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India successfully launched Resourcesat-2, X-sat and Youthsat

We have to perfect the GSLV technology. There are many glitches in the GSLV in addition to the cryogenic engine which we need to iron out. They should make a two stage rocket with second stage being cryogenic engine. This will reduce the cost of launching a full fledge rocket + satellite and the engine can be tested for the performance. If it works then launch GSLV with this engine.
Me I don`t hate pakistanis or chinese.I have many chinese friends and pakistanis!they are all nice people!my parents always tell me to be friends with chinese and pakistanis because they have are good and smart and they are helpful people and trustworthy my parents tell me that!and to stay away from americans.Even some indo-americans are bad as hell!Because of american mentality

and my parents tell me to respect all countries and culture .. coz after all we all are human.
though we belongs to different countries and religion but we all have same kinda feeling and basic of all religion is same .. live together with love and peace..........
and my parents tell me to respect all countries and culture .. coz after all we all are human.
though we belongs to different countries and religion but we all have same kinda feeling and basic of all religion is same .. live together with love and peace..........

mine too.And they dont go against any other religion if we see a church we also go there or mosque is my spelling right?although we are sikhs I still respect islam and christianity.:offtopic:
mine too.And they dont go against any other religion if we see a church we also go there or mosque is my spelling right?although we are sikhs I still respect islam and christianity.:offtopic:

Iam a Hindu by birth but i have visited, Church, Gurudwara (frequently), Mosque apart from Temple !!
Iam a Hindu by birth but i have visited, Church, Gurudwara (frequently), Mosque apart from Temple !!

Sorry forgot about hindu temples.I really hate people who judge other people by religion.I dont judge like that.ok back to the topic hehehe
Congrats to ISRO!


Now from April we have a launch at every month in May, June, July. :chilli:
So far... no word on whether the satellites are actually in orbit and working
I saw that one before. But no word from say Singapore saying their satellite is in the proper orbit and working.

I also find it really strange how Indians can be like "Yeah those Russian blew up our rocket with their cryogenic engines -- next time we want our own indigenous cryogenic engines" at the same time on other threads you guys are like "Yeah Russia is the best; T-50 is the best stealth fighter ever!"
I saw that one before. But no word from say Singapore saying their satellite is in the proper orbit and working.
I also find it really strange how Indians can be like "Yeah those Russian blew up our rocket with their cryogenic engines -- next time we want our own indigenous cryogenic engines" at the same time on other threads you guys are like "Yeah Russia is the best; T-50 is the best stealth fighter ever!"

actually satellite is under my bed,how can it be in orbit??:lol:
if u can find it then u can...it is still under my bed
I saw that one before. But no word from say Singapore saying their satellite is in the proper orbit and working.

I also find it really strange how Indians can be like "Yeah those Russian blew up our rocket with their cryogenic engines -- next time we want our own indigenous cryogenic engines" at the same time on other threads you guys are like "Yeah Russia is the best; T-50 is the best stealth fighter ever!"

First make sure what you want to say :lol::lol:

Try some news website from Singapore not from India for their satellite

And i guess news is about all three satellites thats automatically include their satellite also :agree:
So far... no word on whether the satellites are actually in orbit and working

Do you have an antenna up your A!! that you would receive signal from the satellites?
News papers have reported that all satellites are working properly
Do you have an antenna up your A!! that you would receive signal from the satellites?
News papers have reported that all satellites are working properly

Either its hard for him to digest the success of ISRO or He wants to derail the thread with usual TROLLING
ISRO Press release

April 25, 2011

PSLV-C16 Flight Successful: RESOURCESAT-2, YOUTHSAT and X-SAT Satellites Functioning Satisfactorily

In its 17th consecutive successful flight, Indias Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C16) injected three Satellites viz. RESOURCESAT-2, YOUTHSAT and X-SAT (of Nanyang Technical University, Singapore) into their intended Polar Sun-synchronous orbits on April 20, 2011 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC), Sriharikota. All the three satellites were placed in the targeted orbits with high precision.

The orbital parameters achieved by PSLV-C16 while injecting the primary Satellite RESOURCESAT-2 were as follows:

Orbital Parameter Specification Targeted Achieved by PSLV- C16
Perigee 815 + 20 km 808.6 km
Apogee 821 + 20 km 815.6 km
Orbital Inclination 98.72 + 0.2 degree 98.77 degree

With the precise injection of the RESOURCESAT-2 Satellite, about 20 kg of the fuel allocated for the probable dispersions in injection could be saved. This would help in enhancing the operational life of the Satellite. :yahoo:


Immediately after the injection of the satellite, the two solar panels were deployed. The three Imaging Cameras have been oriented towards Earth. All operations and health checks required prior to switching on the three Imaging Cameras have been satisfactorily completed.

Orbital trimming manoeuvre was conducted successfully on April 22, 2011, and RESOURCESAT-2 is now placed in the final orbital configuration in a sun-synchronous polar orbit with perigee of 813 km; apogee of 825 km and inclination of 98.78 degree.

Operation of the Imaging cameras is scheduled to commence on April 28, 2011. The first imaging pass on April 28th is expected to cover about 3000 km stretch of Indian landmass from JOSHIMUT (in Uttarakhand) to KANNUR (in Kerala).


The health of YOUTHSAT is normal. The two Indian payloads viz. Limb Viewing Hyperspectral Imager (LiVHySI) and Radio Beacon for Ionospheric Tomography (RaBIT) have been switched on. Their performance is satisfactory. On April 29, 2011, the Russian payload, Solar Radiation Experiment (SOLRAD) will be switched-on.

Tracking, Control, Command and Data Reception of RESOURCESAT-2 and YOUTHSAT

The control and commanding operations for RESOURCESAT-2 and YOUTHSAT satellites are being carried out from ISROs Telemetry Tracking and Command Network Centre (ISTRAC), located at Bangalore, connected to a network of ground stations at Lucknow, Mauritius, Biak (Indonesia), Svalbard (North Pole) and Troll (South Pole). The Earth Station of National Remote Sensing Centre at Shadnagar (near Hyderabad) has been geared up for RESOURCESAT-2 data reception on April 28, 2011.

Payload data from YOUTHSAT is being processed at the Indian Space Science Data Centre at Bylalu, (near Bangalore).


It has been reported by Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore; that the health of the satellite and the performance of the various on-board sub-systems are normal. :tup:

Welcome To ISRO :: Press Release :: April 25, 2011

Resourcesat-2 to send pics from Thursday.
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