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India successfully launched Resourcesat-2, X-sat and Youthsat

Same as the accusation that Chinese equipment resemble this resemble that. People even say the J-20 resemble the F-22 (even though they are so different). Complicated machines cannot really be copied.

lol google j11 then google su 27
Youthsat developed by youths.


YOUTHSAT is a joint Indo-Russian stellar and atmospheric satellite mission with the participation of students from Universities at graduate, post graduate and research scholar level. With a lift-off mass of 92 kg, Youthsat is a mini satellite and the second in the Indian Mini Satellite (IMS) series. Youthsat mission intends to investigate the relationship between solar variability and thermosphere-Ionosphere changes. The satellite carries three payloads, of which two are Indian and one Russian. Together, they form a unique and comprehensive package of experiments for the investigation of the composition, energetics and dynamics of earth's upper atmosphere.
The Indian payloads are:

RaBIT (Radio Beacon for Ionospheric Tomography)- For mapping Total Electron Content (TEC) of the Ionosphere.

LiVHySI (Limb Viewing Hyper Spectral Imager) - To perform airglow measurements of the Earth's upper atmosphere (80- 600 km) in 450-950 nm.

The Russian payload:

SOLRAD (Solar Radiation) - For monitoring the solar X- and gamma ray fluxes and to study solar cosmic ray flux parameters and conditions of their penetration in the Earth's magnetosphere.
GSLV launch by first half of next year. They have tested some turbojets on tuesday for the GSLV.
Congratulations to our dear neighbour India. Hope we see more Asian successes in the near future. :cheers:

And I hope in the future we asians work together rather than hating each other.Thats the only reason why west is advance because of unity.We need that here in asia.I really wish Pakistan-India-China problem stops
And I hope in the future we asians work together rather than hating each other.Thats the only reason why west is advance because of unity.We need that here in asia.I really wish Pakistan-India-China problem stops

True, our common enemy is the West, they would never allow the rise of a strong China or a strong India which would naturally diminish their global dominance.
True, our common enemy is the West, they wouldn't allow the rise of a strong China or a strong India which would naturally diminish their global dominance.

And I would really want the wests dominance to drop.Honestly as of now I only see a strong china.China is the main obstacle for the west and countries like India russia japan are like back up.The only problem is when one country achieves something they brag about it rather than helping the others this also goes to Indians.I know pakistan china india dont trust each other yet.But japan and US were enemies during WWII look at them now.nothing is impossible when it comes to friendship and trust It can be gained
True, our common enemy is the West, they wouldn't allow the rise of a strong China or a strong India which would naturally diminish their global dominance.

We do not consider west as our enemy. Our only enemy is Pakistan. China is a strategic rival and competitor. West can be a ally.
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