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India stands with Isreal

we're as blind as a bat as far as religion is concerned and that's the reason for the popularity of islamic jehadi terrorists . So keep your truth to yourself.

There...corrected it for you. we stand with Israel because we too have faced Islamic jehadi scum and we know how brutal these Islamic terrorists are. But you didn't answer my question about your silence on the persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh. Double standards eh?
ok another question...why are you silent on the persecution of Ahmadis in Pakistan and killings of Shias in Iraq? Those poor creatures...how they are suffering and you are not saying anything. Not fair T-Rex.
You're as blind as a bat as far as religion is concerned and that's the reason for the popularity of hindu terrorists like the BJP leaders in india. So. keep your lies to yourself.
My question to you - what is wrong with you? Why do you use that ugly color and font? Are you 8 years old trying to colorize everything

I do not think that anybody will take you seriously with that shit smearing in your post.
My question to you - what is wrong with you? Why do you use that ugly color and font? Are you 8 years old trying to colorize everything

I do not think that anybody will take you seriously with that shit smearing in your post.

Hmmm, we can see that acceptance of what others choose isn't one of your virtues. I'm not going to ask you how old you are but I can tell you this much, it isn't a very mature attitude. Usually small kids feel this way and thanks for showing your great concern for my posts, I think I can manage without your humanitarian assistance.
I am sure you meant Gandhi....Mahatma gandhi. :)
Ghandi or Feroze Ghandi is Rahul Gandhi's grand dad who changed his name to Gandhi after his dad in law, Mr.Nehru forced him.

Yes India always supported Palestine for humanitarian reasons. Not so long back India was very vocal about Israeli atrocities.Then Israel started supplying us the arms to fight against Pakistan and India decided to seal its mouth.So you see Pakistan is the reason behind all this (Kidding!! :D)

India has to balance its relations with 2 of its friends who are each other's foes.I heard India has recently voted for an investigation against Israel during UN meet.
And guess what? this wont hurt India's relationship with Israel at all.
Indian-Israeli relationship is pretty much under wraps...."pardeh ke peche" should be apt here.

Those Indians who do not Support Israel should Go to UAE :angry:

Israel sells radars to India for India's jets and warships. India has to support Israel or Israel says SANCTIONS :sick:
I am With Israel........................:agree:, But

Hamas should 1st stop killing innocent Israel people or launching rockets on Israel.

Also I am very clear, Israel don't have license to kill innocent people. They have rights to kill terrorists but not child or innocent people.

Israel should stop killing child and plan very carefully against hamas and kill them.:tup:
Pro-Israel demonstrators -


Pro-Palestine demonstrators -


I guess it is clear why we stand with Israel.
Israel Fed india to watch over Pakistan threat ..
and they have a very strong bond of massacring innocents and than crying as victims

Just type "Sheikh Ahmad Adwan" in Google for more info...

Israel Fed india to watch over Pakistan threat ..
and they have a very strong bond of massacring innocents and than crying as victims

How do you justify Hamas/Palestinean rebels using civilians (women, children, wounded, old) as human shields and
then blaming Israel for killing civilians/targeting civilian areas? Hamas are terrorists. No point in portraying them as heroes, unless you want to make a fool out of yourself. And the people (Palestineans/Gazans) who support such terrorists have a price to pay - although it seems now they have no option but to do what Hamas say because Hamas are just like anyother
terrorist group - they will kill the civilians if they don't obey...

Just type "Sheikh Ahmad Adwan" in Google for more info...

How do you justify Hamas/Palestinean rebels using civilians (women, children, wounded, old) as human shields and
then blaming Israel for killing civilians/targeting civilian areas? Hamas are terrorists. No point in portraying them as heroes, unless you want to make a fool out of yourself.

i never justify anything ...... who give license to Israel to kill innocent civilians ? if they have so much balls why dont they launch a ground operation on first day ? after clearing civilian areas ? whole GAZA is in under there watch ...
Israel sells radars to India for India's jets and warships. India has to support Israel or Israel says SANCTIONS :sick:

well India always keep away from Israeli politics and always shows their favour to Palestine's ..even the Last Poll in UN is the example

but Israel never sanctioned India ..even they pressed the Americans to ease the Sanctions when we tested our thermo nuke device

hope you cleared
i never justify anything ...... who give license to Israel to kill innocent civilians ? if they have so much balls why dont they launch a ground operation on first day ? after clearing civilian areas ? whole GAZA is in under there watch ...

Who gave license to Hamas to fire rockets onto Israel ?? As per that Scholar, Israel is for Jews.

For Israel, the lives of their own civilians, or that of their own existence is more important than the lives of Hamas/Gazans
who are forever trying to destroy/kill the Jews.

I say, the Gazans should kick out or kill the Hamas. Then everything will be at peace.
Who gave license to Hamas to fire rockets onto Israel ?? As per that Scholar, Israel is for Jews.

For Israel, the lives of their own civilians, or that of their own existence is more important than the lives of Hamas/Gazans
who are forever trying to destroy/kill the Jews.

lolz no land is given to them ... plus can you tell us how many Isareli people died since this conflict start? and how many Palestine peoples died so farr? do you even know how many kids and women they blow up ?? you are justifying their brutality .. any human can not do that ..
lolz no land is given to them ... plus can you tell us how many Isareli people died since this conflict start? and how many Palestine peoples died so farr? do you even know how many kids and women they blow up ?? you are justifying their brutality .. any human can not do that ..

I don't argue with people who find nothing wrong in Hamas using women/children as human shields, but scream and
shout when Israel does the needful. Anyway, don't you have enough problems in your own country, why is there a
need to worry about Gaza.

India is content with ops in Kashmir, you should be content with ops in NWZ...at most you can do a peaceful demonstration
praying for the safety of people in Gaza, but stop ranting about what Israel does in their own backyard, it's none of your
business, or anyone else's for that matter.
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