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India successfully tests Nirbhay cruise missile

I seriously doubt it is nuclear capable.. Can anyone clarify?? @kurup @acetophenol @sandy_3126 @sancho @Abingdonboy
Since 2005 cruise missile BABUR has been inducted into Pakistan’s Army Strategic Force Command.Pakistan tested its 450km range, air-launched cruise missile Raad in August 2007 which is now part of its Air Force Strategic Command.
India is lagging and desperately needed a nuclear capable cruise missile since then..Nirbhay’s ALCM and SLCM versions are recognised as highly survivable nuclear warhead delivery systems by India’s Strategic Forces Command (SFC).. Last two tests of nirbhay will be done in Su30mki and arihant for this purpose..
Brahmos cannot be used because of under the MTCR.. Also range is a matter..
Short-sighted on nuclear policy
Nuclear bombs carried by fighters are not a credible 2nd strike capability.. So we want long range cruise missiles for doing that job.. Nirbhay is the answer..
Strategic Command to acquire 40 nuclear capable fighters - Hindustan Times
Almost any missile can be fitted with a nuclear warhead, as long as the warhead package itself is small enough for the missile warhead envelop. This literally is NO rocket science, just a few minor tweaks and you have a 'nuclear capable' missile.

Having said that,fyi the question is, will Nirbhay EVER be used with a nuclear warhead? Almost certainly not. ALL subsonic cruise missiles are way....way.....way easier to intercept. Therefore, I'd recommend not to hold your breath if it's never ever armed with a non-coventional warhead.
Nirbhays primary role recognized as a credible second strike wepon.. Nirbhay with conventional warhead is actually a derivative of this program..
Then why using subsonic??
Answer is size matters.. Long range supersonic means big size.. India not have strategic bombers so a compact subsonic cruise missile is necessary for fighter aircrafts .. Also even USA used subsonic cruise missiles for nuclear roles( now not using any)..
Interception is not a matter as subsonic cruise missile that remains stealthy( smaller &lighter) due to terrain hugging flight-profile and is capable of navigating via several waypoints to avoid static & mobile AAA systems.[we also have a 600 km range nuclear capable supersonic LRCM project running parallel]
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No.. such slow cruise missiles can be easily intercepted

Slow missile can be easily intercepted but this one (Nirbhay) has a capability of flying very low at tree top Height coupled with stealth features. It will require a powerful Radar placed at a height (Aerostar like system).
A hypersonic long range missile is must for us not subsonic nirbhay.

if we fire the missile must destroy the enemy @$$es destroying their air defence. we need HSTDV.

This has hardly anything to do with 'sonicity'

the cruise missiles give us unprecedented opportunity to strike at will ...
there are hardly any defence against cruise missile like Nirbhay which has loitering capability ...

why compare it with HSTDV for just for speed sake ?

off course HSTDV is a futuristic project ...and no country today has proven , operational Hypersonic long range missile .

Nirbhay along with brahmos is going to be weapon weapon in our missile inventory for next few decades ...

It's importance can't neither be overemphasized nor be belittled vis a vis Hypersonic long range weapon system !
After the Nirbhay is successful, we sould work on 2,000 KM range version of Nirbhay.
The bomb in the pic has dia of 1 feet and length of around 6 feet.

can be allocated inside huge nirbhay.

One of the nuke tested in Pokharan 2 had yield of 0.5 KT, it could be miniaturised nuke.
What attribute qualifies a missile as "nuclear capable"??

" Nuclear capable missile" is a ' news ' perpetuated by sensationalistic journalism

any missile can be technically configured or tweaked to be nuclear capable !!!

There are no specific attributes if Nuclear capable missiles because there is no such classification ...

since the smallest nuclear warheads ever manufactured or tested weigh as small as 25 kg ....any missile which can carry such or similar warhead and can ensure safe delivery of ' package' after re-entry ( in case of ballistic missiles )

For example Pakistan's short range missile - " Nasr " which has range of just 60 km can carry warhead of about upto 5 kiloton ..and therefore is also nuclear capable ....

The only attribute - if at all, should be " ability to deliver its package at its intended target ' safely ' "

But then again it is such a ' loose ' criteria ...

so " nuclear " prefix adds only some spice to missile's capability ....

ICBMs are however are specifically intended for strategic purpose and they are armed with nuclear warhead by default ...

Using a million dollar ICBM to deliver conventional warhead - does not make ' economic ' sense ...

but as illustrated - range can hardly be considered as attribute for missile to be considered as " nuclear capable "

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