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India successfully launched Resourcesat-2, X-sat and Youthsat

I saw that one before. But no word from say Singapore saying their satellite is in the proper orbit and working.

I also find it really strange how Indians can be like "Yeah those Russian blew up our rocket with their cryogenic engines -- next time we want our own indigenous cryogenic engines" at the same time on other threads you guys are like "Yeah Russia is the best; T-50 is the best stealth fighter ever!"

chill dude.. I am studying at NTU. and as far as I know, Xsat is working properly. My professor is one of the guys working on data collection from the satellite.
Sorry I am late in this thread; but one thing for sure;
Congratz Indians..
by the way the look of your shuttle is mostly different from the conventional Russian-originated designs...ths time the strap-on rockets are smaller & thus the main thrusters resides within the missile body...so ISRO is now going for some US stuff..
Sorry I am late in this thread; but one thing for sure;
Congratz Indians..
by the way the look of your shuttle is mostly different from the conventional Russian-originated designs...ths time the strap-on rockets are smaller & thus the main thrusters resides within the missile body...so ISRO is now going for some US stuff..

Which shuttle are you talking about, did I miss something? I guess you are not talking abt PSLV.
Sorry I am late in this thread; but one thing for sure;
Congratz Indians..
by the way the look of your shuttle is mostly different from the conventional Russian-originated designs...ths time the strap-on rockets are smaller & thus the main thrusters resides within the missile body...so ISRO is now going for some US stuff..

What "US stuff" is India using?
Which shuttle are you talking about, did I miss something? I guess you are not talking abt PSLV.

I meant no offence; yes I was talking about PSLV it has no strap on rockets which mostly Russian incorporates in their design. Compare this with this :
Now regarding the Resourcesat-2
this has markable resemblance with Proton M
I meant no offence; yes I was talking about PSLV it has no strap on rockets which mostly Russian incorporates in their design. Compare this with this :
Now regarding the Resourcesat-2
this has markable resemblance with Proton M

I think you are confused. PSLV has varinats and based on that strapon boosters. read on

PSLV (Operational)
The standard version of the PSLV has four stages using solid and liquid propulsion systems alternately and six strap-on boosters. It currently has capability to launch 1,678 kg to 622 km into sun synchronous orbit.

PSLV-CA (Operational)
The PSLV-CA, CA meaning "Core Alone", model premiered on April 23, 2007. The CA model does not include the six strap-on boosters used by the PSLV standard variant. Two small roll control modules and two first stage motor control injection tanks were still attached to the side of the first stage.[2] The fourth stage of the CA variant has 400 kg less propellant when compared to its standard version.[2] It currently has capability to launch 1,100 kg to 622 km sun synchronous orbit.[3]

PSLV-XL (Operational)
PSLV-XL is the uprated version of ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle in its standard configuration boosted by more powerful, stretched strap-on boosters.[2] Weighing 320 tonnes at lift-off, the vehicle uses larger strap-on motors (PSOM-XL) to achieve higher payload capability. PSOM-XL uses larger 13.5m, 12 tonnes of solid propellants instead of 9 tonnes used in the earlier configuration of PSLV.
PSLV-HP (Under development / Proposed)
As reported on the website of The New Indian Express newspaper (April 26, 2007), PSLV project director N Narayanamoorthy spoke of another version being planned called the PSLV-HP, standing for ‘high performance.’ It will have improved strap-ons motors,[3] and the payload capability will be raised to 2000 kg.[3] The HP version will be used to launch a constellation of seven navigation satellites between 2010 and 2012. Among other things, the efficiency of the stage 4 engine will be improved in this version.
PSLV-3S (Under development / Proposed)
ISRO is also considering the development of a three-stage version of the rocket without six strap-on boosters (with the second stage of the four-stage version removed) which will be capable of placing 500 kg to LEO.[3][6]

Based on th emission requirements, ISRO decides which variant to use in launch.
PSLV-3S (Under development / Proposed)
ISRO is also considering the development of a three-stage version of the rocket without six strap-on boosters (with the second stage of the four-stage version removed) which will be capable of placing 500 kg to LEO.
So you see ISRO IS going for some US designs...wth minimum strap-ons..
So you see ISRO IS going for some US designs...wth minimum strap-ons..

what are u trying to say?? That we use either russian or US designs..and we dont have the capability to design our own rockets..

Variant Launches Successes Failures Partial failures Remarks
PSLV (Standard) 11 9 1 1
PSLV-CA (Core Alone) 6 6 0 0 Launched 10 satellites in one go.
PSLV-XL (Extended) 1 1 0 0 Launched Chandrayaan I.

16 successful launches- 41 satellites in space and still pakistanis refuse to believe our indigenious capablity to launch satellites...what do u think ISRO is?-SUPARCO?
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