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India speaks to Pakistan about Hindu persecution

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sorry kid being an MBA graduate doesnt automatically make me a fckin statistician. . .

how many poor are in india?

as far as i know, the poor in india are like 6 times the ENTIRE population of Pakistan....so again, that's plenty of mouthes and toilets for you to focus on. No need for you to worry about us.

1) You need to check your facts and figures before you post.
2) Poor is relative term, poverty is not.
3) Indian population itself is 6.6 times that of Pakistan.. so again if we have 6 times as many poor as entire Pakistani population then there is no room for middle class and the elite.
4) We are focusing on our poverty, that is why it is steady decline, that is more than you can say for yourselves.
im not a religious fanatic..........in fact far from it, unfortunately

i do belong to a Shiia family though and dont need some shmuck to speak on my behalf :lol:

good for you but your posts don't show that impression or you are an delusional Hippocrate crying about muslims when in pure land itself more green blood is ruthlessly flown from green hands than by anyone else
good for you but your posts don't show that impression or you are an delusional Hippocrate crying about muslims when in pure land itself more green blood is ruthlessly flown from green hands than by anyone else

sorry....it still pales in comparison to your caste system

sectarian violence in Pakistan saw its peak in 1990s (a tumultuous period post cold war and post Iran revolution) then it slowed down...lately because the TTP has aligned with the sectarian groups to wage war on Pakistani State, the sectarian groups are gaining some tread nowdays; social media and ease of access to propaganda make things a bit more difficult

it's a historic conflict but the masses dont buy into it......only a small minority actually buy into this sectarian crap, but the media gives them attention and importance. I still think the hindu caste system is a hell of a lot more deep routed than any Sunni or Shiia emphasis in Pakistan.

Shiias and Sunnis pray side by side.......can dalits enter any temple or drink from any fountain? can their kids go to any schools in the rural areas?

so --- AGAIIIINNNNNNNN (this is getting so repetitive) :

clean up your own house and dont worry about minorities in Pakistan when plenty of persecution of minorities goes on unabated in hindustan (including abuse of your own fellow low caste hindus)
sorry....it still pales in comparison to your caste system

No...Apology rejected :)

Shiias and Sunnis pray side by side.......can dalits enter any temple or drink from any fountain? can their kids go to any schools in the rural areas?
Yes and Yes.. You have no clue.. Do you?

clean up your own house and dont worry about minorities in Pakistan when plenty of persecution of minorities goes on unabated in hindustan
This I agree.. But what's the fun of being a neighbor if you cant laugh at your neighbor's misfortune. ;)
sorry....it still pales in comparison to your caste system

sectarian violence in Pakistan saw its peak in 1990s (a tumultuous period post cold war and post Iran revolution) then it slowed down...lately because the TTP has aligned with the sectarian groups to wage war on Pakistani State, the sectarian groups are gaining some tread nowdays; social media and ease of access to propaganda make things a bit more difficult

it's a historic conflict but the masses dont buy into it......only a small minority actually buy into this sectarian crap, but the media gives them attention and importance. I still think the hindu caste system is a hell of a lot more deep routed than any Sunni or Shiia emphasis in Pakistan.

Shiias and Sunnis pray side by side.......can dalits enter any temple or drink from any fountain? can their kids go to any schools in the rural areas?

so --- AGAIIIINNNNNNNN (this is getting so repetitive) :

clean up your own house and dont worry about minorities in Pakistan when plenty of persecution of minorities goes on unabated in hindustan (including abuse of your own fellow low caste hindus)

1.dalits are historically deprived but are gaining power slowly .
2. day to day massacre of dalits don't happen in india as with shias in pak.
3.shia killing is your state policy to bind people as started by mr zia

In 1988, Zia ul-Haq dispatched a huge army of 80,000 extremists to Shia-populated Gilgit region to annihilate the Shias. Adjacent villages such as Jalalabad, Bonji, Darot, Jaglot, Pari, and Manawar were razed to the ground and over 700 Shia Muslims were massacred. According to a Herald report “In May 1988, low-intensity political rivalry and sectarian tension ignited into full-scale carnage as thousands of armed tribesmen from outside Gilgit district invaded Gilgit along the Karakoram Highway. Nobody stopped them. They destroyed crops and houses, lynched and burnt people to death in the villages around Gilgit town. The number of dead and injured was put in the hundreds. But numbers alone tell nothing of the savagery of the invading hordes and the chilling impact it has left on these peaceful valleys.

Simultaneously, Zia ul-Haq tasked Pakistan intelligence agency ISI with monitoring the activities of Shia organizations all over the country lest the Shia Muslims would be empowered in the wake of the advent of the Iranian Revolution in 1979.

PressTV - Carnage of Shia Muslims in Pakistan

I'm REPEATING again so that you understand and get out of your delusion


5.we can change things like caste sytem and others..... how will you change hatred inherited in your purest ideology ??how will you change your jihadist mentality to kil and hate others ?
something about General Zia?? The man's been dead decades!

what had to be said was said.......delusional idiots from the dear neighbour country who point fingers without introspecting and looking within were put in their place.

@ Mods --- thread out-lived its utility; time to take the trash out
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