be stoped.

You say that Indians cannot launch airstrikes against LeT bases in Pakistan but you can attack Indian consultates in Afghanistan. Speak of double-talk.

What are you, a US styled Big Brother to Afghanistan?
**** india

p.s. veggie indian defence attache born as broccoli and boom boomed as *** meat. Rumour has it that he flew in the air and had a great view of kabul, before gravity won
Pakistan should Launch Air-Strikes against the Indian consulates operating in Afghanistan so that their support their terror activities should be stoped.

Hold you horse geez. I can tell you that majority of Afghans will LOVE to have scuffle with you guys. You will not be able to maintian 2 years of war with us. Even Afghan and Pakistani Talibans will be on your case. :argh:

India is a great friend of Afghanistan and will remain till this world exist. Neither India nor Afghanistan need this BS of supporting terrorism, however, may be India would have more to loose than Afghanistan. Give it a few more years, you will be no peer to india (not that you are now), and India will be able to pull more strings and recourse to more tangible actions as to dettering you from supporting terrorists in Kashmir and the likes of terrorism as was the case of Mumbai.
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Hold you horse geez. I can tell you that majority of Afghans will LOVE to have scuffle with you guys. You will not be able to maintian 2 years of war with us. Even Afghan and Pakistani Talibas will on your case. :argh:

India is a great friend of Afghanistan and will remain till this world exist. Neither India nor Afghanistan need this BS of supporting terrorism, however, may be India would have more to loose than Afghanistan. Give it a few more years, you will be no peer to india (not that you are now), and India will be able to pull more strings and recourse to more tangible actions as dettering you from supporting terrorists in Kashmir and the likes of Mumbai.

You just take care of your war torn Khakistan which is in total doldrums. A complete s h i t hole marred by civil war. Your pathetic land is ruled by the Taliban and always will be. You frankly deserve it and no one feels sorry. We know how to defend our motherland. We fought three wars and still exist. We used your land as a proxy for our own gains. We exploited you because that's all you're worth. LOL We don't need any lesson from an Afghan extremist. A terrorist whose countrymen stay in our land like gypsies and beggars in refugee camps. You would like to scufle with us? LOLZ Wow, how many of you are there? Even if we piss on you we will beat you hands down. Your ragtag mercenary militia doesn't even know how to fire a rifle. Your ragtag militia army is no match for our 6th largest professional army in the world. We only need a couple of nukes to destroy your war torn crap hole and turn it into dust. You're a nobody. You don't represent anything and are totally irrelevant. You're only there to be abused and misused. You Afghans only know how to grow opium, beat up women and smoke hashish. The most backward and illiterate country on the face of this earth. The only country on this planet where cruel savages don't spare anyone.

We don't care about your relationship with India. India is only using Afghanistan for their own geopolitical needs like we did and still will. So are the Americans and the whole world. No one genuinely cares about your people or country. You will be used again and thrown away like a handkerchief. Heck, your people are butchered like cattle by your own warlords and the foreign forces on a daily basis. LOLZ Who the hell wants to be in that mud s h i t hole known as Afghanistan? A country marred by instability and ruled by drug warlords. Heck, I know many Dutch friend soldiers that don't want to be stationed in that crap hole. Everyone hates Afghanistan. A complete disaster where everything goes wrong. Your failed government made up of retired ragtag warlords forces them to stay. We will see who wins in the end though. One thing is sure, we will annihilate Khakistan when the time is right. We will destroy the sponsor of terror against Pakistan. Your dirty soil is being used against our land. Things are about to burst and you will bear the brunt. Mark my words Afghan extremist. You will feel the wrath of our missiles and nukes. Because of the nuisance known as Afghanistan the world today is suffering from terrorism. We will rid this world from Afghan terror. Afghanistan is a breeding ground for terrorists. Afghanistan is the most hated country on this planet. Due to Afghanistan, Pakistan is suffering from terrorism. I'm glad in a way that the Americans are waging their war in your despicable land. I hope we close our borders and send each and every Afghan traitor out of our land. You're not welcome in our land. You came begging in millions and we will kick you out very soon. It's time to purify Pakistan from the backstabbing terrorist druggie Afghans. You're not worth it Afghan terrorist.
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Man, chill out, Khakistan is there and will exist, if Khakistan remain Khakistan you will not move much ahead either and we will pull you from you legs. I am not giving you jack aas any advice, and I am also not asking you jack aas to feel sorry for me, fool. I don't care how many wars you fought, how many you lost, how many you surrendered and I don't care how you fight for you mother land, it's the last thing I would ask a Panjabi. We know what you are all about. You can only boast as much as you want about some poor refugees living in your country, or I may say Pakhukhwa, to make you feel good. But I guarantee you that the bad eye that you have casted on Afghans and Pakhtuns will haunt you. We believe in eye for an eye, and trust me that all this will not go away, Punjabi.

As for ragtag militia, it's deliberately kept as rag-tag if we ever wanted to fight you, then be assured that we can raise hundreds of thousands seasoned and potent guerilla warrior; the likes of Waziristan which slaughtered you. Prior to the Soviets, it were us who ACTUALLY DID THE BOMBARDMENT!!! WE DID BOMBARD PAKISTAN ON MANY OCASSIONS. You couldn't do anything, instead we Afghans still believe that a coward like you would not even flinched us had it not been for USA backing you and was constantly seeking to weaken previous pro-Soviet Afghan regimes. We fought the Soviet as nation unanimously and since then we have been the loosing side. We know it. Just like you regret so much of the past we also. Damn you couldn't even control Taliban then and you will not be able to contain them now!!! We were at our weakest then, Inshallah we will make a come back, after all we are known to be Afghans in the region. There were times when we used to stick carrots up your rear end, as elders in your family. You Panjabi didn't know what you played with and you don't know what you will expect from Afghans. Yes indeed the 30 years of war and upheaval made us even more backward, it's the price we paid for what we wanted, the soviets to be defeated. Now I am sure you would want to take all the credit for it.lol Rest assured you have more backward and uneducated people in your country than the entire Afghanistan. It led us to civil war and we are coming out of it while you're going to be mire in it.

What do you think India-Afghanistan relation or for that matter any country's relation with the other is? Its geo-political you dummy. There is no reason why India and Afghanistan should not have good relation, we were neighbors till 60 years ago (we still are, I think we have a few meters border near Kashmir) and we generally like Indians. Our relations are based on mutual gains and cooperation against you. That's why we Afghans are making sure that we send every single Talib back to their mother land Pakistan and cleanse ourself from the menance - there is not room for them in Afghanistan and there will never be any sort of Talibism any more. It was the biggest mistake of the Pakhtuns of Afghanistan in the civil war to have supported them. I have extended members of my family who were influential Taliban and todays they hate them. You deal with them and every is watching you great army to deal with them.

Hahahah You are wrong, if you are not a fool you would know that every one hates ****-stan the terrorist state. Every one knows that in our 14 years of struggle against the super power of the time, not even one Afghan committed a suicide or resorted to terrorism, it a completely ****-stani phenomenon. You cannot change this image of you, it will take decades to detach yourself from you terroristic identity throughout the world. Don't you watch the news you dummy? Terrorist snctuary Pakistan, neuclear being sold to Iran, N.Koria and Libya - Pakistan!? ISI - Taliban, Let, Kashmir, Mumbay - Pakistan and ISI! It is every where.

And the Dutch soldiers were complaining to you terrorist about Afghansitan. LMAO hahahaha!
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Man, chill out, Khakistan is there and will exist, if Khakistan remain Khakistan you will not move much ahead either and we will pull you from you legs. I am not giving you jack aas any advice, and I am also not asking you jack aas to feel sorry for me, fool. I don't care how many wars you fought, how many you lost, how many you surrendered and I don't care how you fight for you mother land, it's the last thing I would ask a Panjabi. We know what you are all about. You can only boast as much as you want about some poor refugees living in your country, or I may say Pakhukhwa, to make you feel good. But I guarantee you that the bad eye that you have casted on Afghans and Pakhtuns will haunt you. We believe in eye for an eye, and trust me that all this will not go away, Punjabi.

As for ragtag militia, it's deliberately kept as rag-tag if we ever wanted to fight you, then be assured that we can raise hundreds of thousands seasoned and potent guerilla warrior; the likes of Waziristan which slaughtered you. Prior to the Soviets, it were us who ACTUALLY DOING THE BOMBARDMENT!!! WE DID IT. You couldn't do anything, instead we Afghans still believe that a coward like would not eve flinched us had it not been to USA. We fought the Soviet as nation unanimously and since then we have been the loosing side. We know it. Just like you regret so much of the past we also. Yes indeed we the 30 years of war and upheaval made us even more backward, it's the price we paid for what we wanted, the soviets to be defeated. Now I am sure you would want to take all the credit for it.lol Rest assured you have more backward and uneducated people in your country than the entire Afghanistan. It led us to civil war and we are coming out of it while you're going to be mire in it.

What do you think India-Afghanistan relation or for that matter any country's relation with the other is? Its geo-political you dummy. There is no reason why India and Afghanistan should not have good relation, we were neighbors till 60 years ago (we still are, I think we have a few meters border near Kashmir) and we generally like Indians. Our relations are based on mutual gains and cooperation against you. That's why we are making sure that we send every single Talib back to their mother land Pakistan. You deal with them and every is watching you great army to deal with them.

Hahahah You are wrong, if you are not a fool you would know that every one hates ****-stan the terrorist state. Every one knows that in our 14 years of struggle against the super power of the time, not even one Afghanistan committed a suicide, it a completely ****-stani phenomenon. You cannot change this image of you, it will take decades to detach yourself from you terroristic identity throughout the world. Don't you watch the news you dummy? Terrorist snctuary Pakistan, neuclear being sold to Iran, N.Koria and Libya - Pakistan!? ISI - Taliban, Let, Kashmir, Mumbay - Pakistan and ISI! It is every where.

I'm more than chill Afghan extremist. I'm just merely pointing out the facts. You being a beggar got nothing to threaten Pakistan with. Heck, we fed you beggars for decades. How can backstabbing beggars even talk like that suddenly? LOL now Afghan beggars will pull Pakistan form its legs? Your country isn't even worth a nickel or a dime Afghan. That's some dose of reality right in your ugly face. How can you pull Pakistan from its legs being in such a pathetic state? We are a strong nuclear power that can erase your sorry a s s with a click on a button. You're literally non-existent as far as I'm concerned. So many Afghans displaced. You're just there for the taking. The Americans have come in and now own you. If they are gone we or other neighbouring countries will own you again. That's all you're there for I'm afraid. You will always be used by Iran, India, Pakistan, China, Russia, US etc. LOL Listen you Afghan terrorist, I'm not a Punjabi. I'm a Pukhtoon and half my family resides in that s h i t hole across the border where you come from. I hate your country and I hate your people. I don't care about my family either. You have ruined our city. You animals and thugs only survive on selling drugs. I don't ever want to visit my family in that s h i t hole. I don't want to ever be associated with Afghanistan where I unfortunately have my roots. You stupid moron, are you now going to teach me about Pukhtoon customs? Our Pakistani Pukhtoon customs aren't an eye for an eye like the terrorist Afghan customs. I know that you Afghans don't spare your women and slay them for honor. Those are your backward ancient outdated customs. You must be very proud you Afghan extremist.

LOL Stupid ragtag militias were deliberately kept that way? Do you know how stupid you sound? That's like saying that you want to stay backward and moronic which by the way doesn't surprise me. We can only expect such backwardness from an illiterate Afghan. You been sniffing that Afghan opium lately? That's an Afghan custom too isn't it? You cannot raise anything you fool. More than half of our Pakistan army consists of Pukhtoon jawaans. LOL Those are some stats for you stupid Afghan terrorist. We will defeat any barbaric terrorists whether they are own brothers or relatives in Waziristan, Swat or anywhere else. We won't spare them. Pakistan always comes first. You did the bombardment? LOL Cut the crap you silly Afghan. Your ragtag army cannot even wipe their rear ends. You're talking about bombardments you silly opium sniffer? Afghanistan is such a backward country that it has been misused by every country around the corner. Everyone has misused Afghanistan for their own gains. Iran, US, India, Pakistan, Russia, UK etc. LOL The most terrorist and illiterate country on the face of this earth where women are beaten up and used as sex slaves.

LOL You stupid Afghan, you have no relation with any country other than that of being exploited like a b i t c h for geopolitical gains. You're just a b i t c h in the neighbourhood. Hahaha, Afghanistan is a s h i t hole being blown to bits and pieces by the Americans and the coalition forces. Everyone hates stinky Afghanistan made out of mud and clay. It's a s h i t hole filled with terrorists that smoke drugs and exploit women and children. You call yourself human beings? You're worse than animals. You don't even spare your own. Fighting amongst your own tribes and killing each other like brutal savages. Those are your customs you s i l l y Afghan moron. You have had them for centuries. Afghans are suicide bombers and kill each other for seeking revenge. It's part and parcel of your culture to seek revenge from other tribes for betrayal and rivalry. For you it's fun. Afghanistan is the most shittiest and filthiest country on this planet where cockroaches like Taliban rule. Most Afghans agree and support the Taliban. Of course, you Afghan terrorists are sending in these suicide bombers with the help of India. Thanks for acknowledging that. However, that won't last any longer. We will squeeze your terrorist camps across the border. Even if we have to nuke your crap hole known as Khakistan. You're a lost cause and there is no future left in that s h i t hole Khakistan. We are going to end your misery. Just wait and see you Afghan terrorist. We will nuke you back to the stone age. You opium sucking junk LOLZ. Of course, we make money by selling our nuke secrets. We share our nuke secrets with Iran because we would like them to become stronger. You on the other hand are a failed banana republic ruled by brutal religious fanatics. Your country is an utterly failed state with no future in sight. Your future is drugs, fighting and finally non-existence. Choke on that you Afghan extremist. LOLZ

Hahaha, Dutch soldiers are making fun of Afghans on their blogs about how dirty and backward your country is. They are regretting to be there. Everyone hates Afghanistan. Afghan life is worthless and you're being butchered by American and the coalition soldiers. How can you even live knowing that? Shame on you! The whole world knows that Afghanistan allowed Osama bin Laden to stay in their country. That's exactly the reason why the world decimated and took apart Afghanistan right after 9/11. Afghanistan is the home base of terrorists. Whether we get rid of our image is one thing, but your very existence is in doubt. You're now American property. LOLZ
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Is that the best you can try - so called Mr Pakhtun? Hahaha Listen, I am not going engage you in abuses and you can try your best to showcase your pathetic Punjabi cowadism on display here. Its you who is more or less pathetic and sound like and ISI terrorist. Weldone you moron, self consfested terrorist, eh?hahaha Don't worry you are locked to your east with India and west with us and Iran hates your gutts. We have 6 neighbours unlike you and Palastine, and don't worry about my future, I will survive as I have survived, its never the worst as it is now! You dumb so called Pakhtun, (hahaha I have never seen a self-hating Pakhtun and who hates his origin and Afghanistan, only Pnajabis hate themselves and claims to be other races and ethnicities lol - Pakhtuns no matter what will be always proud!!!) can't evevn foresee his own future and yet you are worries about Afghanistan. You don't know what a deep sh!t your country is in! You are not in your senses. You can't do jack, you cannot even deal with Taliban now, let alone anything else!

What exactly can you do then.

I think you numb-heah little online soldier should educate yourself about Afghan air force ****-stan terretories right even up to president Najib's time. Neither Afghanistan nor India is supporting terrorists, only and only Pakistani and ISI have that knack and they do it well, after all that's what they are specialised in. No one knows Afghanistan as a terrotists state but Pakistan. The most recent term is crucible of terrorism. Every one officially knows you as terrorists and a terrorism sponsored state, I am afraid you cannot impart that well attained title on to others. You deserve it and it's yours no matter what!

You shouldn't be comparing yourself with Afghanistan, Afghanistan went through 30 years of war. Yet it still has more money in reserve than the largest beggar stat of Porkistan. Hahahaha And by the way more aid was given to ****-stan than Afghanistan. lol Stop ranting you little ******. I will thump up you little greasy head up you backside if you remotely open that trap in my face, or any Afghan will do that to you. You say that to them in Hollad and see what they will do to you.LOL

There is not much difference among Pakhtuns, there are more Pakhtun in in the FATA and, Baluchistan and NWFP who belive in eye for an eye than in Afghanistan. You will be haunted one day.

So what exactly can you do then Mr. Self confested terrorit? Eh you coward?
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